How to get rid of dark circles under the eyes: five guaranteed ways

Consultation Services Doctors Results Reviews

Expert tested

Natalya Borisovna Zhmurina Director, Chief Physician of “A Clinic” Dermatovenereologist, cosmetologist

Publication date: September 22, 2022

Review date: November 09, 2022

It is a common belief that dark shadows under the eyes are a sign of overwork and lack of sleep. And you just have to bring your lifestyle back to normal, everything will pass. In fact, this is just a common misconception. Dark circles can appear due to poor lifestyle, lack of sleep and overwork, but these are not the main reasons.

Cosmetic products for skin care around the eyes

Cosmetic products for skin care around the eyes

Today, the cosmetology industry produces many products to care for the skin around the eyes. One of the leaders among them is Unidermix - an eyelid fluid based on silk proteins and mint oil extracts. Unidermix has a pronounced lymphatic drainage effect, moisturizes the skin, smoothes out fine expression wrinkles and delicately eliminates dark circles.

Myth #6: Creams with hyaluronic acid help remove puffiness under the eyes

Low molecular weight hyaluronic acid, concentrated in expensive luxury creams, partially penetrates into the deep layers of the skin. One molecule of it retains up to 500 molecules of water around itself, catalyzing not a decrease, but an increase in swelling.

High molecular weight hyaluronic acid contained in budget analogues can dry out the skin when the air humidity in the environment is low. Sudden dehydration provokes a kind of shock in the tissues, and they begin to accumulate moisture “in reserve.” Swelling naturally increases.

For these trivial reasons, women who have actually tried eye creams based on hyaluronic acid often complain about the opposite effect to the declared one.


Properly balanced nutrition

Often the cause of the formation of circles under the eyes is an unhealthy lifestyle, including an imbalance in nutrition. It has been proven that in order to saturate cells with oxygen and strengthen the walls of blood vessels, it is necessary to maintain a balance of macro- and microelements and vitamins obtained from food. The appearance of dark circles under the eyes can be a signal from the body about a lack of vitamins:

  • vitamin C – stimulates the natural production of collagen;
  • vitamin A – slows down skin aging;
  • vitamin E – slows down oxidative processes;
  • vitamin K – promotes normal blood circulation, strengthens the walls of blood vessels;
  • Vitamin P – makes capillary walls strong and elastic.

Therefore, the diet should contain a sufficient amount of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and dairy products. It is also important to monitor the water-salt balance. Excessively spicy and salty food + carbohydrate dinner + large amounts of liquid before bed = dark circles under the eyes in the morning. Foods that remove excess fluid, such as parsley, cucumbers, etc., help fight swelling.

Etiology (cause) of the appearance of dark circles under the eyes.

The causes of dark circles under the eyes can be divided into three groups:

  1. Lifestyle influence
  2. Diseases of internal organs
  3. Heredity

Let's look at the above groups in more detail.

Lifestyle influence

The most common reasons include the first group. An unhealthy lifestyle includes: regular lack of sleep, unbalanced diet, lack of vitamins, insufficient drinking regimen, bad habits, frequent stress, excessive sun exposure, as well as work that involves sitting for many hours at the monitor. From this we can conclude that many of us, unfortunately, fall into this group. However, the causes of this group are the easiest to deal with; they are all reversible and can be easily corrected.

Diseases of internal organs

When influenced by the second group of reasons, dark circles are only an external manifestation of internal health problems.

Dark circles are formed when venous and lymphatic outflow is impaired, which occurs when there is insufficient blood supply and oxygen deficiency. This condition is called ischemia and hypoxia. As a result, metabolic disorders and insufficient supply of nutrients occur. Thus, dark circles under the eyes are often found in people suffering from heart failure, ischemic heart disease and other cardiovascular diseases, as well as bronchopulmonary diseases (chronic bronchitis, fibrosing alveolitis, sarcoidosis, tuberculosis).

