What is a peeling roller and how to make it at home? Best Recipes

Operating principle

In our body, cell renewal occurs every minute, but dead scales do not leave it immediately. Mechanical methods of influence (including a peeling roll) help to get rid of them.

Rolling is a type of peeling designed to cleanse the skin. The process consists of two stages:

  1. With the help of fruit acid, dead epidermal cells are dissolved.
  2. Cellulose microparticles roll dirt into small lumps.

When choosing the frequency of use of the product, do not forget to take into account your skin type : for normal and dry skin, a peeling procedure once a week will be sufficient. Those with oily skin can use a peeling roll 3 times a week.

Why is peeling performed?

The processes of regeneration, rejuvenation and effective renewal are launched

Everyday washing with soap, and even more so with cosmetic milk or lotion, does not remove dead cells of the stratum corneum that have accumulated on the surface of the skin, preventing it from breathing, absorbing nutrients from masks, creams, and also actively renewing itself, thereby contributing to its withering and premature aging .

Deep and effective removal of the dead layer is ensured by special compositions - peelings, which remove all excess from its surface. After such treatment, the epidermis begins increased production of its own collagen and elastin, which serve as the basic framework of the skin at the cellular level. The processes of regeneration, rejuvenation and effective renewal are also launched.

Features and Efficiency

The composition does not use abrasive particles, but soft sticky substances. They roll off dirt, sebum and dead cells.

This mask does not affect healthy cells. This product can be used for all skin types, even problem and allergy-prone skin. The whole procedure takes no more than 10 minutes and is very affordable.

Peeling of the roll allows:

  • quickly rejuvenate the skin by renewing the upper layers of the epidermis;
  • remove dead and diseased skin cells;
  • reduce acne and dry out pustules;
  • create a mattifying effect (skin pores tighten);
  • lighten the skin and make its tone more even.

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The procedure is indicated for thin skin dotted with blood vessels, dull complexion and expression wrinkles.

Can I do it at home with my own hands?

During the Soviet era, deep facial cleansing products were prepared only at home; the components for them can still be purchased at any pharmacy. Even many show business stars use homemade cosmetics.

DIY peeling roll - fresh face in five minutes!

Autumn, my friends, deep autumn outside the window... Do you think this is a dull time? Not at all, autumn is the time for anti-aging cosmetic procedures! Therefore, today I suggest you prepare your own peeling roll 3, an effective, simple and extremely inexpensive remedy for smooth skin and a beautiful complexion.

Actually, peeling roller is not a new product. It’s just that with the spread of Korean cosmetics (where such products are very popular, because light matte skin is a sign of aristocracy in Southeast Asia), it has become popular again. But our grandmothers also used it and they did it not only at home, but also in beauty salons of Soviet times. As you may have guessed, we are talking about the so-called “rolling agent” based on calcium chloride - an effective but gentle (compared to acid) peeling for deep exfoliation of cells of the stratum corneum of the epidermis. This peeling roll allows you to:

- instantly rejuvenate the skin by renewing the upper layers of the epidermis (sloughing off the old stratum corneum and stimulating the active growth of a new layer of epithelium - young, elastic and durable;

- remove dead and diseased cells of the epidermis, and with them particles of dust, skin mites, fungi, bacteria and viruses that have become embedded in them (I hope you are aware that viruses very often enter our body through the skin and mucous membranes: at first they modestly colonize into the cells of the upper layers of the epidermis, they gradually tame our immune system (they say, I am one of my own, dear), and only then they brazenly go about their business. The solution is to remove the viruses along with the old skin);

— clean the ducts of the sebaceous glands, remove comedones, dry out pustules, reduce the amount of acne, increase local skin immunity;

- tighten skin pores (mattifying effect), which will give it a more youthful, toned and well-groomed appearance;

- lighten and whiten the skin, even out its tone, remove completely or reduce the brightness of pigment spots that age us so much - the skin acquires a pleasant whiteness, matteness and marble transparency;

— smooth the surface of the skin (elimination of fine wrinkles, especially “crow’s feet” in the corners of the eyes, peeling, scars and scars, acne marks).

