How to quickly reduce your butt: the best exercises at home

In order to quickly reduce your butt, you need to exercise regularly. The training complex should be based on strength training and include squats at different levels, lunges, deadlifts, leg kicks, and swings on all fours. Daily cardio exercises will also help to remove fat from the buttocks in a short time: climbing stairs, jumping rope, swimming, running, cycling, race walking.
  • Lesson program
  • Cardio loads
  • Features of training for different people
  • Power training

    The buttocks, along with the thighs, make up the largest muscle groups in the body. For this reason, in order to thoroughly work them, you should perform basic, multi-joint lower body exercises. Strength training on the butt will be more effective if the training is carried out in a high-repetition, high-intensity mode, using a large number of different movements. This technique will create a high level of muscle stress necessary for rapid weight loss in the buttocks.

    A prerequisite for safe training is warming up. It includes cardio exercises (running in place with your knees high, pedaling an exercise bike, jumping rope), stretching muscles and warming up joints (sitting into splits, rotating your legs, arms and pelvis, bending over). The duration of the warm-up complex should be from 10 to 15 minutes.

    Squats at different levels

    The exercise is one of the most popular and effective; during its implementation, all areas of the buttocks, adductors and quadriceps muscles of the thighs are carefully worked out, which leads to a significant consumption of calories in the body.

    You can increase the effectiveness of squats if you perform them using a two-level technique. It consists in the fact that during the first half of the approach the body is lowered only to the middle, after which a similar number of squats are immediately performed from a half-squat position deep into the floor.

    Correct execution algorithm:

    1. Take a standing position and place your feet shoulder-width apart.
    2. Extend your hands in front of you at chest level.
    3. While inhaling, smoothly lower your body into a half-squat position (the angle between the spine and hips is 90 degrees).
    4. As you exhale, quickly rise to a standing position.
    5. Repeat the movement 10 times, then immediately return to a half-squat and perform another 10 squats from this position deep into the floor until the body is completely lowered.
    6. Pause for rest for one and a half minutes and perform the exercise 4 more times.

    Leg rotation

    The exercise allows you to specifically work out the lateral and middle parts of the buttocks, making your butt more toned and rounded.


    1. Take a lying position on a yoga mat.
    2. Attach special weights to your shins (if you don’t have sports equipment, you can make them yourself: pour sand into a sock and connect its ends with a thick rubber band or elastic bandage).
    3. Turn to your right side and lift your upper body, placing your forearm on the floor.
    4. Place your left hand in front of you to fix the position of your torso.
    5. Raise your left leg high up and make 15-20 turns of the foot in and back.
    6. Turn over to the other side and perform a similar rotation with your right leg.

    The number of approaches is 4-5.

    Swing on all fours

    An isolated exercise involves only the hip joint, creating an accentuated load on the buttock. This allows you to work the deep muscles of the butt that are difficult to reach during other movements.

    Execution algorithm:

    1. Lower yourself to a horizontal position and get on all fours.
    2. Straighten your back and tighten your abdominal muscles.
    3. Raise your right knee and pull it slightly towards your chest, then with a quick, swinging movement, move your leg back and up.
    4. Return to the starting position on all fours and perform another 12-14 swings.
    5. Do the same number of repetitions with your left leg.

    The amount of work in this exercise is 4 series. The rest interval between sets is 60 seconds.


    In order for the deadlift to have a powerful, fat-burning effect on the buttocks and other problematic parts of the body, it is necessary to use large weights. So, a man should perform deadlifts with a weight of about 85% of the one-repetition maximum, a woman should take dumbbells with which she can perform no more than 12 repetitions.

    Performing the exercise:

    1. Take 2 heavy dumbbells in your hands and fix them on the outside of the thigh muscles.
    2. Place your shins at shoulder level.
    3. Tighten your abdominals and straighten your back.
    4. As you inhale, slowly tilt your upper body down until an angle of 90 degrees appears between your hips and spine.
    5. As you exhale, quickly straighten your body to a vertical position.
    6. Do 8-10 repetitions.
    7. After a two-minute rest interval, perform the exercise 4 more times.

    Lunges with dumbbells

    During the exercise, in addition to effectively working the gluteal muscles, they are slightly stretched, which allows you to reduce your butt even faster.

    Execution algorithm:

    1. Take dumbbells in your hands and place your feet shoulder-width apart.
    2. Straighten your back and pull in your stomach.
    3. As you inhale, slowly bending and lowering your right knee, take a long step with your right leg, transferring the entire weight of your torso onto it.
    4. Fix the body position at the lowest point for 2 seconds.
    5. As you exhale, raise your body to a standing position.
    6. Perform a similar lunge with your left leg.
    7. Alternately perform 12 repetitions.
    8. Take a two-minute break to recuperate and perform the exercise 4 more times.

