Yulia Mikhalkova before and after plastic surgery: One of the few successful girls in the KVN league could not ignore plastic surgery and operations + Photo and Video

Fans of the popular show “Ural Dumplings” adore Yulia Mikhalkova and have long treated her almost like a member of the family. Everything about her is beautiful - her humor, her thoughts, her face, and her ability to dress. The young woman does not like to share details of her private life with others, which gives rise to even more rumors. A very efficient and responsible talented actress, she devotes all her time to creativity. You need to be in shape! I wonder if Mikhalkova used the services of famous plastic surgery clinics? She is a real beauty, is it really from nature?


The future TV personality was born in 1983 in the small town of Verkhnyaya Pyshma, in the Sverdlovsk region. The girl studied at a very ordinary school, but already in high school she tried herself as a TV presenter of a youth program on a local TV channel. After graduating from school, the girl chose the Ural Pedagogical University, located in Yekaterinburg.

At the Faculty of Philology, student life is traditionally vibrant and in full swing! Yulia immediately began participating in the local KVN team, and with great success. After studying for two years, the student decided to change universities: she was attracted by the stage and discovered her acting talent. Training continued at the Yekaterinburg Theater Institute, graduation year - 2008.

"Family is a great thing"

Now Yulia Mikhalkova works surrounded by children.
Photo: personal archive - You have a premiere on STS, “Children’s KVN”. What was the most unexpected and difficult thing about this program for you?

— The fundamental difference between “Children’s KVN” and “Ural Dumplings” is the level of personal responsibility. Working with Pelmeni, you understand: next to you are adults who understand everything perfectly about this life. Therefore, during the filming process, you don’t have to limit yourself in any way in words, thoughts, or clothes. In “Children's KVN” you work with young, beautiful, pure creatures who look at the world with wide open eyes and greedily absorb new knowledge. I am well aware that for many of them I am a kind of role model. My words and actions can become a guide to action for them. They take my advice seriously. Especially little girls. One word, even intonation on the part of an adult, can determine their future life for a long time. And both for the better and for the worse. This is a great responsibility. You need to think very carefully about what you say and to whom, what ideas and thoughts you put into their bright heads. This is really difficult.

more on the topic

“The situation needs to be corrected”: Yulia Mikhalkova decided to read only good news. The actress was tired of the negativity and began to look for the positive around her.

— Do you dream of children and starting a family?

— It seems to me that every woman dreams of both a family and children. Even when she assures you of the opposite, hiding behind her career or some kind of beliefs, still deep down in her heart she thinks: “Oh, how wonderful it would be if a son or daughter were running around.” Of course, I think about family and children. For me, these two concepts are inextricably linked. But I don’t want to start a family for show, under the pressure of public opinion, which, pointing at the clock, tells you: “It’s time!” Family for me is a great thing, it is love, mutual respect, responsibility. Family is forever. Therefore, it’s better later, but better than earlier and “as long as it’s possible.”


The newly minted young actress began her career on regional Yekaterinburg television. She participated in several programs and even reported weather news to her fellow countrymen in the forecast. In 2009, the girl got involved in the Ural Dumplings project. This comedy show is a success story of talented young people who have become idols of the country and favorites of all people who have a sense of humor.

In addition to “Dumplings,” in 2012-2013, Yulia starred in videos of popular Russian performers: in the personal project of Nikolai Rotov, a member of the group “Semantic Hallucinations” and rapper Sten, and a couple of videos were recorded by Mikhalkova together with Alexei Zavyalov. Mikhalkova also played several minor roles in TV series and comedy films.

The actress owns the “Center for Correct and Beautiful Speech”, it’s not just that she studied at the Faculty of Philology for several years! It teaches adults and children to express thoughts beautifully, overcome inhibitions, and helps them acquire good communication and even public speaking skills.

Mikhalkova actively participates in public life, tried to enter the State Duma from the United Russia faction, but it did not work out. In 2018, the girl nominated herself for elections to the Yekaterinburg City Duma as an independent candidate.

Looking at the funny girl and charming TV star, you would never think that she devotes her free time to charity: the foundation she founded helps orphans and the disabled.


Having received the certificate, the future actress goes to Yekaterinburg to enter the Pedagogical University. After enrolling, Yulia realizes that she is not interested in the teaching profession, but the girl is attracted to the KVN student team, which became the basis of the Ural Dumplings group.

Although initially the team consisted of representatives of the fair half, gradually the female gender was replaced by guys. The result was a male team with the only girl, Yulia Mikhalkova.

The comedy show became quite popular, attracting full houses, which was the best reward for the aspiring actress. The audience, coming to the comedy show, believed that they were guaranteed a good mood, because the artists sincerely shared their feelings with the audience. Positive emotions were easily transmitted to the audience, causing laughter and fun.

Personal life

Her passion for politics is clearly not without reason: she had an affair with a local businessman and part-time Sverdlovsk deputy Igor Danilov, but the couple broke up in 2014. The marriage was not officially concluded; the reason for the divorce remained a secret to the general public and fans of the actress.

They say that the beauty’s heart today belongs to a mysterious man, whose name the girl flatly refuses to tell persistent journalists.

Personal life and husband of Yulia Mikhalkova

Until 2014, Yulia tried to build a relationship with an influential politician in Yekaterinburg, Igor Danilov. For a very long time she dreamed of her lover proposing marriage to her, but when it finally happened, the girl was unable to make the fateful decision and say yes. Later, she admitted in an interview that she did not see a future together with this man.

