Choosing an ointment for healing postoperative sutures

Update date: 07/20/2020 12:35:20 127641 Share:

Author: Boris Levitin

*Review of the best according to the editors of About the selection criteria. This material is subjective in nature, does not constitute advertising and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before purchasing, consultation with a specialist is required.

It's no secret that there are people who even like scars, and in modern shocking beauty salons there is even a special service called scarification. But still, such “beauty” is not understandable to everyone, and most people attribute scars to cosmetic defects. Scars are more harmful if they are located on open, visible parts of the body; they bring their owner some discomfort, cause anxiety, dissatisfaction with oneself, reduce the quality of life, and in some cases, in the presence of anxiety and depression, can even push one to commit suicide.

If we put aside the psychological component, then scars can simply impede movement, reducing the amplitude in large joints. This often happens with large scars, such as after a burn. Peculiar internal scars and scars can appear not only on the skin, but also in the area of ​​tendons, small joints, and lead to contractures. As a result, the range of motion of the small joints of the hand may decrease, and small, invisible scars and scars may even reduce professional skills. There are a number of professions in which fine motor skills are very important: surgeons, jewelers, musicians. They must diligently protect their hands from all kinds of scars and scars, and for this there are a large number of different medications, not to mention the possibilities of plastic and reconstructive surgery.

In pharmacies there are a large number of local products, that is, gels, ointments and creams for the treatment and prevention of scars and scars. Without exception, all official instructions for drugs advise fighting scars at a very early stage, that is, in the process of scar tissue formation. A fresh scar is soft, its tissue is sensitive to the effects of many drugs that are absorbed directly into the scar tissue and correct the cosmetic defect. Old scars are difficult to treat conservatively, and it is much easier to use surgical correction methods.

But it is still advisable, first of all, to use ointments and creams for fresh scars, and only then contact a surgeon. The advantage of local treatment will be the ability to carry it out at home, the absence of various hardware methods, such as resurfacing or laser manipulation of scars and cicatrices, the absence of the risk of infection and lower cost. First of all, remedies for scars and scars can help those people who have fresh and shallow pathological formations.

There is a period in every person’s life when, for some unknown reason, scratches or abrasions do not heal as usual, but leave a scar for life. This is due to various metabolic processes, and therefore it is necessary to start fighting scars at the stage of healing abrasions and scratches. Therefore, medications to eliminate scars and scars can also be used prophylactically.

Below will be presented 8 different drugs for the treatment of scars and scars, all of them can be bought at the pharmacy, these are over-the-counter products. In addition to the name of the drug, the manufacturer is indicated, as well as the average price range, relevant for the end of May 2022 for pharmacies of all forms of ownership in the Russian Federation. The inclusion of drugs in the list is not an advertisement or an invitation to sell, but is dictated by their presence in the protocols for the treatment of scars and scars, in the national clinical recommendations for medical cosmetology. And we will start the review with various ointments.

Indications for use of ointments

Not all drugs are universal, so you should consult a dermatologist before using the ointment. If the ointment is used incorrectly, the skin condition may worsen. General indications for the use of anti-scar ointments are:

  • stretch marks caused by weight gain or sudden loss;
  • post-traumatic tendon contractures;
  • prevention of scarring after surgery;
  • keloid (colloid) scars;
  • atrophic and normotrophic scars;
  • hyperpigmentation and post-acne;
  • fresh hypertrophic scars.

Ointments are used to treat any areas of the body, including the face, where scars are most annoying. Treatment of cosmetic defects is complex. Peels, laser resurfacing and the use of creams and ointments at home are often required. The full scope of procedures is determined by the nature of origin and age of the scars.


Price 1300 rubles.

The ointment effectively combats cosmetic defects of any etiology. The drug contains a composition of 9 collagenases obtained from marine invertebrates. The basis of all scar tissue is collagen, which can be effectively affected only with the help of special enzymes.

There are many products on the pharmaceutical market that contain the necessary components, but almost all of them are very toxic. Fermenkol breaks down collagen into amino acids, which are excreted from the body without causing a negative effect.

The scar gradually heals, the normal tissue structure and water-electrolyte balance are restored. It is advisable to begin the therapeutic course a month after the wound has healed.


