Facial skin care after 25 years - rules, stages, advice from a cosmetologist

Most women introduce special facial skin care into their lives after 25 years, since this age threshold is the beginning of the appearance of the first signs of aging. And this is correct - after all, cosmetic products need to be selected strictly according to the needs of the epidermis, and not “at random”.

So that in a few years you don’t have to fight wrinkles and other age-related problems, find out what should definitely be on your cosmetic shelf!

Not everyone knows that age-related changes in the skin begin to occur at such an early age. Surely, you used to get by with just washing your face with foam and applying any cream. Now the time for carelessness is behind us! But don't worry! If you choose the right skin care products, then daily skin care will become a pleasant practice for you, which will allow you to notice bright positive changes.

Children's skin (from 0 to 10-12 years):

Thin and vulnerable, it does not protect as well as adult skin from germs and toxins.


Timely cleansing and protection from adverse factors. Children's cosmetics should include natural plant extracts (chamomile, calendula, string, aloe) and oils (almond, jojoba), panthenol, zinc oxide. Thanks to these components, baby care cosmetics protect the child from an aggressive microbial environment, moisturize and soothe.

Facial care after 50 years

The legendary Coco Chanel once said: “Your face at 20 is given to you by nature; what it will be like at 50 depends on you.” We hope that you did not leave your skin alone with stress, and it continues to please you with health and a well-groomed appearance. You are probably already a master in facial care, so we will note only three key points.

Use retinol

If you haven't used vitamin A products before, don't put it off: they really help your skin stay young longer. If retinol is already included in your favorite creams and serums, consider increasing its concentration.

Add hyaluronic acid serum to your routine

This substance is present in the skin and is involved, among other things, in preserving moisture in the tissues. With age, there is less and less natural hyaluronic acid, and the skin becomes drier, slowly turning into parchment.

But it's not just about moisture loss. Hyaluronic acid is actively involved in cell regeneration processes. If it is deficient, the skin simply loses the ability to regenerate effectively. And this speeds up aging.

Therefore, after 50, it is extremely important to additionally nourish the skin with hyaluronic acid using specialized anti-aging serums or even injections.

Make masks with a lifting effect every three to four days

In terms of rejuvenation, alginate masks have proven themselves well. However, cosmetic brands offer many other options for masks with a lifting effect based on “branded” active ingredients. And you will probably be able to choose something of your own - exactly the product that will restore elasticity specifically to your skin.

And let us remind you once again: we, unlike our mothers and grandmothers, are lucky to live in a time when beauty and youth are in many ways truly in our (and an experienced cosmetologist’s) hands. You need to take advantage of this magical fact!

Adolescence (from 10-12 to 18 years):

Due to hormonal changes, the sebaceous glands begin to actively grow and work, resulting in rashes (from single to multiple) appearing on the skin of the face.


Proper cleansing of facial skin: washing with special products (milk, gel, cosmetic soap) that gently cleanse the skin without causing overdrying or changing the pH of the skin. Be sure to use tonic. It helps remove residual tap water, and also has a disinfectant, anti-inflammatory and soothing effect (due to plant extracts of camphor, rosemary, tea tree oil, AHA acids), and restores skin pH. Cleansing must be carried out 2 times a day - morning and evening. In most cases, this is enough to properly restore the functioning of the sebaceous glands. When acne develops, special serums, masks, and disinfectants are used. In this case, the help of a dermatocosmetologist is necessary - facial cleansing is carried out, and special medications are prescribed.

Cases when cosmetology is powerless

– If there are more than ten rashes on the face, we don’t bother to clean it. For example, a teenager comes in and his face is covered in acne. You start asking what he eats, what he drinks, what pillow he sleeps on - and it turns out that at home he has a normal pillow, but recently went to Ukraine and slept on a feather pillow there. 100% this is demodicosis - subcutaneous mites. And you send it to a dermatologist for more serious treatment.

In general, feather pillows are dangerous - all kinds of living creatures constantly live in them. Either clean and dry them constantly, or replace them with any other one.

– If you don’t take care of your skin, then in our conditions it quickly becomes gray and dry, sags, and withers. Therefore, it is important to monitor the water balance in the body - drink more water. But the division of care products into men's and women's is very conditional: in fact, the ingredients in the creams are the same, only the fragrances are different. I know men who enjoy using their wives’ products - many are simply embarrassed to admit it. There are, of course, those who cannot be forced to apply cream at all, but then the result is appropriate.

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Young skin (from 18 to 25 years):

The skin is well moisturized, there is sufficient skin turgor.


Proper cleansing and protection from external influences. Cleansing involves the use of milk and tonic depending on the skin type, as well as a daily moisturizer with a protection factor; in winter, cryoprotectors are used. Salon procedures include facial cleansing, depending on skin type, it is possible to use moisturizing treatments (masks), as well as treatment for problem skin. In case of pronounced facial expressions, botulinum toxin can be used.