    Taking the leg back

    An isolated exercise is designed to give the butt a rounded shape and reduce its size.

    Implementation technique:

    1. Take a standing position.
    2. Place your feet next to each other.
    3. Wrap your arms around your waist.
    4. Tilt your body slightly forward.
    5. Using short, swinging movements, quickly perform 15 abductions of the left leg back.
    6. Repeat the exercise with your right leg.
    7. Rest for 1 minute and perform 4 more series.


    Effective training of the gluteal muscles is impossible without pumping the abdominal muscles. For this reason, a complex for reducing butt must include at least one exercise to strengthen the muscle corset in the waist area. The most versatile and effective load can be obtained by performing twisting exercises.

    Correct implementation technique:

    1. Take a horizontal position lying on the mat on your back.
    2. Fix your hands behind your head, spreading your elbows to the sides.
    3. Close your legs together, straighten them and lift them slightly above the surface (starting position).
    4. As you exhale, lift your left shoulder blade off the floor and lift it towards your right knee (the right thigh should move towards you).
    5. As you inhale, straighten up to the starting position.
    6. Do a similar twist of the right shoulder blade to the left.
    7. Alternately perform 20 repetitions in each direction.
    8. After a one-minute rest interval, perform the exercise in 4 more series.

    Swing your legs to the sides on the mat

    Execution technique

    • We lie down on a gymnastic mat. We hold our hands behind our heads.
    • We raise our legs vertically. They remain bent at the knees.
    • From this position, first straighten your legs completely. Then we spread them apart. The legs should be as tense as possible.
    • Then we bring them together. And we bend our knees again.

    We do 20-30 times.


    Lesson program

    In order to quickly lose weight and significantly reduce your fat butt in just a week, exercises must be performed regularly. The load should be distributed in such a way that between training the gluteal muscles there is a rest interval of about 3 days.

    An effective home workout plan might look like this:

    • Monday: lunges with dumbbells, leg kicks, leg rotations.
    • Tuesday: crunches.
    • Wednesday: closed.
    • Thursday: squats at different levels, swings on all fours, deadlifts.
    • Friday: crunches.
    • Saturday and Sunday: rest days.

    For the harmonious development of the whole body during the week, it is recommended to set aside 1 day to work the shoulder girdle, latissimus and pectoral muscles. To do this, you can use push-ups, pull-ups, military dumbbell presses and other exercises at home.

    Reasons for looking for ways to reduce buttocks

    Large buttocks are not always the “highlight” of a woman’s figure; much more often, an increase in the volume of the “fifth point” is perceived by both the woman herself and the people around her as an annoying flaw that “disfigures” the body and gives rise to complexes. The reasons that motivate women to search for a solution on how to reduce their butt size are most often:

    • discomfort experienced when it is impossible to sit on a chair or in a standard chair;
    • drooping of the tissues of the buttocks due to gravity, coupled with a decrease in the tone of the gluteal muscles;
    • deterioration in the appearance of the skin , the elasticity of which is clearly not enough to contain the “pressure” of adipose tissue;
    • cellulite , that is, changes in the structure (lumpyness) of overgrown subcutaneous fatty tissue, due to impaired blood microcirculation and lymph outflow.

    Attention! How to reduce the buttocks, men think much less often than women, who, due to the peculiarities of metabolism, deposit three times more fat in the gluteal region than in other areas of the body (if we compare areas of the same area).

    Cardio loads

    As you know, local fat burning does not exist, and reducing your butt while leaving fat in other parts of the body will not work. Fat deposits burn evenly everywhere. A set of aerobic exercises performed every day will help you lose weight quickly.

    The most effective cardio exercises are presented in the table:

    NameExecution method
    Climbing stairsYou should climb to the 5th floor and go back down, then rest for a minute and do another 4-5 series
    Jumping ropeThe exercise will be effective when performed cyclically: 2 minutes - jumping, 1 minute - rest. Number of cycles per lesson – at least 5
    SwimmingThe duration of the swim should be about 25 minutes at an average pace. It is best to use energy-intensive techniques (cross, brace)
    Running with high kneesIt is recommended to perform in series of 40-60 seconds with a minute's rest during morning exercises on an empty stomach. The total duration of the lesson is 10-15 minutes.
    A ride on the bicycleEffectively used as the main method of transportation for every day. In winter, you can exercise on an exercise bike. The duration of one workout should be about 30 minutes
    Race walkingThe optimal time for exercise is 3-4 hours after dinner. Duration: 40 minutes. You should not eat after training (before bed)

    During aerobic exercise, you need to monitor your heart rate. Its effective and safe value should be calculated using the formula: (220 - age) x 80%. For example, a 20-year-old girl would do best to exercise at a heart rate of 160 beats per minute ((220-20) * 80%).

    Important! Any workout will be useless without following a diet. Losing weight requires a calorie deficit. The basis of the diet should be proteins.

