8 pressing questions about blackheads on the skin

How to properly care for your face and body with blackheads?

To reduce the risk of the formation of open comedones, it is necessary to properly care for your skin - clean it regularly. It is necessary to remove excess sebum and dead skin particles. For washing, you need to select mild cosmetics designed for your skin type, for example, problematic or oily. This product may contain glycolic or salicylic acid. Homemade peels and scrubs can be suitable for cleaning, but they must be used carefully so as not to injure the skin.

Preventing the appearance of blackheads on the skin of the face

Is it possible to get rid of blackheads? Of course yes! However, instead of looking for effective ways to cleanse your skin in the shortest possible time, try following simple rules of prevention:

  1. Cleanse your skin twice a day: morning and evening. Even if you don't wear makeup, it's important to remove the layer cake of dust and other impurities from your face before going to bed.
  2. Choose skincare products according to your skin type.
  3. Don't confuse dry skin type with dehydration. Any type of skin can be dehydrated (even oily skin needs hydration).
  4. Take a shower and wash your face with warm water: hot water stimulates sebum production.
  5. Remember to exfoliate dead skin cells regularly. Scrubs, products with acids and gommages are at your service! Just do not use them during periods of exacerbation of inflammation.
  6. Be wary of “folk” beauty recipes. They can cause an allergic reaction and cause redness, burns, acne and other problems.

Azelik® - a drug to combat comedones

If black spots appear on the body, but there are no papules and pustules, there is a possibility that the condition of the skin can be improved with the help of external medications and cosmetic procedures.

Azelik® is a medicinal product. The main active ingredient in its composition is azelaic acid. It has the following properties5:

  • normalizes keratinization processes in follicles;
  • fights inflammation by reducing the metabolism of neutrophils and their production of free radical forms of oxygen;
  • reduces the concentration of free fatty acids;
  • exhibits antibacterial activity against propionibacteria and Staphylococcus epidermidis.

If several open comedones appear on your face, then you need to focus on proper skin care. But when black spots form all over the body, you need to consult a doctor.

How to get rid of blackheads using cosmetic procedures

If you have already tried a cart and a small cart of products to combat blackheads at home, and they still come back, contact a cosmetologist.
There are several types of cleansing that can quickly get rid of blackheads. Only a specialist can recommend the one that is right for you. Mechanical cleaning

The most famous, but very painful way to deal with blackheads. To begin with, the cosmetologist steams the skin and then removes comedones manually or using special tools. Please note that for several days after the procedure, the skin may look as if it had been run over by a bulldozer.

Vacuum peeling

In the traditional version, the cosmetologist removes all impurities and sebaceous deposits from the skin using a drainage tube connected to a vacuum apparatus. Blackheads disappear, but the procedure is not suitable for people with dry and sensitive skin.

Chemical peeling

This version of peeling allows you to remove dead particles and impurities from the skin surface using acids (fruit, beta-hydroxy acids, retinoic, kojic, azelaic and others are suitable). According to the depth of impact, chemical peeling can be deep, medium and superficial.

Ultrasonic cleaning

Hardware cleansing, in which the pores are cleaned under the influence of high-frequency ultrasonic waves. On the plus side, the procedure only takes 20-30 minutes. The downside is that ultrasound does not always reach deep sebaceous plugs. To maintain the effect, it must be done monthly.

Treatment methods

A thorough diagnostic examination by an ophthalmologist will determine what caused the appearance of black spots before the eyes and which treatment option will be preferable in a particular case. So, when you first contact a specialist, when the spots in front of your eyes are small in size and have low concentration in the field of view, the doctor usually prescribes therapy with certain eye drops. As a rule, these drugs are: Taufon, Quinax, Emoxipin or Wobenzym.

The properties of these eye drops help stimulate the metabolic processes that occur in the vitreous body. In addition, some of them have a resolving effect. It should be noted that it is extremely difficult to predict the effectiveness of treatment when using eye drops. For some patients, they really help, while others do not notice any positive dynamics at all.

If there is no effect of conservative treatment, the doctor may suggest a surgical way to get rid of this problem. In this case, it is necessary to soberly evaluate all the pros and cons, because moving black dots during the destruction of the vitreous body do not pose a danger to health or vision. Still, when they are extremely irritating, it is worth considering surgery.

The problem of black dots in the field of view can be solved in two ways:

  • A vitrectomy operation, when the vitreous body is surgically removed partially or completely (in the most difficult cases). Serious complications are possible when performing this operation, so an appropriate expert opinion is required to perform it.
  • Vitreolysis surgery. It is performed using a medical YAG laser. During the intervention, the ophthalmologist targets the elements that interfere with vision, literally fragmenting them into ultra-small particles, which in the future will no longer be able to interfere with vision.

Are blackheads dangerous?

Although comedones look unsightly, they do not pose any health hazard unless they become infected. If there is a bacterial infection, there is a risk of sepsis (blood poisoning). Since black spots can be a consequence of excessive accumulation of melanin with the formation of moles and age spots, there is a risk of malignancy of a seemingly safe mark under prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation, as well as due to trauma.

Source: https://stoprodinkam.ru/komedony/chernye-tochki-po-vsemu-telu.html

What causes blackheads to appear?

Black spots from clogged pores are a very common problem that, to a greater or lesser degree, bothers almost every second person of reproductive age.