Unfortunately, after 25 years, the aging process begins in our body. Outwardly, its signs are not yet noticeable, but do not forget about this and after 25 years you need to pay more attention to your skin, even in the absence of problems, home care is no longer enough, you need to supplement your skin care with salon treatments

Stage 2 - hydration/nutrition

This stage is the final stage of daily care. It is very important to choose the right creams for yourself. After all, a rich nourishing cream applied to combination skin can easily clog pores and provoke inflammation. Always try to choose products that contain ingredients without artificial colors or fragrances.

The main cream for people aged 20-25 is still a moisturizer. Nourishing creams will be an addition to basic care. Again, remember to choose a cream that suits your skin. Normal skin will not need extra strong hydration and nutrition, so creams with a light texture are suitable for it. Dry skin, on the contrary, needs more intense hydration, so the creams will be especially rich in moisturizing elements. For oily skin, hydration and nutrition are also necessary. Many people think that if the skin is already constantly oily and shiny, then it doesn’t need creams; they will only make things worse. No! This kind of skin just needs special care. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to light creams with a sebum-regulating effect that mask oily shine. If you have problem skin, accompanied by constant inflammation, acne, and are afraid to use anything, then you should consult a specialist.

Age 25-35 years:

The initial signs of aging appear (expression wrinkles in the eye area, forehead, decreased skin turgor), the skin type may change (for example, it was prone to oiliness, it has become normal), and the initial signs of changes in the oval of the face.

During this period, regular professional care and mandatory home care become important.

Professional care includes: laser facial rejuvenation, micro-resurfacing, biorevitalization, non-injection mesotherapy, superficial peelings, various professional masks: collagen, alginate, etc. Professional procedures are carried out in a course 1-2 times a year. As maintenance procedures, professional masks are performed once every 2-3 weeks.

What is important at age 40+

A period when it is necessary to take all changes in the condition of the dermis very seriously. There are already more wrinkles, signs of sagging and decreased elasticity appear. The oval and terrain may change for the worse. Pimples and acne at this age are extremely rare, most likely due to the use of certain medications and poor diet. Therefore, maximum attention should be directed to reducing age-related changes.

How to take care of the face of 40-year-old people:

  1. All measures preceding this period must be activated. This includes cleansing, moisturizing and protecting. You need to stay in the sun as little as possible.
  2. The epidermis is not able to retain enough moisture, so it requires help - hydration from the inside and outside.
  3. The same goes for nutrition. These are not just healthy products, but also products rich in substances necessary to preserve youth - Omega-3, amino acids and fatty acids.
  4. It is very important to ensure proper rest - get enough sleep, and feel energetic and cheerful in the morning.

At this age, the help of a professional cosmetologist is invaluable. There are many methods - a specialist will help you choose the optimal rejuvenation complex and give recommendations for care. Treatments for youthful skin may include mesotherapy, hyaluronic acid injections, and the use of laser techniques.

Age 35-45 years:

Noticeable changes in the skin around the eyes, excess skin around the eyelids, and swelling of the eyelids appear. Neck skin – the first wrinkles and folds appear, and with excess weight and a “double chin”, the depth and expressiveness of the nasolabial folds increases, and the oval of the face changes.

However, all these changes are quantitative, not qualitative. Therefore, with proper cosmetic care, a woman’s appearance may not differ much from her photographs ten years ago.

Professional care includes: laser facial rejuvenation, micro-resurfacing, biorevitalization, non-injection mesotherapy, superficial peelings, the use of botulinum toxin, various professional masks: collagen, alginate, as well as non-surgical face lifting, ligature lifting, contour plastic surgery.

Home care must be regular: proper cleansing of the skin, the use of active serums, anti-aging creams, creams and masks around the eyes, and the mandatory use of masks in home care.

How to properly care for your facial skin? Advice from a dermatocosmetologist

The face is the “calling card” of a woman. When people want to compliment us, they talk about radiant youth, silky and soft skin. However, not everyone can boast of flawless eyelids, perfect forehead color and T-zone color after thirty years, and this is often due to health problems and poor care. Why can’t you choose creams based on your friends’ advice? In what cases can “beauty injections” be done even at a young age ? And why do men age so much slower than women? The NG correspondent asked these and other questions to dermatocosmetologist Elena Shilko.

