Buttock augmentation with hyaluronic acid. There are no boundaries for perfection

I remember how twenty years ago my cousin suffered because of her curvy buttocks. How she hated them! “It would be better if the breasts were big and the butt was flat,” she complained. Today only a crazy person would say that. Thanks to the girl from the Bronx, Jennifer Lopez, who started the trend for a beautiful butt. The statistics speak for themselves - in terms of the number of likes on Instagram, prominent buttocks are second only to photos with cats, although this is no longer a fact. Why, entire dynasties have made a name and fortune for themselves on the popularity of the butt.

What is buttock augmentation with hyaluronic acid

Before giving a detailed explanation of what is buttock augmentation with hyaluronic acid , it is worth considering in more detail the properties and defining characteristics of hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid became an assistant to cosmetologists in the last decade of the 20th century, and today not a single self-respecting aesthetic medicine clinic can do without preparations based on it. Hyaluronic acid is found in many tissues of the human body, is an integral part of the synoval (cartilage) fluid, and functions as a natural lubricant and natural moisturizer. Her ability to hold a thousand water molecules turned out to be in demand to eliminate signs of age and achieve a rejuvenation effect.

Hyaluronic acid varies in its properties. One of the criteria affecting the prescription of the drug is density. The denser the hyaluronic acid, the greater the volume it will provide due to the formation of new fibroblasts, and the longer the effect will be.

Who is the procedure intended for?

This safe and highly effective procedure is used by patients who are not satisfied with the appearance of their buttocks. Indications for use are ptosis of the buttocks, loss of skin elasticity in this delicate part of the body, naturally unaesthetic shapes, the desire to increase the volume or adjust the proportions of the buttocks. Often, buttock enlargement with hyaluronic acid is required by both female and male patients who train hard in the gym, but never get the desired shape due to the natural characteristics of the body.

It is important that the tissues do not show signs of severe ptosis, otherwise the operation will not give the desired effect.

Buttock augmentation with hyaluronic acid is used after surgical operations in order to correct their results or fill in the unevenness left as a result of the intervention. Buttock augmentation with hyaluronic acid is in demand in the presence of scars or marks from burns or injuries, as well as after unsuccessful cosmetic procedures that left defects on the skin.

Preparing for surgery

Before surgery, the patient must consult with a plastic surgeon and undergo a complete examination of the body, including:

  • general urine analysis;
  • blood tests (general, biochemical, coagulation tests, etc.);
  • electrocardiogram;
  • fluorography.

If no contraindications to plastic surgery are identified, a date for the procedure will be set. Two weeks before the procedure, the patient is advised to give up bad habits, as well as take a number of medications. The intervention is carried out on an empty stomach.

How does hyaluronic acid enlarge the buttocks?

Before deciding on the procedure, you must reliably verify that the doctor has the appropriate manufacturer’s certificate giving permission to enlarge the buttocks with hyaluronic acid.

It’s not for nothing that buttock augmentation with hyaluronic acid is called a “dinner shot of beauty.” This simple procedure, called surgery, takes no more than an hour and is practically painless with a qualified approach and proper pain relief.

The operation is performed in a sterile operating room under local anesthesia. Unpleasant sensations are possible due to a slight violation of tissue integrity. The doctor makes two small incisions of 1 cm each in the upper part of the buttocks. Through them, cannulas are inserted, which, penetrating into the subcutaneous layers, make it possible to lay out a high-density gel at a given depth.

According to a plan previously accepted by the doctor and the patient, the drug is applied to the target areas, gradually correcting the shape and volume of the buttocks and hiding their imperfections. After the operation, cosmetic sutures are applied to the punctures, which are removed on the tenth day after the operation. If the volume of intervention was small, it is possible to apply special medical plasters or strips instead of sutures. The patient leaves the clinic immediately after the intervention and detailed instructions on the rules of the rehabilitation period.

After surgery, a number of processes occur in tissues under the influence of hyaluronic acid. First of all, it physically adds volume where it is lacking. Secondly, it begins to attract a large volume of water molecules, due to which the skin smoothes out, becomes full, and the buttocks acquire elasticity and volume. The third effect of the filler, which enlarges the buttocks with hyaluronic acid, is the active formation of new collagen and elastin fibers, due to which the buttocks look round and smooth.