There are several possible reasons for the appearance of comedones, among them are:

  • Heredity. A variety of skin problems are often passed on from parents to children.
  • Hormonal fluctuations. An imbalance of hormones leads to disruptions in the activity of the sebaceous glands, which is why active synthesis of sebum occurs.
  • Hypovitaminosis. Insufficient intake of the nutrients it needs into the body often leads to the formation of various types of acne. In many ways, this development of events is explained by insufficient activity of the immune system, which suffers greatly with hypovitaminosis. Due to a deficiency of vitamins and minerals, the skin loses its barrier properties, the affected pores can easily become inflamed, which, in turn, provokes the appearance of painful reddish pimples.
  • Insufficient hygiene. Oddly enough, this is one of the most common causes of clogged pores on the body. And it is surprising that the problem can be provoked not only by insufficient or irregular skin cleansing, but also by excessive love for washing, using washcloths and detergents. Excessive zeal in this matter leads to disruption of the barrier functions of the epidermis, due to which the skin begins to synthesize a particularly large amount of sebum, which naturally begins to accumulate in the pores, and, oxidizing, turns black.
  • Inadequate nutrition. Excessive consumption of fatty and frankly unhealthy foods causes abnormal activity of the sebaceous glands and changes in the composition of sebum.
  • Pathologies of the digestive tract, when toxins accumulate in the body or various nutrients are not fully absorbed. As a result of body pollution from the inside, blackheads appear.

I’m embarrassed to ask: 8 questions to a dermatologist about how to overcome the problem of blackheads on the face

What are blackheads?

Blackheads, or open comedones, are the openings of sebaceous follicles clogged with a mixture of thick sebum and horny skin cells. The black color of the tip of the comedone is given by melanin and oxidized sebum.

Important: blackheads do not equal acne, while acne is always accompanied by comedones.

Most often, blackheads appear where there is a high density of sebaceous glands: chin, nose, forehead.

Why do black spots appear on the body?

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A clogged dark pore is the result of the functioning of the pilosebation complex, which is located in the skin and includes:

  • hair follicle;
  • sebaceous gland;
  • a duct lined with epidermal cells and ending in a pore.

There are no such complexes only on the palms and soles, but on the face, neck, and chest there are many more of them than in other areas of the body. The sebaceous gland secretes sebum, which performs a number of functions, including protective. When there is an excess of male sex hormones in the body, it produces an increased amount of secretion. At the same time, the process of exfoliation of cells in the sebaceous gland duct is disrupted. A conglomerate of keratinized cells and sebum clogs the pore, and a microcomedone is formed.

This plug gradually increases in size, and one of two types of comedones are formed from it:

  • closed comedones, or whiteheads, in which a layer of cells closes the pore;
  • open comedones, which are located in open pores and look like “black dots” due to the fact that the sebaceous secretion on the surface oxidizes and darkens.

Thus, the main reason for the appearance of open comedones is an increase in the level of androgens (male sex hormones), which is noted:

  • during puberty (all people);
  • in the second phase of the cycle and during menopause (in women).

It is at this time that many people experience increased oily skin and comedones. Most of them disappear without a trace. However, some people, under the influence of a number of additional factors, develop acne - a disease that has a significant impact on the quality of life and, without treatment, leads to sad cosmetic consequences - persistent pigmentation and atrophic scars.

What cosmetics to use

  • Choose a face cream that suits you. If you have dry skin, the product should be moisturizing enough so that the sebaceous glands do not feel the need to work harder. If your skin is oily, a light lotion or emulsion is more suitable: they will not clog into the pores.
  • Use water-based rather than oil-based cosmetics. They will allow the skin to breathe.
  • Skip heavy foundation in favor of tinted balms or BB creams. Also, you should not make a “layer cake” on your face from foundation, tone, concealer and powder.
  • If you live in a large city, are often among large crowds of people, or your way home lies along a highway, cosmetics will not harm, but will only help your skin. A thin layer of properly selected high-quality foundation will protect your pores from dust and dirt floating in the air.

Do blackheads bother you? How do you deal with them? What recipes work for you? Share your secrets in the comments.

Source: https://lifehacker.ru/kak-izbavitsya-ot-chyornyx-tochek/

What will help with blackheads

There are several basic methods for cleansing the skin of open comedones:

  • Mechanical removal. Performed in a professional salon or at home. This method will give you a quick, but, unfortunately, short-lived effect. We do not recommend squeezing out blackheads yourself or from an unreliable specialist: there is a high risk of infection and scars may remain.
  • Cosmetic procedures. Acid peelings, vacuum cleaning, ultrasound removal - find out the full list in beauty salons and cosmetology centers. These procedures can be effective if you do not have any contraindications.
  • Masks and scrubs of various effects. They can exfoliate or draw out the raised heads of comedones, as well as lighten them. You can find a suitable product from your favorite cosmetics brand or prepare it at home.
  • Lifestyle changes. The most difficult but most effective method. Take proper care of your face, look for high-quality cosmetics, get rid of bad habits. If other methods give only temporary results - until new inflammation appears, then this one will provide you with clean and smooth skin for a long time.

The cosmetic products market is full of a variety of products for blackheads, you can easily find any in the store. And we will tell you about products that you can prepare with your own hands.

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