- Elena, why is so much attention paid to facial skin health issues today?
Is this a tribute to fashion - an attempt to slow down the passage of time and look younger than your age? — Skin is not only our beauty, it performs many functions: barrier, hormonal, and protective from ultraviolet radiation. The latter is very important, because these are, in fact, our first wrinkles, the beginning of the aging process. That is why cosmetologists strongly advise all women, in addition to morning and day creams, to use a cream with UV protection. In addition, many are familiar firsthand with the problem of rosacea (a disease associated with the appearance of spider veins and dilated capillaries on the skin due to poor circulation). It greatly spoils the appearance and causes psychological discomfort. This scourge can be dealt with exclusively with the help of medical hardware cosmetology (photocoagulation), which changes the quality of life of the skin: dryness and hypersensitivity on the face disappear, and sudden changes in skin color due to temperature changes disappear.

Another current example: not only women, but also men turn to cosmetologists to get rid of skin pigmentation that appears after vacationing in hot countries. That is, we are talking not only about beauty and youth, but also about people’s comfort. And, as you know, physical health largely depends on our psychological comfort.

— Does every woman need to create an individual program for caring for her skin?

— Ideally, this is a prerequisite for maintaining healthy facial skin. Unfortunately, too many modern women believe that applying cream in the morning and evening is enough for complete care. Alas, this rule applies at best until the age of 25-27. In addition, too little attention is paid to the proper selection of creams. Often women are guided by advertising or advice from friends, or the price factor. However, just because a certain care product suits your sister, mother or colleague, does not mean that it will suit you too. And the cost of the box does not always indicate the quality of the contents.

When selecting creams, it is necessary to take into account all the individual characteristics of your skin. In cosmetology, there are four types: dry, oily, normal and combination. Moreover, the last three types are often confused.

- In that case, let's take a closer look.

— The main sign of oily skin is increased sebum secretion and oily sheen, while the skin looks bad and the pores are enlarged. Oily skin is prone to the appearance of comedones and acne, but small facial wrinkles appear on it relatively late.

Dry skin

- the opposite of fat. Sebum secretion is reduced, the skin does not shine, but has a matte tint, and often flakes off. Dry skin is thinner and more delicate, but wrinkles also appear on it faster, sometimes up to 30 years.

Normal skin

- a golden mean that is quite rare. In this case, sebum secretion is moderate, the skin may shine, but only in the T-zone, the pores are usually small and also enlarged only in the central part of the face. Typically, skin of this type is resistant to external and internal factors, its condition is “smooth” throughout the year.

Combination skin

combines the characteristics of the three types listed above. Those with combination skin may have enlarged pores in the T-zone, increased sebum secretion in some areas of the face, and periodic comedones and acne.

Combination skin, like oily skin, is not prone to early aging. To properly care for normal skin, it is enough to follow the usual rules. But for those with dry, oily, and especially combination skin, it is better to seek advice from a specialist. Because recommendations “from the Internet” can only make things worse: for example, a woman with oily skin who starts intensively using drying sebum-regulating creams risks drying out the epidermis without solving the main problem. And if you have dry skin, there is a risk of seriously injuring it if you actively use peeling.


— When
should you start visiting a cosmetologist?
- From the age of thirty - necessarily at least once a month. Because it has been scientifically proven that from the age of 25-27 the amount of collagen in our skin decreases and it begins to age. At the age of 30+, caring medical cosmetology is necessary to maintain healthy skin. At the same time, you can begin to think about the injection component. Of course, if there are indications for this. There is such a thing as a genetic type of aging: for example, early pronounced drooping of the nasolabial fold occurs in the family. And a 25-year-old girl comes to us with this problem. Or another example: a young woman, 28-29 years old, comes in with very active facial expressions, because of which she already has “crow’s feet” around her eyelids, wrinkles between the eyebrows, and longitudinal wrinkles on her forehead. Of course, we will suggest using botulinum toxin injections (the famous “beauty injections” of Botox) - an intramuscular drug injected into facial muscles to block their susceptibility to nerve impulses. After the injection, the entire muscle or its individual part relaxes and stops contracting. As a result, the wrinkles it forms are smoothed out. At such a young age, the effect of one procedure can last for several years.

— Botox has become so firmly established in the lives of modern fashionistas that it seems like some completely standard procedure that can be done almost during your lunch break at work...

— Yes, this is one of the most popular procedures offered in beauty salons today. However, it also has limitations. For example, for people who have antibodies to botulinum toxin in their bodies, it is useless to undergo “beauty injections”: there will be no effect.

In addition, even if the procedure was successful, it is necessary to comply with certain conditions: do not go to bed for 4 hours after the injection, for a week you cannot be in the open sun, sunbathe in a solarium, visit a bathhouse, sauna and perform physiotherapeutic procedures, massage. It is also advisable to abstain from drinking alcohol for two weeks. And you need to remember about the side effects that may appear during the first time after the injection: swelling and swelling. Therefore, talking about a lunch break in this case is at least presumptuous: it is better to carry out the procedure when there are a couple of days off ahead.