How does SCULPTRA work?

Enlargement and correction of the buttocks with Sculptra filler replenishes tissue volume, activates the growth of collagen fibers, and naturally prolongs the youthfulness of the skin. This drug has the longest lifespan of any injectable drug.

Poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA), is the main component, it works in the deep dermis (under the skin), gradually replacing lost collagen.

PLLA material is biocompatible and biodegradable (naturally absorbed by the body).

Rehabilitation after the procedure

Despite the fact that buttock augmentation with hyaluronic acid is a fairly simple procedure to perform, its final result largely depends on the patient’s compliance with the rules of the recovery period.

In order for the result to be lasting and aesthetically satisfactory, it is necessary to carefully follow the doctor’s instructions after the operation. Restrictions include a ban on massage of the operated area. In the first three to four weeks after the intervention, unwanted migration of the gel is possible if the patient violated the instructions and allowed the buttocks to be massaged. It is also better to postpone thermal procedures to a later period, as well as exposure to sunlight and physical activity. After the operation, you will have to get used to sleeping on your stomach so as not to injure your buttocks and allow the gel to “settle” in the tissues. Often violated, the recommendation to wear compression garments contributes to the loss of the planned shape of the buttocks. Compression underwear gives the ideal shape to this part of the body and guarantees its preservation during the entire period of action of the gel in the body.

Under the influence of filler containing hyaluronic acid, new connective tissues are formed. This process requires good blood supply to the vessels and active metabolic processes. Therefore, during the recovery period, drinking alcohol and smoking is extremely undesirable, since these risk factors limit the access of oxygen to tissues and slow down the formation of new fibroblasts. In addition, such unpopular habits lead to accelerated breakdown and removal of hyaluronic acid from the body, thus shortening the duration of the effect.

HYAcorp Body Contouring MLF1 – 10 ml

1. G-spot augmentation

Anatomy and physiology:

  • secretion activity: the same indicators of prostate specific antigens were found as in the male prostate;
  • fluid from the female prostate gland is released through the periurethral canals during orgasm;
  • the amount of liquid varies from a minimum to a maximum called "Femme Fontaine".

Physico-pathological development:

  • weakening the stimulating effect of androgens reduces the sensitivity and activity of the periurethral glands;
  • the G point atrophies and loses its exocrine function;
  • a decrease in estrogen levels causes dryness of the genital mucosa.


  • the HYAcorp MLF1 mesh structure implant increases, moisturizes, improves tone and trophism, increases the activity of glands in the G-spot area;
  • reduces the diameter of the vaginal canal;
  • the relief of the vaginal canal changes from concave to convex;
  • The G-spot will be stimulated regardless of the angle of penetration of the penis.

2. Correction of the volume of the labia majora and minora in women.

3. Vaginal plastic surgery.

4. Correction of the diameter and enlargement of the head of the male penis.


  • Aesthetic: involutional changes (for example, the folded shape of the labia, their sagging in women due to age-related atrophy);
  • Medical: congenital or acquired (during childbirth, wounds or domestic injuries, after surgery) defects of the intimate area that cause discomfort or lead to the development of infection (for example, insufficient volume of the folds of the vulva does not protect the vagina from pathogenic microorganisms), too small size , asymmetry of the genitals, affecting sexual sensations and quality of life in general.

Methodology and technique of administration

  • under local anesthesia;
  • the injection area was treated with an antiseptic;
  • periurethral injection of 3 to 5 ml of HYAcorp MLF1 superficially into the mucous membrane using a retrograde injection technique.

Possible complications

Swelling and hematomas are possible within one, maximum two weeks after surgery as a reaction to tissue damage. Prolonged bruises and internal bleeding require immediate medical examination. Removal of hematomas is usually carried out using puncture and removal of blood. Such consequences are rare and are usually associated with damage to a large blood vessel.

Painful sensations arise from tissue distension with the gel, go away on their own within a week or a little longer, and are relieved with painkillers prescribed by a doctor.

