How the appearance of the famous singer Stas Mikhailov changed

Popular singer Stas Mikhailov has overcome a long journey to reach the top of the starry Olympus and become an Honored Artist of the country. Many people love and know the artist’s songs by heart, they are inspired by his work, and they idolize the idol himself. True, lately they have been talking more not about new compositions, but about how Stas Mikhailov has changed before and after plastic surgery.

Appearance before plastic surgery

Stas comes from the resort city of Sochi; it was on the Black Sea coast that the future artist spent his childhood and youth. Even in early childhood, Mikhailov’s older brother showed him the first chords on the guitar, and this is how his love for music arose.

Stas Mikhailov in childhood

At the very beginning of his career, when the singer presented his song “Without You” to the public, Stas was a rather handsome man who was always well-groomed and immaculately dressed. The image created by the artist certainly suited him, Mikhailov corresponded to his age, the singer did not try to reduce his years.

A real scandal occurred at the artist’s concert, which was dedicated to his 50th anniversary. The audience did not recognize Stas, he had changed so much, so they booed him, asked him to leave the stage and accused him of using a double.

As it turned out later, there was no substitution, and his transformation was caused by facial plastic surgery, which made him unrecognizable. The radical change in the performer’s image also played a cruel joke; fans were accustomed to seeing the idol in an open shirt and with a chain around his neck, and not in fashionable haute couture items.

Irina Dubtsova

With the advent of popularity, the singer not only lost weight, but also took care of her teeth. Dubtsova’s smile became noticeably whiter. The singer completely changed her image after the end of “Star Factory”. She changed her hair color and took up sports.

Blonde beauty Valeria carefully looks after herself. The singer adheres to a healthy diet and regularly plays sports and yoga. Valeria's appearance will be the envy of many young girls. The same can be said about a smile that brightened over time.

What operations were

Stas Mikhailov never suffered from lack of attention from the opposite sex. The singer has always enjoyed success with the beautiful part of the population, but star status obliges a man to always and everywhere look good, regardless of age.

For his fiftieth birthday, the Russian singer decided to give himself a gift and had plastic surgery, which resulted in a noticeably younger and refreshed face. True, not all of his fans greeted these transformations with understanding and approval.

The pop artist himself categorically denied any surgical intervention. But the photos showing Stas Mikhailov before and after plastic surgery clearly proved the opposite.

Experts in the field of plastic surgery also confirmed their presence:

  1. The first thing that the performer of the famous hit “Without You” may have resorted to is anti-aging blepharoplasty. The photo before plastic surgery shows loose skin around the eyes, serious sagging of soft tissues, all this gave the artist’s face fatigue. Now there is no trace of this.
  2. Experts are also confident that Mikhailov used the procedure of volumetric contouring with fillers. The man repeatedly used so-called acid injections, when hyaluronic acid and Botox injections are injected into the tissue. They provide a facelift and get rid of wrinkles.
  3. Singer Stas Mikhailov after plastic surgery became the owner of more voluminous lips. Experts are sure that the same hyaluronic acid gave them noticeable swelling and sensuality. It is impossible to obtain such a volume in any other way.
  4. If you compare photographs from five years ago and today, you can see differences on the head. In the past, Stas had obvious bald spots, but they are no longer visible in the 2022 photo. Mikhailov has enviable hair, his growth line has moved down a little, and clear outlines have appeared. Plastic surgeons are confident that this could not have happened without a hair follicle transplant. And the artist enhances the effect with the help of coloring.

Stas’s physique has also changed significantly; the singer has noticeably lost weight. If in old photographs his body looks flabby and plump, today Mikhailov boasts of a fit and athletic figure. There is no hint of extra pounds. This transformation also contributes to visual rejuvenation, and reduces age no worse than plastic surgery.

The Russian artist claims that he achieved this form by completely abandoning bad habits, including alcoholic drinks and cigarettes. The man has been following a healthy diet for several years; the singer’s diet does not include baked goods or fatty foods.

In addition, Stas, despite his busy touring schedule, devotes a lot of time to physical activity in the gym, and in his free time he enjoys running and swimming.

What do the experts say?

Experts unanimously say that Stas nevertheless resorted to a number of operations and injections. This is indicated by:

  • facial wrinkles that have become less deep;
  • jowls that disappeared without a trace;
  • clear oval face;
  • very smooth skin without blemishes;
  • slightly raised eyebrows;
  • no drooping eyelid effect.

Now the artist began to look more like 30 than 50 years old.

New image of the legendary singer

Journalists are also convinced that the singer used the services of a plastic surgeon and had a facelift. The artist's facial expressions changed noticeably. The emotions on his face are not as clear as they were before the anniversary. The smile looks insincere and strained, and when Stas raises his eyebrows, his face seems to freeze and turn into a motionless mask.

One can hardly call the singer’s new image successful. But a lot depends on what the star will look like in the future, and whether he will have to pay for his desire to be forever young.