Traditionally, peeling with calcium chloride was carried out using two well-known techniques (just look on the Internet and you can easily find a detailed description of them). However, I think both of these methods are too harsh, since the chemical reaction in both cases occurs directly on the skin, which in my opinion is not very good. I do not recommend using these methods, since, firstly, they dry the skin more, secondly, they require more skill, and thirdly, the layer of skin removed when using these methods is much thicker, which will require a significant number of restrictions after the procedure. procedures (not leaving home for 2 days, using UV filters for a long time, not using decorative cosmetics for several days, etc.), which is not always feasible. In fairness, we must admit that these two methods are much more effective, but we will go the “homeopathic route” - gentle influence on a regular basis. Therefore, I will share with you the third - the safest, simplest and easiest technique that I have used myself for many years. This method has practically no contraindications; it can be used quite often (once every 7-14 days) and to a wider range of people. The undeniable advantage of this skating rink is that it is done very simply and quickly. It does not require expensive components - a budget of five hundred rubles is enough for a whole year. No special training is needed - any beginner can cope with both preparing the mixture and the procedure itself. Large-scale restrictions are not needed - the technique is much more gentle than traditional techniques, and even more so than modern acid peels carried out in salons. And with that, let's get started!

We will need:

Natural alkaline soap - about 3 grams per procedure. Only natural soap without additives or dyes is suitable for preparing the rayon - soap from the base, industrial soap (with the exception of children's soap according to GOST), liquid gels and shampoos - are not suitable, since they completely lack the main component of the chemical reaction - sodium salts of higher fatty acids acids;

Hot boiled water - 10 milliliters (less than a tablespoon) for preparing a soap solution;

Calcium chloride solution 10% 10-20 milliliters (1-2 ampoules) per procedure. Calcium chloride is a salt, similar to sodium chloride (table salt), widely used in the food, cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries. A ready-made sterile solution of calcium chloride is freely sold in any pharmacy - both vials and ampoules, but ampoules are more convenient, since the solution in a large bottle, after opening, has a limited shelf life. The cost of a package of 10 ampoules of 10 ml each is from 35 to 50 rubles, depending on the pharmacy and manufacturer). Please note - the higher quality the soap (the more sodium salts of fatty acids it contains), the more calcium chloride is needed for the substitution reaction. About twenty years ago, when I used industrial baby soap for rolling, one ampoule was enough for me. After a while, I completely stopped rolling (I’ll tell you why below). Now, when I use soap that I make myself, it takes at least two ampoules of calcium chloride - no one has yet canceled the molarity;

A plastic bowl for preparing a soap solution and a cappuccino maker for whipping foam (it can be replaced with a toothbrush, it just takes no more than a minute to whip up with a cappuccino maker, and the foam turns out thick and fluffy);

1-2 cotton pads to safely break the ampoule.

Let's start preparing the peeling mixture. To do this you need to do the following:

Use a knife to cut out a small amount of soap and place it in a plastic bowl (using a plastic bowl is optimal - so that during the procedure it does not break if it suddenly slips out of your hands!):

Pour hot water over the soap and leave for 40-45 minutes until completely dissolved (the amount of water should be minimal, if there is too much water, the peeling roll will not work):

After the soap dissolves, the solution takes on the appearance of a transparent jelly:

Characteristic feature: the solution prepared from high-quality olive soap is absolutely transparent. Low-quality soap, prepared using cheap palm oil, fatty alcohols or with the addition of synthetic stearic acid (even children's soap prepared according to GOST), dissolves very poorly and always produces cloudy whitish solutions:

This is due to the fact that soap made with liquid oils containing unsaturated fatty acids (oleic, linoleic, linolenic) has better solubility in water (accordingly, it washes better and is washed off the skin and hair completely, without residue).