After 2 years, the girl began to be noticed in the company of an impressive man, but she is trying with all her might to hide her personal life.

The only thing that is known about her lover is that the young people met at the Ural Dumplings concert.

The best part about this story is that the girl believed in a bright future.

“It’s with this man that I want to build a big house, have a dog and have a bunch of kids.”

Rumors about a career

Not long ago, information appeared about the collapse of the Ural Dumplings. Yulia and her colleagues missed several performances; they were not even included in the posters. Commenting on this situation, the girl completely denied leaving her favorite team.

“Everything is fine with us, there are no conflicts, the team exists with the same composition. Some of us just needed a little break.

Was there plastic surgery?

There was, but not very significant - only a correction of already excellent external data, because no one disputes the girl’s beauty. Plastic surgery experts, based on analysis of photographs and watching television shows with Yulia’s participation, are confident that the fullness of the lower lip has changed. Consequently, injections of hyaluronic acid took place.

Was the lip correction successful? Yes, the smile became more pronounced, the lips began to look “desirable” and sexy. Mikhalkova denies plastic surgery in numerous interviews, but most likely she is disingenuous.

The woman’s figure is magnificent: she keeps in shape with physical activity and diet, and observes Orthodox fasts whenever possible. Age-related changes are not yet very noticeable, because Yulia is quite young. Let's see what will happen next!


Author: Svetlana Sergienko

Alleged plastic surgeries

Fans are sure: Yulia Mikhalkova looked completely different in the photo before the operation.

The girl denies any kind of surgical intervention and assures that it’s all about proper care and home anti-aging procedures.

But, according to experts, the girl did:

  • Mammoplasty (breast enlargement by 2 sizes)
  • Lip contouring
  • Rhinoplasty (tip slightly reduced)

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All comments

Anel 10/05/2018 at 08:30 pm # Reply

Well, yes, with her dumplings you can only participate in the Ural dumplings. This girl is beautiful without plastic surgery. Why are you pouting your lips?

Alexey 10/12/2018 at 5:21 pm # Reply

Amazing woman! “Tall, slender, white, and in charge of everything, she is moderately proud, like all ladies, she is aggravated, a little willful and not at all jealous!” - paraphrasing Pushkin. Solovyov is a goat, he tried to insult such a woman!

ugeen112 10/14/2018 at 10:04 pm # Reply

Julia! Beautiful, smart! I adore her!

“I’ve been living in Moscow for the second year”

The ex-star of “Ural Dumplings” now works surrounded by boys and girls - he hosts “Children’s KVN”.
Photo: personal archive - Where were you during self-isolation, how did you spend this time? What new experience was useful?

— The main conclusion I made during this period is that a person can get used to anything. I remember the day when they said: “We are declaring non-working days, closing everything except pharmacies and grocery stores.” There was a shock. But less than three days later, life got better. I started playing sports at home, downloaded books, movies, and connected with all my friends.

I was able to strengthen my self-discipline. The temptation to lie down on the sofa and move only between the laptop and the refrigerator was incredible, gradually turning into something jelly-like. But no. Exercise in the morning. You spend some time working, reading, and so on. I don’t want to, but I have to! Gradually I got involved. After a couple of weeks, all the changes began to be perceived as commonplace. I think that not only me, but also many people, the story of the coronavirus forced us to learn a lot and rethink a lot. We have all become different people. What exactly has changed? I think these changes will become visible a little later.

— Women were sad in quarantine without cosmetologists and beauty services. How did you get out?

Actress Yulia Mikhalkova. Photo: personal archive

— Of course, before quarantine, taking care of my appearance was, let’s say, more technologically advanced. No, I don’t have any Botox or plastic surgery. Everything is our own, natural. But various ultrasonic devices, creams, massages - yes. At home I have a rule: take care of yourself at least a little, but every day. After all, it’s enough to be lazy once, neglect your hair for a couple of days - and that’s it, it will take a week to restore it. Plus I have a large supply of cosmetics at home. Enough for a month and a half.

But the main means of beauty is sport. Physical activity helps to intensively circulate blood throughout the body. Therefore, your skin is good, your cheeks are rosy, and your head works quickly.

more on the topic

“What a beautiful figure!”: Yulia Mikhalkova excited fans with a photo in a swimsuit. After the end of the epidemic, a former participant in “Ural Dumplings” offered to travel around Russia.

— Do you still live in Yekaterinburg now or have you moved to Moscow? How is your daily life structured? Do you live outside the city?

— This is my second year living permanently in Moscow. But even before that, she actually spent most of her time in the capital. Even when filming of “Ural Dumplings” had just begun on STS in 2013, I flew to Moscow once or twice a month. During this time, I made friends here, interesting and useful business and creative connections. Today I live in the very center of Moscow, literally a ten-minute walk from the Pushkin Museum. Every day is planned, but without fanaticism. Not so that every minute is scheduled in a clear schedule, no. But it doesn’t happen that you lie on the couch for days. Moscow is a city where you always need to maintain tempo and dynamics. Create, create, invent. In this regard, it is an ideal city for creativity. My hobbies include going to theaters and museums from time to time. For example, to the Tretyakov Gallery. It seems to me that you can come there a hundred times and each time you will find something new and inspiring for yourself. I am interested in contemporary art exhibitions. Understanding it is just gymnastics for the mind.

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