When the level of hemoglobin and red blood cells decreases (anemia), dark circles under the eyes may occur. The blood does not bring the required amount of oxygen to the tissues. Reduced hemoglobin accumulates and the blood acquires a dark tint. This is what causes the discoloration of the skin around the eyes.

In diseases of the hepatobiliary system (cholesterolism, cholecystitis), the content of the bilirubin pigment in the blood increases. This may be the cause of pigmentation of the skin around the eyes. In this case, the skin acquires a yellowish-brown tint.

With diseases of the thyroid gland, in particular with hypothyroidism, bruises under the eyes occur. This happens due to a lack of iodine in the body. In addition to dark circles, patients are concerned about lethargy, drowsiness, deterioration of memory and attention, intolerance to cold and heat, and hair loss.

In diseases of the nasopharynx (chronic tonsillitis, sinusitis, sinusitis, adenoiditis, etc.), the vessels dilate, they become filled with blood and, as a result, blueness under the eyes occurs.

All acute infectious diseases accompanied by a rise in high temperature lead to intoxication by metabolic products of pathogenic microorganisms. At the same time, the pH of the blood changes with a shift towards increasing acidity. Acidosis, in turn, leads to increased vascular permeability and dilation. With intoxication syndrome, dehydration occurs. Thus, through dry, thin, dehydrated skin, dilated capillaries become more visible, creating the effect of dark circles.

Diseases of the kidneys and adrenal glands lead to increased pigmentation in the periorbital zone. In chronic adrenal insufficiency (Addison's disease), in addition to pigmentation of the skin around the eyes, pigmentation intensifies in the natural folds of the skin (palms, groin) and in places where clothing rubs (neck, lower back). In case of kidney diseases (pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, etc.), bruises under the eyes appear during exacerbation of the disease and are accompanied by impaired excretory function of the kidneys.

If there is an imbalance of female sex hormones (estrogen, progesterone), especially during periods of hormonal changes (pregnancy, menopause), there is a risk of hyperpigmentation around the eyes.

Various inflammatory diseases of the eyes (conjunctivitis, iridocyclitis, etc.) are accompanied by swelling and increased capillary permeability, which also makes them more noticeable, as if “translucent”.

With a condition such as vegetative-vascular dystonia (it is not a disease, it is a polyetiological syndrome), dark circles under the eyes are also often found. In this case, a person suffers from cardialgia, asthenia, neurotic disorders, headaches, sleep disturbances, dizziness, respiratory disorders, palpitations, cold hands and feet, trembling hands, swelling of tissues, a feeling of heat in the face, fainting. This list can be continued indefinitely; various combinations of the above disorders may occur.

The greatest accumulation of mast cells was recorded in the periorbital zone, which explains the reactivity of the skin around the eyes and the frequent occurrence of allergic reactions. In allergic conditions (allergic rhinitis, hay fever, etc.), dilation of blood vessels occurs with an increase in their permeability, which gives the skin around the eyes a dark tint.


Well, and finally, the third group of reasons is due to heredity. This group includes those who have no problems with proper lifestyle and health. For them, hyperpigmentation under the eyes in the form of dark circles is a relative norm. An interesting fact is that those with dark or very dry skin are more likely to suffer from this deficiency than others.

It should be noted that when taking oral contraceptives, sulfonamides, tetracyclines, there is also a possibility of hyperpigmentation of the skin around the eyes.

All of the above conditions (improper lifestyle, diseases of internal organs, genetic predisposition) are aggravated by excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation. Hyperpigmentation becomes more persistent and difficult to treat.



Many people find a solution to the problem of dark circles under the eyes in a cosmetology office. One of the most effective methods is mesotherapy - the injection procedure of special cocktails. The composition of active ingredients is selected individually. Typically, cocktails include:

  • hyaluronic acid;
  • collagen;
  • magnesium;
  • amino acids;
  • zinc;
  • cobalt;
  • vitamins of groups B, K, N.

Together, these components help eliminate swelling, moisturize the epidermis, and return the dermis to a young and healthy appearance. The skin becomes firmer and more elastic, the tone is evened out and “bruises” on the lower eyelids disappear.

