The appearance of red spots on the face in the form of a rash and pink peeling is an extremely unpleasant phenomenon. They can form from time to time, or they can be on a person’s face for a long period, for example, a whole year or season.
The first thing that might come to mind is to disguise them with foundation or correctors, however, this is far from the surest way to solve this problem.
If you have discovered such an unpleasant ailment, before you begin to hide it or apply any independent treatment methods, it is strongly recommended that you consult a specialist who can make the correct diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment.
Reasons for appearance
There are many reasons for the appearance of red spots on a person’s face, especially in people under the age of 30; later, such a dermatological problem occurs much less frequently.
Moreover, this phenomenon can be observed in young children, as well as in boys and girls during adolescence.
Unfortunately, the appearance of red spots on the face is a very common dermatological defect, which can be caused by a number of reasons:
- First of all , we can note the very peculiarity of the skin. Very often, spots appear on dry and sensitive skin.
- Red spots may appear from too frequent and strong rush of blood to the face. This can be caused by:
- Intense physical activity.
- Due to nervous breakdowns and stress.
- If you suffer from high blood pressure.
- If you are taking any medications, be sure to consult your doctor to see if they cause an allergic reaction in you. An allergic reaction can be triggered by:
- Environmental conditions.
- Sudden changes in temperature.
- Direct exposure to sunlight.
- Also , red spots may appear after frostbite of the skin, exposure to frost on the skin of the face and general frostbite of the entire body.
It is recommended that before going outside, lubricate your face with a moisturizing (or protecting from the effects of cold) cream, in addition, apply a thin layer of powder or foundation.
Also, you should take into account this number of reasons that can cause an allergic reaction:
- Incorrectly selected cosmetic products.
- Taking any hormonal medications.
- Allergy to any food product or dye.
- Fungal infection of the skin.
- Improper functioning of the intestines , stomach or gallbladder.
- Impaired metabolism as a result of poor nutrition, adolescence in adolescents or pregnant women.
- Frequent stress and stressful situations, violation of psychological and emotional health and condition of a person, frequent hormonal disruptions.
- If red spots were found in men, this could be caused by cosmetic products that do not match the structure of the facial skin, such as shaving foam, lotions, etc. Incorrect selection can cause dryness, inflammation and red, sore spots, as well as pain. If you cannot find the right cosmetic set on your own, you need to contact a specialist who will determine your skin type and prescribe the right care and suitable products.
- Red spots in children , which are localized in the mouth, nasal cavity or chin, most often indicate a disordered and unhealthy diet, or an allergic reaction to any product. Also, this may indicate a disease such as oral dermatitis.
- Red spots can appear as a result of viral diseases such as herpes, chickenpox or lichen (a bacterial infection). This also includes skin diseases such as acne, psoriasis, rosacea, and pityriasis rosea.
- Also, allergies can be triggered by plant pollen or an allergy to animal fur. Any of these factors may cause itching, flaking, swelling, or sneezing.
- In addition to everything , you should also make sure that your diet contains the normal amount of vitamins and nutrients.
Otherwise, a person may notice the appearance of red, scaly spots on the face. If you detect at least one of the above suspicions of an allergic reaction, it is immediately recommended to consult a specialist for advice.
The nature of the burning sensation depends on the nature of its origin. There are two large archetypes, which include smaller species:
- Physiological type (irritation from external factors):
- burns (solar, chemical, thermal);
- a bite of an insect;
- prolonged friction of the skin, for example, on rough clothing;
- reaction to dry, warm air;
- abrasions, bruises, bruises;
- Pathological type (changes in mentality or condition)
- mental instability;
- changes in physiological state (pregnancy, old age);
- depression;
- feeling of psychological discomfort;
- stress.
Often the symptoms of a mixed type of burning appear, where both signs of a pathological disorder and physiological ones can manifest themselves.
Symptoms, signs and consequences
If you are convinced that red, scaly spots have appeared on the face as a result of an allergic reaction, exposure to cold or sunlight, or the wrong set of cosmetics, then you can identify the corresponding symptoms and signs:
- A red or pink spot on the face in the cheeks, nasal cavity or chin.