Insufficient qualifications of the doctor sometimes causes asymmetry of the buttocks if the gel was introduced unevenly, in different volumes or at different subcutaneous levels. The correction procedure in most cases helps to correct the volume and shape.

Seals, nodules, and irregularities are expected complications and resolve on their own within a month after surgery. They gradually soften without a trace and in the future do not cause any concern. However, if after a month the skin is still lumpy, this is a reason to consult a doctor for a correction procedure. A rare complication is the formation of irregularities a month or later after the operation. The most common reason for such a negative consequence is the individual reaction of the patient, which can be avoided by carefully collecting anamnesis before surgery.

Migration of the gel is possible if the surgical protocol is violated or if the patient ignores the doctor’s instructions. In this case, consultation is necessary to correct or remove the gel from the body.

The use of non-absorbable gels to enlarge the buttocks should alert the patient, since this unprofessional proposal is fraught with a lot of negative consequences, not only of an aesthetic nature. The use of outdated drugs poses a threat to the patient's health and often has irreversible consequences.


Before performing buttock augmentation using Macroline injections, a consultation with a plastic surgeon is required. The specialist must be informed about the presence of any chronic or acute diseases, or intolerance to any drugs.

Macroline injections are contraindicated in the presence of the following conditions:

  • Intolerance to hyaluronic acid;
  • The presence of a burdened allergic history, especially anaphylactic shock in the past;
  • The presence of ptosis of the gluteal region, since in such a situation the gel migrates;
  • The period of pregnancy, natural feeding (during this period, no invasive cosmetic interventions are performed);
  • Childhood;
  • Autoimmune pathology (administration of the drug for autoimmune diseases can cause severe complications);
  • Connective tissue diseases;
  • Oncological diseases;
  • Infectious processes;
  • Blood clotting disorders.

Only in the absence of contraindications can a specialist recommend injection correction of the buttock area.

Possible complications

When increasing the volume of the buttocks with hyaluronic acid injections, some complications may develop:

  • Pain syndrome: after the administration of Macroline, pain may persist when pressing in the area where the drug was administered, but in rare cases severe pain persists for a long time.
  • Severe swelling. Typically, minimally invasive correction techniques do not cause severe swelling, but in rare cases this is possible; swelling can persist for several days. This condition is not dangerous, but the effectiveness of the procedure is somewhat reduced because the skin is stretched and the buttock area becomes not as firm as the client desires.
  • When the procedure is performed by an unqualified surgeon in clinics where insufficient attention is paid to the sterilization of instruments and the requirements of asepsis and antisepsis, infectious complications are possible. This consequence can be mitigated by the correct choice of clinic and specialist.
  • After administration of the drug, lumps may remain in the injection area, which will normally resolve within a few days or weeks while the gel is distributed subcutaneously. If the seals persist for a longer period of time, you should definitely visit a specialist.

Expected result of buttock augmentation with hyaluronic acid

The main advantages of buttock augmentation with hyaluronic acid are the safety and painlessness of the procedure. Considering the natural origin of hyaluronic acid, the risk of rejection and allergic reactions is minimized. At the same time, the disadvantages of the operation include a temporary result and the need to return to the clinic in about a year. Patients who have experienced buttock enlargement with hyaluronic acid are satisfied with the result, and consider the simplicity and brevity of the operation, coupled with the natural effect, to be the main arguments in favor of turning to this method.

HYAcorp Body Contouring MLF2 – 10 ml

(syringe size: 10 ml)

1.0 ml contains:

Sodium salt of hyaluronic acid 2 mg Sodium chloride 6.9 mg Cross-linked sodium salt of hyaluronic acid 20 mg Water for injection 1 ml Particle size 300-500 µm Depth of introduction superficial layers


The special composition of HYAcorp MLF2 provides maximum volumetric results when contouring the body. HYAcorp MLF2 is intended for use as a means of restoring lost volume and contouring of body surfaces. The depth of administration may vary depending on the site of treatment, subcutaneous application and supraperiosteal application.

Greater volume gains can be achieved with HYAcorp MLF2 - Buttocks - Concave Deformity Correction

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