Among other mesopreparations, cosmetologists distinguish Mesoai. The drug has a positive effect on blood and lymph circulation, increases the regenerative function of cellular structures, and strengthens blood vessels. A course of injections returns the skin around the eyes to a youthful and fresh appearance. The action of the drug is not aimed at masking the problem, but at activating the body’s internal resources.

How to remove circles with fillers.

Eliminating dark circles under the eyes with filler is a type of contouring that follows a certain algorithm and has its own specifics.

The method is based on the principle of leveling the skin relief of the lower eyelid area , compensating for age-related changes.

Hyaluronic acid, which is the basis of the preparations for this correction, attracts water and thus saturates the area under the eyes, as if compensating for the loss of fatty bags.

The cost of the procedure directly depends on the cost of the drug. Usually the price starts from 15,000 rubles. If you are offered correction with fillers for contouring at a much lower price, this is a reason to ask a few questions:

  1. What drug will you be given and can it be used in this area?
  2. What technique will be used for correction - will you leave the cosmetologist with bruises under your eyes?
  3. Do the cosmetologist and the clinic have all the necessary licenses and certificates?

In any case, we advise you to consult with our specialists at least by phone - such consultations are free.

We select special fillers – not too dense and not too liquid. This helps to achieve a noticeable smoothing, brightening and toning effect without the so-called overcorrection. The presence of filler under the thin and delicate skin of the eyelids will not be noticeable to anyone - not even you. And as a memory of the procedure, only an expressive, clear, enchanting look will remain.

Duration of correction: 15-20 minutes.

Painful sensations: absent, we work not with a needle, but with a cannula!

Rehabilitation: none, thanks to the same cannula. There are no side bruises or swelling, after the procedure you can start living a full life. The only visual manifestation is the absence of dark circles!

How long does the result last: 12-16 months, depending on the individual characteristics of the body.

The procedure takes 15 minutes - are you ready to spend 15 minutes to forget about the problem for at least six months?

Proper eye rejuvenation - why is it rare?

Careful and high-quality implementation of this procedure is only possible for competent cosmetologists who have undergone appropriate training and improved their skills.

Alas, others have already tried to attract clients with this service, thereby spoiling its reputation - patients left clinics with bruises and bruises under their eyes, disappointed in contour plastic surgery, and sometimes in cosmetology in general.

Levon Chakhoyan is a recognized expert in rejuvenation, conducts training master classes and hands-on training for other cosmetologists. Eye rejuvenation performed by him is a standard example of the procedure!

We guarantee the absence of any traces after injections of fillers for dark circles under the eyes, because:

  • We follow the author’s technique for administering the drug;
  • We do not use “universal” fillers, but special fillers designed to work specifically in the periorbital zone;
  • We work with a cannula - an atraumatic instrument, unlike a regular needle.

How do we perform injections for dark circles under the eyes?

For those who are terrified of pain, we offer superficial anesthesia. In 90% of cases, fillers already contain lidocaine, so additional application is required only for patients who are afraid of the injection itself.

The whole process takes no more than 10-15 minutes:

  • The eyelid and cheekbone are disinfected;
  • The sterile instrument and preparation are opened;
  • A puncture is made in the cheekbone area;
  • The cannula moves closer to the eyelid and distributes the drug “fan”;
  • The session ends with a light massage.

Having completed the procedure, we give the patient a mirror, and almost everyone is amazed: “Where are the dark circles? Where is the swelling? Where is at least the bleeding wound from the injection?” But they are not there!

The only thing you will notice after contouring is the absence of dark circles and nasolacrimal trench. And, as a result, global transformation and rejuvenation of the entire face. See all the work of our cosmetologists on removing circles in the lower eyelid area.

It must be expensive?

The most frequently asked question! How much do you value your beauty and youth?

The cost of rejuvenating the orbital area with fillers starts from 15,000 rubles. The volume of the drug administered depends on the severity of the problem. There are corrections for 20,000 rubles and 40,000 rubles.

