Reduction of the labia minora (labiaplasty)
Methods of performing labiaplasty Surgical method. When using this method, the patient is given general or local
Sectoral resection
Sectoral resection. How to PREPARE FOR OPERATION and what to expect after. Instructions.
More information about the operation Sectoral resection is a surgical intervention for excision of a fragment of the mammary
All work during treatment, if we are considering therapeutic treatment, is carried out under a rubber dam
Which anesthesia should I choose? Drug-induced sleep VS local anesthesia.
Local anesthesia is used to numb sensations in a specific part of the body. This prevents pain during
How Kim Kardashian actually got such a figure and face: the secrets of the star and before and after photos
How Kim Kardashian changed before plastic surgery and after the work of surgeons
Kim Kardashian has battled accusations of "plastic looks" ever since she became famous.
Removal of Bisha lumps in Krasnoyarsk
Thin and expressive cheekbones are real! Bisha's lumps are fatty deposits in
Girl with acne
Acne: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment
Acne and its common consequence, post-acne, are a fairly acute and common dermatological problem.
Allergic bronchitis
Why does the face and neck in front under the chin itch - causes of itching on the face
Articles › Burning and itching on the cheeks, itchy cheekbones, the face is red and burning
Cream-serum Bark with Botox effect against expression lines and age wrinkles
Home / Botox / Cream “Bark” - lifting with Botox effect: reviews Benefits of Botox
How to highlight cheekbones with makeup: using contouring, blush, corrector and highlighter
Home » Face Category: Face How many times has it happened that, trying to make up your cheeks, they
Recommendations for hands and arms after removal of axillary lymph nodes
After removal of fibroadenoma, you can breathe a sigh of relief and live without fear, breast cancer is not
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