Next, the resulting soap solution should be beaten, as a result of which we get a thick, viscous, smooth foam, similar to whipped egg white:

Then, you need to carefully open the ampoules with calcium chloride and pour the contents of the ampoules into a bowl of soapy foam (make a notch on the ampoule with a knife and break the tip of the ampoule, using a cotton pad/discs to protect your fingers from possible cuts). Soap suds begin to “curdle” before our eyes, turning into a light, tiny “cottage cheese” - this is a suspension of insoluble calcium salts of higher fatty acids. Adjust the amount of calcium chloride solution as needed - the soap should completely “curdle”:

This is where the need to use natural alkaline soap lies - the principle of peeling is based on the effect on the skin of a hypertonic solution of sodium chloride and the smallest abrasives - insoluble calcium salts of higher fatty acids, obtained during a chemical substitution reaction between soap (sodium salts of higher fatty acids) and calcium chloride:

СnH2n+1COONa + CaCl2 = (СnH2n+1COO)2Ca + NaCl

This reaction is a qualitative (determining) reaction used in analytical chemistry to recognize natural soap. Accordingly, using calcium chloride, you can always check the soap you buy for naturalness and quality. The presence of an abundant “lush” curdled sediment of pure white color indicates a high content of sodium salts of higher fatty acids in the soap. Conversely, a weak, lumpy, dirty-colored sediment is an indicator of low quality soap. As an example, I will give the same reaction in relation to industrial baby soap. I will not name the manufacturer (so as not to be accused of anti-advertising), I will only say that the soap is not cheap and is labeled as natural (it contains sodium salts of higher fatty acids). When dissolved in water, the soap immediately became cloudy, it did not dissolve completely, the consistency of the solution was not jelly-like, but “snotty”, and did not whip well (rather, it “wound” around the cappuccino maker). After adding calcium chloride, the mass is not homogeneous, particles of curdled sediment are present in it, but unevenly, in large flakes, while most of the mass is not a fluffy light foam, but some kind of incomprehensible mucous substrate:

The absence of even such a faint sediment indicates complete falsification - this soap is not soap at all, but a synthetic surfactant. As soon as such soap replaced natural soap everywhere, I stopped making rolls! So I recommend it - this is a sure way to avoid disputes about the naturalness and “correctness” of soap: just check whether there is soap in the soap. Chemistry is an exact science, against the facts, all discussions about precise scales, extensive experience in soap making and the “old recipe”, the secret of which is kept behind seven locks by the master, become meaningless. As they say, trust, but verify!

So, our peeling mixture is ready, and we should immediately begin the application procedure (I will demonstrate the application procedure using the example of my left hand - I have to hold the camera in my right hand at this time!):

First you need to wash your face thoroughly and let your skin dry completely. The procedure is carried out strictly on dry skin! Distribute the mixture evenly over the surface of the face with light washing movements of your fingertips. We treat the entire surface of the face, and, if necessary, the neck and décolleté, back or other parts of the body (depending on your needs), with the exception of the delicate area under the eyes (“crow’s feet” - you can and should treat it, but carefully). Under your fingers you will soon feel small (and for some, large! - it all depends on the thickness of the “accumulated deposits”) soft pellets. It is the dead cells of the epidermis that “roll” onto the solid particles of insoluble calcium salts, carrying with them other “garbage”:

Be extremely careful in the area where spider veins are present - any mechanical impact on the capillaries will aggravate the problem! Do not be overzealous and do not rub too hard and for too long - after 3-4 minutes, begin to wash off the mixture with warm water, tightly closing your eyes. You need to wash off the mixture for a long time and carefully - insoluble salts are washed off from the skin very poorly! It is best if you direct a shower stream onto your face - the benefits will be double, and a light massage with water jets will also be added. Finish rinsing with cool water. Cold causes capillaries to narrow and tighten skin pores.

After the procedure, without wiping your face, immediately apply a few drops of unrefined edible vegetable oil or natural balm to wet skin, heated between your palms. You can't wipe your face! Moreover, over the next 30-45 minutes you should spray your face with drinking or mineral water 2-3 more times. If you drop 1-2 drops of natural essential oil (rose, sandalwood, cardamom, frankincense, myrrh) into water (100ml), you will not only moisturize the skin, but also provide it with a lifting (tightening) effect.

