31 ways to grow eyebrows after tattooing and microblading

Tattooing is a procedure that negatively affects hair follicles. If eyebrows do not grow after tattooing, cosmetics, self-prepared masks, creams, and decoctions will help solve the problem. Homemade recipes have a mild effect, rarely have side effects, and are inexpensive. You can combine purchased products with folk recipes.

Why did eyebrows stop growing after tattooing?

Having previously undergone a permanent procedure, some women eventually want to return to natural eyebrows, but after tattooing, undesirable consequences remain. That's why girls often ask whether eyebrows grow after permanent eyebrow makeup. Yes, they grow - because in fact, the paint is injected only into the upper layer of the skin, and the follicles are located deeper, in the lower layer.

The bulbs are damaged due to deep punctures if the tattoo is done incorrectly. Hair becomes dull and sparse, sometimes falls out or stops growing altogether. The reason is the injected pigment, which damages the hair follicles and thins the hair shafts. Due to the action of the dye, the follicles slow down or even stop hair growth, making it sparse. Healed microblading incisions that turn into scars interfere with the growth of new hair.

The body, which has repeatedly undergone an unusual procedure for it, is weakened, which also affects hair growth. In this case, the reason for poor growth is poor-quality nutrition, when due attention is not paid to proteins, vitamins and minerals, as well as disrupted hormonal levels and stressful conditions.

The bulbs are damaged during the tattooing procedure, the hairs stop growing and renewing

When women think about regaining their previous appearance, a natural question arises: how to grow eyebrows after tattooing and microblading - the Podglazami ru website advises to be patient, be strong and spend certain funds.

What happens if eyebrow correction is NOT done?

  • Eyebrows will fade in just a few months, since the first layer of pigment is the most unstable, and it is not fixed by the second layer; this is especially noticeable at a young age, when skin regeneration is at its highest. Saving on correction can lead to the fact that in six months you will have to get a tattoo again at full cost.
  • Eyebrows may be unevenly colored, since the density of the skin in different areas of the eyebrows is different, so the pigment will take root and fade at different speeds. As a result, to get a neat, even tone, your eyebrows will still have to be tinted regularly (although tattooing was invented for this purpose, to get rid of this ritual).

Rules for growing eyebrows after permanent makeup, microblading

To speed up hair growth and restore its thickness, the cells located next to the follicles require proteins, vitamins and minerals. This can be done not only with proper nutrition - masks, compresses and other similar procedures will help.

In addition, you should adhere to the following rules:

  1. During the recovery period, you cannot pluck hairs - only shaving or trimming is allowed.
  2. Pay attention to sufficient physical activity.
  3. Do not smoke or drink alcoholic beverages.
  4. Apply less decorative cosmetics, which clog pores and prevent hair growth, or it is better to completely abandon them for a while.
  5. Before going to bed, remove any remaining makeup with warm water and massage your eyebrows for 5 minutes.
  6. At night, comb with a brush, while simultaneously applying castor oil or balm.
  7. Drinking water regularly will help improve your health. You need to drink 1.5-2 liters of clean water per day.

General recommendations

Eyebrows need to be treated with care to keep them beautiful and full. Even if there are no problems with them, it is still important to care for them properly. Here are some tips:

  1. You should always remove your makeup at night. Cosmetics clog pores and negatively affect hair follicles.
  2. The makeup remover must be of high quality and suitable for your skin type.
  3. You should eat right in general and nourish your eyebrows with masks and oils to stimulate hair growth.
  4. During the period of eyebrow growth, it is better not to correct them: do not pluck or cut them. If you just trim it a little with scissors.
  5. It is better to give up smoking and alcohol.
  6. You need to wash your face with warm water, not hot or cold.
  7. It is recommended to lightly massage the eyebrow arches every day: stroking them, combing them with a brush, pinching the skin a little.

Advantages and disadvantages of eyebrow tattooing

Eyebrows, no less than other parts of the body, need care. And eyebrows damaged as a result of tattooing need to be doubly cared for. All of the above remedies will help correct the situation - perhaps not quickly, but there will be an effect. It is better to completely correct the problem rather than mask it, otherwise the result may upset you. And then you certainly cannot avoid an expensive transplant.