    How to reduce buttocks: it's interesting

    At the beginning of the 19th century, circuses showed people who had an unnatural appearance, from the point of view of Europeans, including women suffering from steatopygia, the most famous being Saarti Baartman, who was presented as the “Hottentot Venus.”

    It is interesting that several decades later, ladies began to imitate the “savage” - a bustle came into fashion - a pillow-shaped device that was attached to the back to create the appearance of lush buttocks. So ladies from high society at that time did not care at all about how to reduce their buttocks; on the contrary, they gladly enlarged them, at least visually.

    In the 21st century, prominent buttocks are back in fashion and a lot of credit for this goes to R&B singers, including Beyoncé, but the “first sign” to focus the public’s attention on the buttocks was Jennifer Lopez, although today her buttocks look more modest than the sirloin parts, for example, Kim Kardashian.

    On a note. More than 16,000 women were examined in a scientific study establishing a link between the size of the buttocks and the health of their owner. It turned out that owners of curvy butts have good health and intelligence ! It turned out that they have little cholesterol in their blood and a lot of the hormone that breaks down sugar, which means that women with large buttocks are less likely to develop atherosclerosis and diabetes . The fat deposited on the butt contains quite a lot of Omega-3 fatty acids, which ensure uninterrupted transmission of nerve impulses, help suppress allergic reactions and prevent the development of tumors. The scientists who conducted the study made an amazing conclusion: fat located in the gluteal area stimulates brain function and strengthens the immune system ! Maybe you shouldn’t look for ways to remove fat from the buttocks, so as not to lose the protection from diseases given by nature itself!

    Features of training for different people

    When performing exercises, a man needs to focus on lifting heavy weights. A woman, on the contrary, should use weights with a small mass. The effectiveness of training among representatives of the fair sex depends to a greater extent on the volume of loads than on their intensity.

    For a young girl, the main emphasis should be on basic, multi-joint exercises for the butt and buttocks: squats, lunges, deadlifts. They will not only help you remove fat, but will also create an attractive, rounded butt shape.

    For a teenager, at least until the age of 15, it is better to avoid training with heavy weights, preferring cardio training and sports games.

    How to reduce your butt: a review of effective techniques

    1. Surgical methods for reducing the volume of the buttocks. Surgical operations, which are painful but allow the results to be maintained for a long time, are used in cases where a person wants to quickly reduce the volume of the buttocks. Typically, liposuction is used for these purposes, that is, fat removal by destroying the membranes of fat cells and turning it into an emulsion, which is removed using a metal catheter and a vacuum pump. Depending on the choice of method for destroying fat cells, water jet, radio frequency and laser liposuction are distinguished.
    2. Hardware methods for correcting the size of the buttocks . The following will help reduce the volume of the buttocks, and at the same time improve their shape: cryolipolysis using the Zeltik device, ultrasonic liposuction, as well as injections of lipolytics (for example, the drug Aqualix). In addition, myostimulation, LPG massage, vacuum massage, wraps and other cosmetic procedures are used to reduce the buttocks, most of which cannot seriously affect the size of the buttocks, but improve their shape, making the buttock area look toned and neat.
    3. Surgical butt lift. This is perhaps the most important part of the buttock reduction program, which is impossible to do without in most cases due to a decrease in skin elasticity. Since there is no hope that the skin will shrink on its own, then there is no hope that the ugly folds under the butt will disappear on their own. The surgery takes up to 3.5 hours and is done under general anesthesia. Most often, the incision is made along the gluteal groove (the seam is hidden in a natural fold, so it is practically invisible), but it can also run at an angle from the side towards the groin, and can also be placed horizontally above the buttocks. After surgery, the folds are straightened, the buttocks are raised upward, and in addition, they acquire a rounded shape.

    Attention! The effect of the operation will last for a long time if it is possible to avoid weight gain and serious changes in hormonal levels, but only if the person maintains physical fitness by regularly performing exercises for the buttocks.

    Biological aspect

    No sports training will solve problems with voluminous buttocks until the abundant fat deposits in the body are eliminated. Naturally, one could suggest a diet, but not every person is able to cope with it together with physical exercise. Therefore, the reader is offered a set of rules that must be followed in order to achieve this goal:

    1. Completely eliminate sweets, including sugar, which is added to tea or coffee. Sweet carbonated water is also prohibited.
    2. No fast food, fried pies, pasties and other food that is intended to satisfy hunger outside the home.
    3. Complete cessation of alcohol consumption, including kvass. How to make your butt smaller if alcohol will eliminate any athletic achievements? This is a very important point.
    4. Increase your consumption of regular water at the rate of 30-40 ml per kilogram of your own weight. Water should be supplied to the body throughout the day in small portions (no more than 200 ml at a time).
    5. Include fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet. If there are problems with their presence in your city, you need to start consuming a vitamin-mineral complex.

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