The use of creams, milk, tonics, serums, hydrophilic oils and other products with emulsifiers and preservatives is prohibited! Because Vaseline, which is common in industrial products (harmless in itself), creates a heavy, impenetrable film on the surface of the skin and clogs the pores. Emulsifiers will instantly “dissolve” the lipid membranes of young epidermal cells unprotected by the stratum corneum (which you just removed). And preservatives will kill those skin cells that survive the attack of emulsifiers. Don’t forget - after peeling, the skin is not protected and is open to any negative effects. And emulsifiers and preservatives have a negative impact. And there is no need to shake the airwaves by convincing me otherwise, I am a pharmacist, and not an element sympathetic to cosmetology. After the peeling procedure, only natural oils and waxes, similar in composition to sebum, are indicated. And since our sebum consists of 40% of glycerol esters (triglycerides or, more simply, fats), 15% of free fatty acids, 25% of esters of higher fatty alcohol cholesterol (which in their chemical structure are waxes, similar lanolin, beeswax and vegetable waxes) and 10% terpenes (squalene), then they (and only them!) should be used!

By fulfilling these simple requirements, you will make sure that the skin after rolling becomes very smooth, even, light and clean. No signs of dryness, tightness, or irritation.

However, despite the simplicity and harmlessness of the procedure, the peeling roll has its own subtle points that should be taken into account. Remember that incorrect or overzealous (frequent) use of the procedure can cause:

- increased dryness of the skin (if you have naturally dry skin, however, this does not apply to skin dried out by emulsifiers, which is ubiquitous these days);

- increased pigmentation (if the requirement to limit UV exposure is not met, the procedure is not carried out in the summer and on sunny winter days, after the procedure you cannot sunbathe or visit a solarium for several days);

- allergic reactions (when using low-quality soap or soap with additives (dyes, pigments, fragrances), as well as if you are individually intolerant to the product - before using the roll, you need to do a test on the elbow;

- irritation (if the mixture comes into contact with injured skin - open wounds, cuts, pustular inflammation, or contact with the skin for too long - more than 15-20 minutes).

Therefore, people with dehydrated, injured, inflamed or affected by autoimmune diseases skin (wounds, cuts, herpes, fungal infections should first be healed, and also wait for remission of acne, dermatitis, psoriasis), as well as immediately after sunbathing and (or) sunburn.

Do not apply the mixture to the area around the eyes (except for the crow's feet area), lips and areas where spider veins accumulate.

The procedure must be carried out at night so that the skin has time to rest and recover. Take care of hygiene - the towels and bed linen that you will use after the procedure must be fresh.

Use only natural oils or balms to care for your skin after the procedure, spray your skin with drinking water (mineral water) or wipe it with an ice cube.

That's probably all. Enjoy it for your health! And if something remains unclear, just ask, I’ll be happy to help!

The best recipes for the face

Preparing your own peeling will be a good alternative to a salon procedure and will save money. In addition, after this you won’t have to sit at home for several days and wait for the skin to finally stop peeling.

Solid soap

Soap peeling is a great option for universal exfoliation. Its composition can be easily adjusted depending on the skin type: it determines additional components that smooth or enhance certain properties.

  • Tar soap will benefit oily skin, and camphor soap will help cope with inflammation.
  • Normal skin takes baby soap well.

For a recipe that can be used on any skin type, you will need:

  • soap base;
  • 2 tsp. sea ​​salt;
  • a few drops of essential oil (such as orange or eucalyptus).
  1. Melt the soap base in a water bath and mix with the rest of the ingredients.
  2. Let the mixture harden.
  3. Apply the composition to the face for 1 minute and make stroking movements with wet hands.
  4. Then rinse off the mask thoroughly.

Peach and citric acid

Fruit acids are one of the most important peeling components . In addition to protecting against external negative influences, such a natural product activates the natural process of collagen production.

  1. Beat the egg white with a pinch of citric or peach acid. You can also use freshly squeezed lemon juice.
  2. Apply the mask to cleansed facial skin for 20 minutes, and then simply rinse with warm water.

Reference! It is permissible to add ground coffee or crushed apricot kernels to peeling products. But then the procedure will no longer be so gentle: microtraumas will remain on the skin.

Calcium chloride

Calcium chloride forms pellets on the face; Positive changes on the skin can be seen after the first use . This is a great way to combat blackheads. You will need:

  • 3 g grated laundry soap;
  • 2 ampoules of calcium chloride solution (10%);
  • 1 tbsp. l. boiling water

We recommend: What are the benefits of coffee peeling and how to do it yourself at home?