  • The ointment copes with both fresh defects and old scars.
  • It is actively used in hardware cosmetology.
  • Economical consumption.


  • High price.
  • Redness may occur on sensitive skin.

Review of anti-scar medications

It is safer to entrust the choice of a remedy to a doctor, especially after the appearance of surgical scars - with appendicitis, hernia, etc. Thus, retinoic ointment is effective for acne and post-acne, but in the case of traumatic scars it is powerless. The silicone-based drug "Strataderm" copes with scars and scars, eliminates stretch marks, but is expensive. Moreover, one tube is not enough to carry out a treatment course.

Let's consider a list of popular products for scars that are effective and do not put a strain on the family budget.

Name of ointmentActionMode of application
ContractubexThe German drug contains heparin and allantoin. These components help break down scar tissue and improve regeneration. The drug has a positive effect on the skin structure, softens pathological tissue and makes the epidermis elastic. The ointment contains onion extract. This ingredient has an anti-inflammatory effect, improves blood microcirculation and inhibits the proliferation of connective tissue. Contractubex is applied to the affected area three times a day for a month. The drug is prescribed at the early stage of scarring and for prevention. The drug is ineffective against old scars.
DermatixA Dutch-made drug in the form of a gel-like mass. It is used immediately after the wound has healed to prevent scarring. The product eliminates pigmentation, improves blood supply to epidermal cells, and saturates the connective tissue with moisture. Dermatix is ​​applied twice daily. The drug is quickly absorbed and leaves no traces. Duration of therapy is 2 months. The drug will not help with deep skin damage. But it is safe and suitable for use by children and pregnant women.
FermenkolActive collagen preparation made in Russia. Stimulates the resorption of existing scars and prevents new ones. Makes convex formations flat and elastic. At the same time it has an analgesic and antipruritic effect. Side effects to the ointment are rare, so the product is recommended for use in children. Use the product twice a day for a month. Fermenkol removes hypertrophic scars on the body. To increase the effectiveness of therapy, the drug is used as part of medicinal electrophoresis.
SolcoserylThe drug improves cell regeneration and nutrition. It is applied to the face for acne and post-acne. The ointment will be useful for dry wounds, frostbite, burns, and cuts. Zinc ointment works similarly. It is cheaper and suitable for the treatment of dermatitis, bedsores, dry and weeping wounds. Both drugs do not have a pronounced anti-scar effect. But using them early will prevent scarring. The ointment should be used twice a day. At the stage of scar formation, the drug is used under a bandage.
ClearvinThis cream softens the skin, activates cellular metabolism, and improves blood circulation. Contains natural ingredients and belongs to Ayurvedic preparations. Effective against comedones, stretch marks, age spots, skin microdamages. Suitable for treating acne, smoothes the skin, eliminates signs of chronic fatigue. The skin is lubricated morning and evening for several weeks. Doctors consider the drug as a cosmetic product, but the natural base and safety of the cream distinguish it from other drugs. For minor disorders and for their prevention, the product will be effective.
ImoferaseThe cream is intended directly for the removal of scars and scars. Hyaluronidase, which is part of the cream, inhibits the growth of connective tissue and reduces swelling. During a course of treatment, convex formations decrease in volume, the level of pigmentation decreases, and elasticity increases. Imoferase cream acts on old scars and scars, reducing their density. The effect of treatment is noticeable after 3 weeks, the full course of therapy is 8 weeks. It is recommended to use the cream after operations, burns, cesarean section and in case of traumatic skin damage.
Heparin ointmentThe drug improves blood microcirculation, which allows it to be used for stretch marks, hematomas, localized infiltrates and ulcerative lesions. It will not be possible to get rid of scars with heparin ointment, but prophylactic use of the product will prevent pathological growth of connective tissue. Heparin ointment is applied up to 3 times a day for 2 weeks.
MethyluracilForces regenerative processes, improves renewal of epidermal cells. The ointment heals wounds by speeding up epithelization. It has a protective property, restores the integrity of the skin, and prevents degenerative changes in the epidermis. Used after burns, including radiation. Bepanten cream works in a similar way. The list of indications for the drugs is comparable. The duration of therapy is 1-4 months. An analogue of the drug is called Levomekol ointment. This is a combination drug based on methyluracil.
VishnevskyThe ointment resolves seals and activates restoration processes. The drug is distinguished by its dark color, pungent odor, and affordable price. The drug is not able to get rid of scars and rough scars. But it is used to eliminate the consequences of chickenpox, acne, and dermatological diseases. Compresses with Vishnevsky ointment are effective. The drug is mixed with honey in equal proportions, applied to the skin, covered with a cabbage leaf, then with film and left for an hour. Ichthyol ointment works in a similar way.
HydrocortisoneThe ointment has anti-inflammatory properties and inhibits the growth of connective tissue. It is used after blepharoplasty and eyelid pathology. Hydrocortisone ointment is a glucocorticosteroid, which explains the impressive list of contraindications and side effects. The ointment is used for 2 weeks, treating the skin surface up to 4 times daily.