- Irritation or peeling , itching, unpleasant painful sensation.
- Redness on the face intensifies as exposure to any of the above factors occurs.
- The spots cause an unpleasant feeling of tightness, the skin has become rough to the touch.
- Often , the affected area of the face is covered with small scales, which can peel off in their place, leaving white spots that are dry to the touch, and when touched may be accompanied by a painful burning sensation.
If you notice any symptom, you need to consult a specialist. After all, such an ailment can interfere not only aesthetically, but also be a sign of one of the serious diseases, which, quite possibly, you could not even suspect before.
If you made the right decision and consult a specialist dermatologist, then evaluate additional symptoms, such as:
- Painful sensations in the joints.
- Increased body temperature.
- Acute pain in the heart area.
- Decreased heart rate.
- Inflammation of the lymph nodes.
- Frequent feeling of nausea.
This is the first signal that you need to immediately undergo a full course of medical examination. This will help you detect or exclude the presence of a serious disease, which, if not treated on time, can lead to the most terrible consequences.
Diagnostic measures to identify the cause of a dermatological disease:
- Visual inspection. Based on the location and appearance of the inflammation, the doctor can make a preliminary diagnosis.
- Clinical blood test. The result of the analysis will show the presence or absence of an inflammatory process in the body, which can cause rashes.
- Allergological research. To diagnose allergies, the blood is examined for the presence of antibodies to allergens and the skin for reaction to irritants.
- Hormonal study. The content of thyroid and adrenal hormones, as well as sex hormones, is determined.
- Blood test for syphilis , AIDS, Hepatitis B and C.
- Examination of skin scrapings for fungus and mites.
- Blood and stool test for parasites.
A blood test is performed to check for the presence of parasites.
In case of immunodeficiency and HIV detection, an immunogram is performed - a comprehensive study of the human body’s immune system. For analysis, blood is taken from a vein.
If lupus is suspected, a blood and urine test, an X-ray of the joints and chest, an electrocardiogram, and an ultrasound of the digestive and excretory system are performed.
In the first stages of the appearance of red spots, they can be removed using simple, easily accessible means and recommendations of traditional medicine:
- First of all, you need to review your diet, the list of foods that can cause an allergic reaction and inflammation on the skin. First of all, this list of products includes:
- chocolate;
- citrus;
- flour;
- spicy;
- smoked and fatty;
- more vitamins, vegetables and fruits in your diet
- It is very important to protect your skin from exposure to ultraviolet rays. If you will be spending a lot of time in the sun, apply sunscreen to your face.
- One of the first rules on how to maintain youthful and healthy skin is the moderate use of tonal products, foundations, and powder. If you apply these cosmetics too much and often, this can lead to clogging of the pores on the face, which will interfere with natural skin respiration, after which pimples, blackheads, papillomas, including red spots, appear.
- Try to maintain skin balance and avoid dehydration, which can lead to dryness and flaking of the skin. Regularly use moisturizing and nourishing creams that will help prevent a number of unwanted ailments.
- Good for your skin will wipe his face and neck with ice cubes every morning. As a frozen liquid, you can use medicinal herbs that have anti-inflammatory and softening properties. You can use herbs such as:
- chamomile;
- nettle;
- sage leaves;
- Birch buds;
- the most ordinary green tea;
- If you are sure that the red spots are the result of an allergic reaction, you need to start using antihistamines. Your doctor will prescribe you a special diet that will eliminate the consumption of a number of foods that are believed to cause this disease.
- Also , spots on the face may appear in people who suffer from seborrhea. In this case, they need to start using a special shampoo containing ketoconazole to wash their hair, and in addition to treating the affected areas of the face. Using ketoconazole and zinc, you can make your own homemade cream.
- If you think that red spots on your face appear due to the fact that you are often exposed to stress, nervous breakdowns and emotionally unstable situations, you need to start taking sedatives. You can also prescribe a course of psychotherapy and regularly consult with specialists.
