Filler injection sites during the study
Injection correction of the penis with hyaluronic acid
ENLARGEMENT OF THE HEAD OF THE PENIS WITH HYALURONIC ACID Duration of the operation 30 - 60 minutes Rehabilitation period
What does the Baziron Control series consist of?
Series of specialized cosmetics "Baziron Control": reviews from dermatologists
From this article you will learn: Baziron AC gel for acne - composition analysis, instructions
Anna Khilkevich before and after plastic surgery. Photo of face, nose, lips, chest, legs, height, weight, in a swimsuit, underwear. Biography and personal life
Biography of actress Anna Khilkevich, originally from St. Petersburg. The girl gained popularity thanks to filming in “Univer”.
The best posture correctors
Facial massage cream: is it better to buy or make it yourself?
If for one reason or another you cannot afford regular visits
Review of Stylage fillers - which drug to choose for correction
The Stylage line of fillers and biorevitalizants is of high quality; as a result of use, it is easy to achieve a natural
facial care best cosmetics rating
All makeup cosmetics. List, names and why
Skincare cosmetics occupy a very important place in the life of every girl. Creams, lotions, serums, cleansers
childhood and adulthood
Nicki Minaj. Photos in a swimsuit, before and after plastic surgery, without makeup, photoshop, personal life
Face Figure The main thing This is interesting At the end of 2022, Nicki Minaj will celebrate her 38th day
Operations on the sinuses - sinusotomy, maxillary sinusotomy, frontotomy
A nasal fracture is a common facial injury, typical causes of which are sports, domestic conflicts,
Rejuvenation with stem cells: our scientists talk about the risks of developing cancer after such procedures
Article for the “Bio/Mol/Text” competition: Recently, much attention has been paid to the development of cell replacement methods
What are milia?
White dots under the eyes (milia) - causes and treatment
Are you worried about small white pimples on your face that resemble millet grains? Look for an effective recipe for their removal,
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