"Anti-scar" - promotes collagen production

The gel reduces scarring of the skin after wounds, burns, surgeries, acne, and stretch marks on the body. Anti-scar ointment based on Mg improves collagen synthesis and thereby changes the structure of the scar, promoting its disappearance. The drug has additional effects: softens the skin, increases its elasticity, reduces wrinkles on the face and resolves scars and stretch marks.

Directions for use: Apply a small amount of gel with massaging movements to problem areas of the body 2 times a day. The minimum course of treatment is 2 weeks.

Kelo-cote – treatment of scars after surgical interventions

The gel was produced by the American company Advanced Bio-Techologies using a unique technology. Its main purpose is the prevention and treatment of scars after surgery. Fights against such types of scars: keloid, hypertrophic, atrophic and others. It is safe to use, therefore it is prescribed to both adults and children.

Apply Kelo-Coat to dry skin morning and evening for 60-90 days. Within 2 months the results will be noticeable: itching, pain, inflammation and tightness on the skin will disappear. Also used to heal wounds and scratches.

“Rescuer” - helps with burn scars

If you receive household burns, it is recommended to apply Rescuer in a thin layer to the affected area of ​​the skin. The ointment cleans the injured surface, disinfects it and promotes rapid wound healing, preventing the appearance of scars. Rescuer ointment is not hormonal, so it is not addictive.

The drug can also be used to treat sunburn. It soothes the skin, reduces redness and promotes rapid healing.

Which remedy for scars and scars should I choose?

Removing a scar is not an easy task; as a rule, this process takes a long time and does not always guarantee a good result. To avoid failures, it is necessary to take a responsible approach to choosing a medicine. At the end of our article, we will give some practical tips:

  • To quickly get rid of young scars, choose medications in gel form; they are highly effective and easy to use.
  • To get rid of old scars, it is recommended to use ointments or creams; they penetrate deeply into the skin and smooth out the most severe skin damage.
  • To eliminate the consequences of plastic surgery and remove tattoos, Kelo-Coat gel is considered the best remedy.
  • For the treatment of scars caused by acne, the optimal solution would be a cream from the Mizon company and Postaknetin gel.
  • The safest, most accessible and effective pharmaceutical products are Dexpanthenol and Panthenol D. They are allowed to be used by pregnant women and children.
  • Clearvin cream is an environmentally friendly product created on the basis of rare plant extracts.
  • The most popular and effective drugs for scars are Contractubex and Solcoseryl. They are chosen by the vast majority of users.

We hope our rating will help you choose the best remedy for dealing with scars and scars.
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The main contraindication to the use of the presented drugs is individual intolerance. Silicone preparations are hypoallergenic, and ointments based on plant extracts are used after an allergy test.

Contraindications and side effects vary depending on the type of drug. Glucocorticosteroids are prohibited during pregnancy and lactation. They remove pathological formations well, but are not used in childhood and for kidney diseases.

If it is not possible to cope with scars using external preparations, then lidase injections are used. Procedures are carried out daily or every other day. One procedure requires an ampoule of lidase.

A dermatologist can select an effective and safe drug based on the clinical picture. Positive results are obtained from complex treatment using ointments and physiotherapy.


★ Effective complex of plant extracts and silicone Country: Spain Average price: 2,340 rub. Rating (2021): 5.0

The gold standard for scar treatment is the use of silicone compounds. There are many products based on liquid silicone, but the composition of Cicatrix is ​​additionally enriched with valuable plant extracts and special cosmetic components - sphingolipids. The substances are safe and approved for use in pediatrics. Thus, the gentle cream contains an extract from Asian centella (relieves inflammation, stimulates collagen production) and Scots pine (tons, restores the protective functions of the epidermis).