Eyebrow massage

Massaging the arches is shown:

  • with slow hair growth;
  • with uneven density;
  • excessive hair loss;
  • small eyebrow width;
  • unruly hairs.

After regularly performed procedures, blood flow improves, nutrients are intensively supplied to the hair follicles, stimulating their awakening. New hairs with an improved structure begin to grow intensively - softness and silkiness are added, they are easier to style.

Additionally, the eye muscles are improved, wrinkles are smoothed out and the skin of the lower eyelids is tightened.

Eyebrow massage lines

What to do if your eyebrows do not grow after tattooing or microblading - perform this massage step by step:

  1. Apply a warm herbal compress to the entire eye area.
  2. 1 minute, applying pressure, comb the eyebrows with a brush with massage oil applied to it.
  3. Press with two or three fingers, moving 7 times along the arcs from the eyebrow fold to the temples.
  4. Pressed fingers 1 min. massage in a circular motion, changing direction.
  5. While pinching, walk along the lines of the brow ridges to the outer corner, squeezing the eyebrow so that the hairs remain between the fingers.
  6. Lightly tap the lines, then iron.

The massage takes up to 15 minutes. time in the evening, at least every day, but no more than 20 days. During this time, massage methods are alternated: done manually, with a toothbrush and with contrasting spoons. Each technique is completed by lightly pressing on the temple area. It is allowed to repeat the course after the same period of time.

To maintain the result:

  1. Apply castor oil daily before going to bed 1-2 hours before bed.
  2. Twice a week before applying the oil, scrub with a soft toothbrush.

How to grow eyebrows after years of plucking?

Remember the golden rule: safe eyebrow correction is a procedure that is performed once every one to two weeks.
And you only need to remove those hairs that “do not fit” into the once chosen shape. If you pluck your eyebrows more often, and on a regular basis, there is a risk of damaging the hair follicles. This, in turn, will significantly slow down hair growth, or even stop it altogether. Therefore, if you have been plucking your eyebrows too often over a long period of time, the best and perhaps only possible solution initially is to leave them alone. For at least 12 weeks.

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The process of growing beautiful eyebrows after years of plucking can take months, but the first few weeks are the hardest to survive. Promise yourself not to touch your eyebrows at least during this time - that is, not to pluck, not to remove with wax, threads or any other means. What else can you do?

  1. 1 During the growing stage, it is recommended to use an eyebrow pencil or shadow to fill the “gaps” between the hairs that form as they grow. Hide short hairs that have just begun to grow under a layer of thick concealer.

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  2. 2
    Brush your hair daily with a clean brush. This will not only stimulate hair growth, but will also give your eyebrows a well-groomed appearance, which is quite important in the growing process.

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  3. 3
    Scrub the eyebrow area three times a week. It also has a positive effect on the hair growth process. Buy a ready-made scrub or make it yourself at home. Apply after cleansing using circular movements and then rinse thoroughly.

If, as a result of these actions, the eyebrows have taken on a satisfactory appearance, you can begin regular correction again. But don't repeat your previous mistakes! We discuss in detail how to properly correct eyebrows in this video tutorial.

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Application of oils

The first place in terms of restorative properties for hair growth is given to cosmetic oils. These are inexpensive drugs offered by pharmacies. To speed up the restoration of density, it is suggested to use:

  • burdock;
  • castor;
  • olive;
  • coconut;
  • sea ​​buckthorn;
  • peach;
  • almond oil and others.

In the pharmacy you will find a convenient form for applying the oil.
But before applying, you need to test for tolerance to the substance.

For greater effect, instead of one oil, it is recommended to mix 2-3 products, adding pharmaceutical vitamin A or E, and you can try essential oils (orange, lemon), as well as camphor.

Composition recipes:

  • mix burdock and castor oil equally;
  • 1 drop of peach oil with three drops of lemon;
  • 1 drop of castor oil with three drops of camphor oil;
  • to 4 drops of orange oil add 10 drops of castor and pumpkin oil;
  • Olive, castor, sunflower oil are taken in equal quantities.
  • peach, olive and almond oils.