Public opinion

Not everyone was positive about the updated look. Some have spoken unkindly about the abuse of plastic surgery.

Most of his colleagues on the stage also thought that Stas Mikhailov clearly overdid it, that his lips were too pouty and looked ugly and inharmonious with the singer’s face and image as a whole. And his frozen facial expressions shock many. Such a stir arose after the latest photos of the artist after plastic surgery appeared on the Internet.

The female half of fans, on the contrary, defend their favorite artist in every possible way. It seems to them that the singer suits him the way he looks now. He became noticeably younger, more courageous and brutal.

As for Stas Mikhailov himself, in one of his interviews the chansonnier shared that he categorically does not like discussions about his appearance.

The performer said that he never spoke out about the appearance, clothing style and behavior of other Russian pop stars, and did not give them advice on how to dress correctly. This is actually why the man doesn’t understand why they do this. Moreover, in such a negative form.

The artist does not confirm the numerous plastic surgeries that are attributed to him. The man emphasizes that several years ago he actually turned to specialists, but it was related to a hair transplant. The singer underwent three operations, so the information about artificial overlays is a lie.

Mikhailov also does not deny botulinum toxin injections; Stas’s wife insisted on injections. However. He will not dare to undertake such an experience again, since it is a very painful procedure.

Success: all albums of Stas Mikhailov

In 2004, Radio Chanson broadcast the song “Without You” from the album “Call Signs for Love,” released in the same year. And fame literally falls on him! According to Stas's recollections, the love of a huge army of fans charged him with fantastic creative energy. Inspiration is the sister of inspiration: the singer, one after another, records collections that quickly brought him to the pinnacle of success:

  • “I’m coming to you” (2005),
  • "Shores of Dreams" (2006),
  • "Heaven" (2007),
  • “Life is a River” (2008),
  • "Alive" (2010),
  • “Only You” (2011),
  • “I will open my heart” (2012),
  • "Joker" (2013)
  • "1000 Steps" (2014),
  • “You are everything” (2017),
  • "Best Day" (2019).

In 2011, in the ranking of “50 Main Celebrities of Russia” published by Forbes magazine, the chansonnier, who by that time was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, occupied the top line for the first time.

How did plastic surgery affect your career?

Stas’s creative career is developing with the same success as before plastic surgery. His changed and noticeably younger appearance had no effect on his career. The artist is still admired and loved. The singer has a multi-million army of fans; it is difficult to get tickets for his concerts.

Mikhailov is a frequent guest on television programs; rating programs dream of getting him as a guest. Today he is still as in demand, successful and popular as at the beginning of his musical career.

The beginning of the creative path of Stas Mikhailov

A tragedy at a very young age helped me critically rethink my life. He firmly decides to start a musical career. For this purpose, Stas, having already studied at the Minsk Aviation School, even tried to gain knowledge at the Institute of Culture in Tambov. But he quickly realized that academic education did not appeal to him. He returns to Sochi and continues to sing in restaurants, while at the same time trying himself as a businessman.

In 1992, the first success: “Candle” was written, which quickly became a hit. The small victory inspired me so much that it was decided to go to conquer Moscow. The capital welcomed the young talent cordially. First, the presentation of a diploma from the prestigious Midshipmen of the Variety festival in those years, followed by the Star Storm competition, at which he was awarded the Audience Award. 5 years of work at the Variety Theater gave me a good and useful experience for my future life.

In 1997, Stas released his first video clip “Dark Eyes” and the album “Candle”, which were immediately noticed, but did not bring much popularity. As, indeed, the second album “Dedication”, released in 2002.

Personal life

The personal life of the popular singer has long been established; Stas has been officially married for many years; he met his wife Inna in 2006, and four years later they married secretly from everyone.

The beloved, however, like the artist himself, has already managed to visit the registry office; this is her second attempt to build a family. The girl already had two children from her first husband, but Mikhailov’s wife was able to give two beautiful daughters.

Stas also has heirs with whom he keeps in touch, so now, as the star couple jokes, they have six children between them.

In 2022, the couple will celebrate their fifteenth anniversary since they met. They still love and appreciate each other. The artist repeatedly confessed his love to his wife during his interviews and emphasized that she is the best woman in his life.

The star status of the artists obliges them to always be in excellent physical shape, despite their age to remain young and beautiful. It is not always possible to achieve the desired result naturally, so many people agree to plastic surgery. Stas Mikhailov was among them.

Prokhor Chaliapin

The performer also followed the path of least resistance, so he decided to correct his problems with his teeth (slight curvature and malocclusion) with the help of the already mentioned composite veneers. The difference between ceramics and composite is always noticeable to a specialist: there is no complete fit to the teeth, there are no crevices, there is an unnatural shade.

You need to understand that composite veneers are made from plastic, and it is a toxic material, because food and food debris constantly settle on it. In this regard, composite veneers quickly lose their original whiteness and constantly require professional dental whitening.

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