The group of sphingolipids is represented by two components - ceramides and sphingosine. These are lipids that are part of cell membranes. As part of the product, they restore the natural lipid balance of the skin and its structure, returning softness and elasticity to scar tissue. The bioactivity of the complex is enhanced by the technology of molecular activation of the components. Its sole developer and copyright owner is Catalysis, the manufacturer of Cicatrix cream. Reviews consider the cream to be effective, indicating that the approximate time for the first results to appear is one month. The product copes best with young scars and scars - up to 1 year.

Official site

to the beginning of the rating


Anna: I used Fermenkol gel after prolonged acne. There were dents and cyanosis on the face. I conducted two courses with an interval of a month. There were no marks left on the skin.

Victor: I was treated by a dermatologist when I scalded my hand. The burns have healed, but the scars remain. The doctor said that I started treatment on time. After just a year, it would be difficult to remove traces. Contractubex helped. I smeared it for a month.

Olga: I’m not ready to overpay for pharmaceutical anti-scar products when the problem can be dealt with in affordable ways. I use a vodka compress with Vishnevsky ointment. It warms and heals. Helps with minor defects.


A time-tested remedy, Rescuer balm has been familiar to everyone since childhood.
Convenient and compact packaging, the mechanism of action is based on the ability to restore the protective properties of damaged skin and start the regeneration process. Accelerates healing, prevents scarring, infections and intoxication. Balm Rescuer is made from natural, pure ingredients without the use of hormonal agents. Active ingredients:

  • Ghee butter
  • Olive and sea buckthorn oils
  • Calendula extract
  • Vitamins A, E


  • available in any pharmacy or marketplace
  • optimal price
  • antiseptic effect
  • does not dry out the skin


  • Not everyone likes the smell

Why do you need a consultation with a dermatocosmetologist?

Before moving on to listing the rating positions, you need to remember that rarely will a scar disappear completely without any traces. The success of treatment is considered achieved if the scar or scar has become less noticeable on the skin, it has lost its shine, the range of motion in the affected joint has increased, or the feeling of tightness has disappeared. If the scar is fresh, then eliminating the surrounding inflammation and stopping its growth will be a big plus.

You need to understand that those scars that do not protrude above the surface of the skin are most affected by local remedies. If they protrude significantly upward, or, conversely, look sunken and flabby, then the professional participation of a cosmetologist is necessary.

In addition to the usual keloid scars that occur at the site of various skin injuries, burns or operations, these remedies are used for fresh stretch marks, as well as for various small focal scars that arise at the site of pustular skin lesions: carbuncles or boils. However, it is advisable to begin treatment with a consultation with a dermatocosmetologist. This is necessary, since some of the remedies listed in the rating are more suitable for prevention, and are more helpful in preserving the wound without secondary microbial infection and promoting its normal healing. Other remedies are indicated when a scar has just begun to form, but this moment is easy to miss with an inexperienced eye.

The rating of real drugs for the treatment of scars includes those products that can be bought in domestic pharmacies at a reasonable price. Online reviews often mention products that are expensive and can only be purchased in a few pharmacies in Moscow and St. Petersburg, or in specialized clinics or beauty salons.

Features of choice

Ointments differ not only in price range, but also in their spectrum of action and composition. Only a dermatologist can prescribe the appropriate drug for each specific case and give appropriate recommendations for use. If a product helped a mother or friend, this does not at all mean that it is universal. The specialist will evaluate the age, type and structure of the pathology, and also study the cause of its formation.

The success of therapy is considered achieved if the cosmetic defect has lost its shine and become less noticeable, the feeling of tightness has disappeared, or the range of motion in the damaged area has been restored. Before purchasing, you need to familiarize yourself with the components of the ointment, which should have:

  1. Regenerative properties.
  2. Anti-inflammatory effect.
  3. Moisturizing effect.

It is important to pay attention to the expiration date, so it is better to purchase products in pharmacies or on the official websites of company representatives.

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( 1 rating, average 5 out of 5 )
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