The oil nourishes skin cells and follicles, causing their activity, and adds beauty and strength to hairs. Apply the product with a cotton pad or tap it in with your fingers, preheating it. The result is improved with light massaging. It is recommended to wash off after sleep or after 15-25 minutes. after application.

Homemade masks for eyebrow growth

Folk remedies are reliable, popular, accessible, but you have to wait a long time for results. Another disadvantage is the wrongly chosen drug, which can harm rather than help. Therefore, before use, you should definitely do a test for an allergic reaction of the body (the mask is smeared on the inside of the arm for several hours, if there are no rashes, you can use it).

Recipes for masks for hair growth:

  1. Infuse 1 spoon of chamomile flowers in 1 spoon of hot milk for 30 minutes. Add glycerin (1 spoon).
  2. Add vitamin A (2 drops) to 1 tablespoon of fresh carrot juice.
  3. Add cognac (1 spoon) and vitamin E (5 drops) to the quail egg yolk.
  4. Mix vodka with glycerin (1:1). Add cucumber juice. This mask can be done after 6-7 days, moisturizing the skin after removing the composition.
  5. Let the dried figs boil in the milk. Cool and apply. Place parchment paper and a terry towel on top. Remove after an hour.
  6. Soak cotton pads in freshly prepared onion juice, apply for 1 hour, rinse with lemon juice.

Masks are stored in the refrigerator for a short period of time, so you shouldn’t make a lot at once. Apply the composition, warming it between the fingers.

Homemade masks for eyebrow growth

Is it possible to grow eyebrows?

It is better to ask yourself this question before moving on to specific and decisive actions. Genetic predisposition plays an important role - by nature we are given not only a certain eyebrow shape, but also the number of hair follicles, which, alas, cannot be changed. If your eyebrows are naturally quite sparse and thin, you won’t be able to grow “sable” ones naturally. However, there are some techniques and universal tips that will help you grow your eyebrows noticeably even at home. Don’t create sky-high illusions and get ready for serious work - we’ll now tell you what actions to take.

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Hot masks

This is the name for products that warm the skin and dilate blood vessels, activating hair growth due to the burning substances in the composition. Some masks are really very hot; they are made from red pepper, mustard, onion, garlic and other “hot” foods.

  1. A mask with red pepper is made from honey, cinnamon and burdock oil. Take half a teaspoon of each product. Add a pinch of pepper. First, the skin around is lubricated with a non-greasy cream. The mask is applied for 10 minutes and washed off using water.
  2. A mustard mask is made from 2 teaspoons of warm boiled water and half a spoon of mustard powder. The creamy mixture is applied with a brush, and a film is placed on top. Wash off after 5 minutes.
  3. Squeeze the juice from the grated half of an onion and 2 garlic cloves. Lubricate the eyebrows, apply red pepper tincture on top with a cotton swab for 20 minutes.

Hot masks improve blood flow and accelerate the growth of new hair with strong shafts.


If you decide to speed up hair growth using masks, follow these rules:

  • bowls, cups, and other equipment for preparing a mask should be plastic or wooden. Do not use a blender, etc., because the components of the mask may oxidize, and such a mask will do more harm than good;
  • use only natural, proven ingredients with a good shelf life;
  • the maximum time the mask remains on the eyebrows is 40-50 minutes;
  • rinse off only with warm water, without removing or cleansing products;
  • For best results, use masks every 3-4 days for several months.

Recipe No. 1. Oil + aloe

Any oil you have from the ones listed above is suitable for cooking. Add aloe juice in proportions of 1:1, apply to eyebrows and wait 15-20 minutes. Next, rinse off or blot with a dry cloth.

Recipe No. 2. Calendula infusion

Prepare a calendula infusion, moisten a cotton pad and apply to your eyebrows for 50 minutes.

Recipe No. 3. Chicken protein

Beat the chicken protein into a foam with a whisk, apply it to your eyebrows, and leave it overnight. In the morning, rinse with warm water.

Recipe No. 4. Butter + rum\cognac

Lightly heat the castor oil, then add rum or cognac in a ratio of 2:1, apply the resulting mixture to your hair with a brush, leave for 30 minutes, then rinse.