The duration of the effect is 9-14 months. Divide the indicated amounts by 1 year, during which you will look several years younger. Acceptable?

What then? — we select personal care for you, perhaps prescribe a course of procedures that should help reduce the appearance of circles and bruises under the eyes after the drug resolves in a year.

Once again, please note that with the correct technique, you should not have any traces left after the procedure!

Eyelid surgery

Lower eyelid surgery

However, the causes of dark circles under the eyes cannot always be eliminated using cosmetology methods and products and proper eating habits. We are talking about cases where darkening of the skin and swelling are the result of formed hernias. Blepharoplasty comes to the rescue - this is a set of surgical measures that eliminate defects associated with biological aging and congenital characteristics.


Another way is to inject fillers into the infraorbital area. Fillers are injected to a significant depth and allow not only to equalize the color of the skin under the eyes with the face by moving the blood vessels away from the surface of the epidermis, but also to smooth out the depressions. A filler specially created for this area does not cause swelling and normalizes the outflow of venous blood and lymph in the orbital area. The administration is one-time, the effect lasts for an average of a year. There is a more progressive solution - biorevitalizants. With their help, it is possible to correct bags under the eyes, eliminate hernias at the formation stage, improve skin tone and get rid of expression lines. It will take several treatments (four to six), but the results are definitely worth the effort.

Myth No. 7: Hemorrhoid ointment is the best non-standard remedy for dark circles

As absurd as this may sound, there is some truth here. Hemorrhoids are a consequence of varicose veins. Rapid relief of its symptoms is achieved by systemic or local use of venotonics. Venotonics quickly “unload” the blood flow, remove excess fluid, and relieve swelling. Compresses with venotonics actually eliminate swelling under the eyes if they are caused by lack of sleep and other exogenous physiological reasons. But they cannot be used on an ongoing basis - only in emergency cases. As for deep edema and hernias, medications for varicose veins are powerless.

Using ointments for bruises

It is important that if there is a bruise or a hematoma, try to apply ice or a heating pad with cold water to the damaged area. This will prevent the development of severe swelling. Only after this is it recommended to use anti-bruise products.

On the first day after injury, it is better to use ointments containing heparin. The drugs increase the speed of blood flow, thin the blood and prevent the expansion of the hematoma.

If there is pain, you can apply an ointment containing non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to the damaged area. The most well-known drugs are diclofenac and ibuprofen. They can be applied to the damaged area a couple of hours after injury.

In the future, to speed up the resorption of the bruise, you need to use ointments based on badyagi or comfrey. You can also use other ointments with a warming effect to increase blood circulation. They often contain snake and bee venom.

With proper and timely treatment of bruises, the occurrence of large hematomas can be prevented. But if bruises do appear, it is necessary to use special ointments to speed up their resorption and tissue restoration. When you cannot get rid of hematomas on your own, and the bruises increase in size, you should urgently consult a doctor.

Fund selection rules

To choose the right creams and ointments for dark circles under the eyes, you must adhere to certain rules, which differ for men, women and children:

Man who applies creamRecommendations
MenIn men, bruises can form due to a blow or injury. To get rid of them, you need to use creams that have absorbable and restorative properties.
WomenWhen overworked, women are recommended to use creams based on herbal ingredients. With the help of these remedies, blood circulation in the vessels improves and the elasticity of capillaries increases.
ChildrenPreparations with zinc have anti-inflammatory and drying properties. In childhood, they help fight diaper rash and dermatitis.
Pregnant womenWhen choosing a cream, you need to pay attention to its composition. It should not contain harmful chemicals. Only herbal natural ingredients may be present

The choice of remedy for bruises also depends on the cause of their appearance:

Causes of bruisesName of drugs
Vascular diseases
  • Troxevasin;
  • Witch hazel;
  • Relief.
Swelling and bruising due to fatigue, hematoma
  • Lyoton;
  • Badyaga forte;
  • Indovazin;
  • tetracycline;
  • Garnier “Glow of Youth 25+”;
  • Oriflame “Vitamin Energy”;
  • Vichy Liftactiv yeux;
  • heparin ointment.
Diaper rash, dermatitis
  • Zinc ointment;
  • Arnica;
  • Bezornil;
  • Hepatrombin.
Bruises, blows
  • Rescuer;
  • Vishnevsky ointment;
  • Solcoseryl;
  • Bruise off.