— Do men often come to beauty salons for treatments?

— Recently, the number of their visits has increased, but still makes up no more than 10% of the total number of clients. Most people come to us when there are some skin problems that cause aesthetic discomfort. There are, of course, representatives of the stronger sex who sign up for anti-aging procedures, but there are very few of them. It so happened historically that cosmetology is mainly a female field of activity. You need to understand that men's and women's skin are very different in their structure and susceptibility to age-related changes. Pregnancy, breastfeeding, weight changes, menopause - all this affects hormonal levels, and under its influence, women's skin ages faster than men's.



What should standard facial skin care include when you:

From 20 to 27 years old.

What we eat, how we relax and in general, what kind of life we ​​lead, sooner or later is imprinted on our appearance. Therefore, at this age, it is more important than ever to develop proper diet and sleep patterns, as well as to train yourself to give your eyes a break from your mobile phone and computer. Otherwise, expression wrinkles in the corners of the eyes will appear 5-7 years earlier. Daily rule: wash off makeup at night, cleanse your face well, use a toner and apply a light cream. If you have oily, normal or combination skin, just a night cream is enough. If it is dry, in the morning after washing your face, you also need a light day cream containing SPF (ultraviolet protection).

From 27 to 30 years old.

Plus, in addition to all of the above, owners of normal, oily and combination skin add day cream to their care products. You can start applying masks to your face at home and patches under your eyes. There is an enviable diversity among the active components of these express masks. Oils, vitamins and panthenol are used to restore and strengthen the skin, antioxidants are used to fight wrinkles, peptides are used to increase skin elasticity, and chamomile, aloe and plantain extracts are used to soothe and relieve irritation.

From 30 to 40 years.

All the same, plus age-related cosmetics with hyaluronic acid, which moisturizes and protects the stratum corneum of the epidermis. By the way, many ladies at this age believe that it is time to move on to more expensive cosmetics. Elena Shilko is sure: if you do not have any special problems with your skin, and it accepts budget cosmetics well, you should not overpay - buy care products that suit your wallet. Not a single cream, even the most expensive, cures wrinkles, tightens the oval of the face, or removes the nasolabial fold. All we can get from it is hydration, nutrition and UV protection. It’s a different matter if your skin is capricious: then, of course, you will need more expensive, highly purified cosmetics with a more precise formula. Also, to the care you need to add light gommage (gentle peeling that cleanses and renews the skin) 1-2 times a month, massages from a cosmetologist, and electrical stimulation.

From 40 to 50 years.

We add creams with retinoids (to actively stimulate cell renewal), and to hardware cosmetology - a radiolifting procedure (non-surgical skin rejuvenation). Indications are wrinkles and folds, enlarged pores, sagging skin, drooping eyebrows, the presence of a double chin, drooping upper eyelid, swollen oval face and other skin imperfections. The radiolifting procedure does not require any preliminary preparation. Modern devices include special attachments with a depression in the center around which electrodes are placed. During the session, a vacuum is applied to the skin. At the same time, it is drawn into the recess, and the device emits an electromagnetic wave. Thus, local heating of the tissue occurs. In addition, electromagnetic waves destroy the molecules of old collagen, removing its fragments from the tissues, and new collagen is formed instead.

From 50 years and older.

At home - daily comprehensive care, including cleansing pores, removing dead skin, moisturizing and nourishing. To tighten sagging skin, we add current therapy, microwave therapy, mesotherapy, laser correction or photorejuvenation to salon procedures - on the recommendation of a specialist. You can also rejuvenate your skin after 50 years with the help of chemical peeling or alginate masks made from brown seaweed.

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Age 45-55 years:

The changes characteristic of the previous period are increasing and aggravating. In addition, many women experience problems related to hormonal status, for example, hair growth on the upper lip. Microcirculatory disorders lead to vascular manifestations - rosacea, spider veins, telangiectasias.

During this period, in addition to regular professional and home care, a consultation with a gynecologist-endocrinologist is required to determine the hormonal status and the possibility of its correction. Anti-aging drip infusions are also relevant, with the correction of microcirculatory disorders, restoration of liver function, and antioxidant effects.

What is important at 50+

The age of menopause in women, which is accompanied by changes in hormonal levels. Insufficient estrogen production leads to rapid aging of the dermis. Cells recover much more slowly, and the pH level changes. At this age, a woman should have at her disposal a whole arsenal of skincare products marked 50+ and with the following properties:

  • hydration;
  • cleansing;
  • nutrition;
  • tightening – lifting effect;
  • protection;
  • regeneration.

The help of a professional cosmetologist plays a huge role. At 50+, it is almost impossible to restore the contours and elasticity of the skin on your own. In this case, rejuvenation is carried out using contour plastic surgery, thread lifting, laser and injection cosmetology.

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