Recipe No. 5. Oil + vitamin A

Mix 1 teaspoon of olive oil and 3 drops of vitamin A, apply the mixture and leave overnight. In the morning, rinse with warm water.

Recipe No. 6. Honey+butter+cinnamon

Mix a teaspoon of honey, a teaspoon of burdock oil and a pinch of cinnamon. If necessary, you can add a couple of drops of water. Action time is 40 minutes, then rinse off the mask with warm water.

Herbs to stimulate hair follicles

Instead of oils and masks, or in addition to massage, herbal decoctions or tinctures are used. To do this, it is recommended to take carrot tops, chamomile, hop cones, calendula or nettle. Fenugreek seeds have been proven to stimulate hair growth. Prepare the compositions by brewing 1 spoon of herb in a glass of boiling water, then moisten cotton pads and apply for 20 minutes. After the procedure, the eyebrows are combed.

Recommended fees:

  • sage, chamomile and green tea herbs;
  • cornflower with chamomile and coltsfoot;
  • chamomile, calendula and cornflower flowers.

Make a decoction from 2 tablespoons of chamomile and 2 glasses of water and leave for 1 hour. Cool the product and add a spoonful of honey.

To make a healing tincture, take a spoonful of calendula flowers and pour vodka (1 glass). Place in a dark place for 2 weeks. To use, dilute the tincture with water (1:1), moisten gauze pads and apply for 1 hour. It is recommended to do this compress 2-3 times a week.

Elma oil makes eyebrow hairs manageable and restores their structure

#1: unnatural look

In the history of this cosmetic procedure, like any other, there are unsuccessful results. This is due to the choice of a master who does not have the appropriate qualifications and practical experience. If the client pays maximum attention to finding a real professional, then the likelihood of an unsatisfactory result is reduced to zero.

The quality and naturalness of the image largely depend on the equipment and materials. If the master works with safe, homogeneous pigments; has in its arsenal an expensive rotary machine with high power and adjustable speed; has the skills and knowledge of technique (shading, hair technique, etc.), depth and speed of application of the composition, color, symmetry of lines, then permanent makeup will look natural. Contact beauty centers so as not to risk the result!

Unnatural and too saturated color can still be observed in the first days after the procedure. This is due to a violation of the outflow of lymph in the area of ​​manipulation. But this effect goes away on its own, the pigment fades as soon as the tissues heal (usually 2-3 days).

Store funds

Pharmacies and cosmetics stores offer a wide selection of therapeutic and restorative products after cosmetic procedures, including for hair growth after permanent eyebrow tattooing. These products contain active ingredients that gently cleanse the skin, restore and strengthen hair follicles.

With the help of creams, balms, serums or gels, hairs become strong and grow faster. You just need to use them regularly and follow the instructions.

Elma oil base from Elfarm restores follicles and forms proper hair growth, making them obedient.

Aleran growth stimulator consists of panthenol and vitamins, chestnut and nettle extracts. Daytime and nighttime use.

Lipocils expert healing gel for eyebrows and eyelashes Talika (France) restores the metabolic processes of the eyebrow skin in 28 days of use. Hair becomes thicker and falls out less.

Lipocils expert healing gel for eyebrows and eyelashes Talika

RevitaBrow Advanced eyebrow growth enhancer from RevitaLash makes hair long and strong and eyebrows thick.

AdvancedLash Eyelash formula conditioner nourishes hair follicles, strengthens eyebrow hairs and enhances their growth. It is practically safe when applied to eyebrows.

With slow hair growth and increased hair loss, sometimes they use hormonal products (Careprost, VOLUM, Dreamlash, Xlash, Xlash PRO, Carelash, Lash Trick and others), but before using podglazami ru recommends consulting a dermatologist in case you have contraindications.

How to care for eyebrows after tattooing

The first week after tattooing you need to constantly take care of your eyebrows, and then after a month the result will not disappoint you. During the first few days, ichor will be released. It is recommended to wash it off carefully with soap with a neutral composition (baby soap is ideal). Afterwards, pat the skin dry with a towel and apply a cream to promote healing.