What brand of remedy for dark circles under the eyes is better to choose?

The number of companies dealing with funds of this type is constantly growing. This makes it very difficult to choose just one product to buy. In addition, not everyone can afford expensive offers from popular brands, and little-known companies make you doubtful. Therefore, the expert rating will begin with getting to know proven, reliable companies. The list included:

  • Nizhpharm (Heparin ointment) is a Russian holding that is part of the international concern STADA Arzneimittel AG, which produces generics. Founded in 1919. Since then, the product portfolio has included over 100 types of medicines.
  • Biocon (Bruise-off gel) is a cosmetics company that creates products based on medical knowledge and ingredients. Founded in 1978. Almost all products are natural and harmless.
  • Balkanpharma (Troxevasin) is a pharmaceutical company founded in Bulgaria in 2007. During the creation of drugs, only the latest scientific research results and high-quality raw materials are used. At the same time, prices are regularly reduced so that different segments of the population can afford purchases.
  • Georg BioSystems (Express bruise) is a Russian company specializing in beauty and health products. Demonstrates successful activity in the pharmaceutical field for more than 10 years, and in the biotechnical field for 30 years. Each product is based on natural ingredients.
  • Hemofarm (Gepatrombin) is an international pharmaceutical company that was founded in 1960 in Serbia. It is the largest player in the domestic market and also an exporter of medicines.
  • Tatkhimpharmpreparaty (Tetracycline) is a pharmaceutical company that has been producing medicines for more than 85 years. Products comply with GMP standards. It is one of the twenty Russian drug manufacturers.
  • Natura Siberica (Moisturizing cream-gel for eyelids) is a Russian cosmetic company founded in 2008. All products are based on organic natural ingredients without the presence of synthetics. The best ratings were given to products based on extracts of wild plants from Siberia.
  • Garnier (Fabric eye patches) is a famous cosmetic brand from France, founded in 1904. Engaged in the development and production of skin care products to maintain beauty and youthful skin. Offers a wide selection of lines for any skin type and culture.
  • Markell (Professional Active Concentrate) is an inexpensive skincare cosmetics from Belarus with a decent level of quality and effectiveness. The brand was founded in 1993. Already in the first years of activity, the products conquered not only the Belarusian, but also the Russian and European markets.
  • Librederm (Cream with cornflower for the skin around the eyes) is a successful Russian cosmetic brand that is rapidly conquering domestic and foreign markets. Our own laboratory cooperates with 14 major world centers in the research of cosmetic products and beauty care traditions.

The best remedies for bruises

Rating of remedies for dark circles under the eyes

The ranking was based primarily on research by medical specialists and recommendations from dermatologists and cosmetologists. They not only suggested what means to cover up dark circles under the eyes, but also how effective they are, and what pros and cons the drugs have. The selection criteria were the following characteristics:

  • Composition, safety of components;
  • Consistency;
  • Pharmacological properties;
  • Restrictions on use, side effects;
  • Availability;
  • Convenience of packaging, volume;
  • Economical consumption.

An important source of information about each nominee was consumer reviews and their experience of using a particular product. Priority was given to drugs with clinically proven safety and effectiveness, whose price corresponds to their quality.

The best Japanese cosmetics

Myth No. 8: Lower eyelid swelling can be eliminated by massage

If you are a competent specialist in the field of lymphatic drainage massage, this is true. You will actually be able to reduce the puffiness under your eyes. If you perform a massage using amateur “tutorials” on YouTube, get ready for the opposite effect. Transient swelling will become persistent, slight swelling will increase 1.5-2 times, and the skin will stretch and soon become covered with a network of wrinkles. Manual and machine massage at home is an extremely controversial procedure. We strongly recommend that you refrain from such experiences.

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