Effective cosmetic procedures:
- A very useful method to get rid of red spots on the face is regular cryomassage and electrocoagulation.
- If the skin is peeling and small scales settle, then fruit peels made from natural berry seeds will come in handy.
- Also , for treatment you will need vitamin masks or masks made from natural clay, which must be applied after peeling or mechanical cleansing of the face.
Peeling and redness of the skin on the face: care and prevention
Absolutely all women strive to preserve the youth of their skin, because it is its appearance that can tell about the age of the fair sex.
And changes such as red spots and peeling will significantly reduce the self-esteem of any person. Proper prevention and timely skin care will help you avoid such troubles. Tips to prevent redness and flaking: • Avoid using antibacterial soap. Most often, it kills not only harmful microflora. • Take care of your skin with oil-based cleansers. Excess of such products should be removed with a soft towel or cotton swab • While in the sun, periodically treat your face with thermal water spray. This will help maintain the required amount of moisture in the epidermis • In winter, do not go outside without a protective cream. To achieve the desired effect, the product must be applied half an hour before going out. • After water procedures, be sure to wipe your face with a special tonic. Also, do not forget to apply moisturizer • Choose cosmetics that do not contain alcohol or lanolin. These two substances dehydrate the skin and provoke allergic reactions • Drink as much fluid as possible and saturate your body with vitamins. Water should be drunk in its pure form, and vitamins, in season, can be obtained from fresh products
Folk remedies
To treat and get rid of such a phenomenon on the face as red spots, you can also resort to traditional methods:
- For this method, you need to grate one cucumber on a fine grater and mix the resulting gruel with one teaspoon of white clay. Apply the mixture to the face and keep for 10 minutes, then rinse with running water and apply a moisturizer.
- For the next recipe you will need a spoon of honey and one chicken egg yolk. You need to mix all this and apply it to your face for about 5 minutes. Then rinse and moisturize.
- Also, a mixture of sour cream or heavy cream can help you , which must be mixed with one finely grated potato and add 3 drops of orange or tangerine oil. Apply the paste to your face, wait until it is absorbed, then rinse and apply a nourishing cream.
- One of the simplest and most effective masks is a mixture of oatmeal, which must be crushed and poured with a tablespoon of boiling water. You can add half a teaspoon of honey or three drops of juniper essential oil. Apply to face, leave for 10 minutes, then rinse and moisturize with nourishing or moisturizing cream.
- Another of the most effective folk remedies is considered to be a mixture of one spoon of full-fat sour cream, honey, lemon juice and olive oil. You need to mix all the listed ingredients, apply to your face for 10 minutes, then rinse and apply cream.
In order to avoid the appearance of ailments on the face, you need to:
- Carefully monitor your diet.
- Selecting cosmetics correctly (overusing them is also not recommended).
- Do not abuse alcohol or smoking , which is a negative factor not only for the condition of the face, but also for the entire body in general.
- It is also very important to spend time outdoors as much and as often as possible, go for evening walks or jogs, do morning exercises and be attentive to your health and body.
- Undergo regular examinations with a doctor , consult about your general condition, and receive recommendations.
In order to maintain good condition and youthful skin for many years, doctors and dermatologists strongly recommend not to be indifferent to your physical condition and well-being in general.
From an early age you need to start paying as much attention as possible to your body and being attentive to it and its condition.
Presence of an infectious or venereal disease
The “culprit” of red spots is often the viruses of scarlet fever, rubella, measles, chickenpox and other infectious diseases. This also includes the disease syphilis, which manifests itself as red rashes on the skin.
The danger of such diseases is that a person not only experiences discomfort (the appearance of a red rash all over the body in these cases is usually accompanied by fever, chills and other unpleasant symptoms), but also turns into a carrier of the virus. Therefore, at the first signs of an infectious or sexually transmitted disease, accompanied by redness on the skin, you need to consult a doctor and begin comprehensive treatment, including taking antibiotics, antihistamines, vitamins, topical ointments - this is the only way to protect others and quickly cope with the disease.