After the ichor dries, crusts will form and begin to come off on their own; under no circumstances should they be peeled off. Otherwise, there is a risk of infection and uneven distribution of paint. Antibacterial creams should be applied to the crusts, for example, Panthenol, Bepanten or Solcoseryl. Also, the first time you need to lubricate your eyebrows with almond, peach or sesame oil, which helps soften the skin.

The first days after tattooing, it is not recommended to take hot baths, go to the sauna, bathhouse, or swim in open reservoirs or pools. It is necessary to minimize any impact on the skin of the face.

If you follow all the care recommendations, then within a week there will be no trace of swelling and redness left. At the end of the first week, the scabs usually disappear, and you can already evaluate the result of the tattoo. It will still be impossible to understand exactly how the color turned out, but the uniformity of the paint applied to the eyebrows will already be visible. Provided that the swelling has gone down, you can also judge the shape, width and arch of the eyebrows. This period is characterized by active restoration of the upper layer of the epidermis and healing of small wounds.

For the final healing of the skin, you must remember to actively care for your eyebrows for a month and follow the advice of the master. There is nothing complicated about them, but you need to follow the recommendations regularly:

  • Do not forget about the hygiene that is required when eyebrow tattooing, not only after completion of the procedure, but throughout the entire month. Lotion (not alcohol-containing) will help to avoid infections. You can also use neutral-based tonics and regular boiled water.
  • Do not rub your eyebrows with a towel under any circumstances. It is enough to simply listen to them, carefully dabbing them.
  • Do not neglect the use of healing creams and ointments. In summer, it is recommended to apply sunscreen, and in winter, creams or ointments containing vitamins are suitable.
  • Try not to overcool or overheat your eyebrow skin.
  • Do not use cosmetics, pluck or tint your eyebrows while the scabs fall off and during the healing period.

When the eyebrow tattoo has come off along with the crust, the eyebrows still need simple and uncomplicated care. If you do not follow these recommendations, skin inflammation or swelling in the tattoo area may occur. Over time, this may not have the best effect and lead to the need for another procedure.

Semi-permanent eyebrow restoration

The Brow Art salon technique, which restores hair color and adds thickness, is called semi-permanent restoration. This is an effective and painless way to camouflage areas with bald spots using a hypoallergenic reconstructive composition. The skin is not damaged, so the procedure does not cause harm.

It is used when tattooing is contraindicated, to correct the artist’s unsuccessful work, if a small correction is necessary, or for a break between permanent makeup procedures.

Semi-permanent restoration is performed by drawing the desired hairs or filling empty spaces with specialized shadows. The semi-permanent treatment lasts only 1 month, then the session is repeated if necessary.

Eyebrows damaged by permanent or microblading require double care and proper care, as well as time and patience, to recover.
Provide them with all this and you will see their growth. Share on social networks:

How is eyebrow transplant performed?

The first question that may arise is where the follicles for transplantation into the eyebrow area are taken from. Only your own donor follicles are suitable for transplantation. Hair from other people and artificial follicles do not take root. Hair transplant is the relocation of hair. When implanted in a new place, the hair does not change its properties - it will be the same color and structure. For this reason, for example, hair from the arms or legs is not suitable for transplantation into the eyebrow area. The most identical in structure to your own eyebrows is the hair from the back of the head. The main task is to choose hairs that will best match the structure of your eyebrows. This is a jewelry technique that should be performed by a professional physician.

How are follicles extracted? There are 2 methods of extracting grafts - one by one with a special punch (seamless FUE method), and with a small incision (suture FUT method). The second method is better, but many patients are afraid of even micro-incisions in the skin, so you can always choose the seamless method. The advantage of the FUT suture method is a greater length of hair during transplantation, you can see the finished result immediately. With the FUE method, hair roots are transplanted.

“Won’t I have thinning on the back of my head?!” We often hear this question from our patients. There are on average 100-150 thousand hairs on the human head. For eyebrow transplantation, about 200-300 follicles are used per eyebrow. Of course, with competent work by the doctor, absolutely no thinning will be noticeable.”

A. Tsilosani - Doctor of Science, plastic surgeon, author of two world records in hair transplantation.

The result of eyebrow transplantation before and immediately after the procedure (performed by Professor A. Tsilosani)

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