The mask is made as follows:

  1. Lightly beat the soap and pour hot water, it will swell for about 40 minutes. The result should be a viscous soap foam.
  2. We carefully begin to pour out the contents of the chloride ampoules. The soap will curdle, like milk curds. If no reaction occurs, then low quality soap is being used. This will not make a peeling product.
  3. Apply the finished mask to a cleansed and dry face.
  4. After 10 seconds, massage the skin with light movements and leave the composition on the skin for 3 minutes.

You will find another option for using calcium chloride with soap in this video:

How to make peeling with aspirin - a simple recipe

Peeling with aspirin is one of our mothers' know-how. Remember which of your household added an acid tablet to a three-liter jar when canning cucumbers and tomatoes? Now ask yourself - why did they do this? It's simple, the acid neutralizes possible remnants of microorganisms that did not die during the heat treatment of the jar, so the preservation does not explode.

It is this property of acetylsalicylic acid to neutralize bacteria and quickly remove rough skin cells that is used for peeling. In addition, aspirin calms the skin well and prevents inflammation. Aspirin peeling is best suited for oily and problematic skin that is prone to acne. How to deal with comedones, all the details are here... There is a gentle recipe for dry skin.

Take half an aspirin tablet, soften it in 1 tablespoon of milk, add 2 tbsp. spoons of honey, mix everything thoroughly. Apply to clean facial skin, massage with soft circular movements, paying special attention to areas where there are age spots and comedones. After 3 minutes, rinse off the composition with warm water. It is not recommended to leave the peeling on the skin for more than 5-7 minutes. After the procedure, apply cosmetic oil, this is important for dry skin, this way you will prevent the top layer from drying out and get the maximum effect.

How to use?

The general algorithm for peeling a ray at home is as follows :

  1. We thoroughly cleanse the face of cosmetics and external impurities.
  2. To prepare the skin for exfoliation, wipe it with any freshly squeezed juice diluted with drinking water.
  3. If desired, you can apply a thin layer of cosmetic oil, and after 15 minutes remove excess with a paper napkin.
  4. Distribute the peeling mixture over the entire face area, avoiding areas around the eyes and lips. Protect sensitive areas with Vaseline.
  5. The oilier the skin, the longer you can keep the composition.
  6. Wash off the mask with warm water.

Top 10 funds

An easy way to get acquainted with a new product is to buy a tube of the product at a cosmetic boutique or pharmacy. Peeling is selected depending on skin type.

When applying, you need to follow the manufacturer’s recommendations; detailed instructions are attached to each package.

Missha Super Aqua Detoxifying Peeling Gel

A popular Korean product in the form of a transparent thick gel. Enclosed in a convenient bottle with a dispenser and a tight lid, volume 100 ml.

Peeling gel roll contains extracts of fruits (papaya, kiwi, orange), green tea, coffee. The composition includes a complex of fruit acids, as well as lactic acid.

Suitable for different skin types, including aged and dehydrated. Cleanses the face well, improves color, tightens enlarged pores.

When applied, it forms a soft, slightly oily film, rolls off without residue, and does not require subsequent moisturizing. Bottle price from 1090 rubles.

Mizon Apple Smoothie Peeling Gel

A thick gel with a subtle fruity scent , packaged in a convenient soft plastic tube. Contains natural cellulose, apple and sugar cane extracts.

The product removes peeling, evens out the skin texture, making the face smooth and radiant.

It acts very delicately and does not cause irritation. Price from 830 rubles per tube of 120 ml.

Cell Renew Bio Micro Peel Soft Gel (The Saem)

Transparent thick gel made in South Korea. Refreshes and rejuvenates, launches natural processes of regeneration and collagen production.

Suitable for tired, aging skin that has lost its tone. Contains microcrystalline cellulose, extracts of hibiscus flowers, white willow, and seaside eryngium. Price from 1450 rubles per package.

Librederm with chamomile juice

A very affordable product made in Belarus , sold in pharmacy chains. The rolling peeling has a gel consistency and a pleasant herbal aroma.

Contains lactic acid, natural cellulose, chamomile extract, emulsifying components. The product does not contain dyes, parabens, and is suitable for dry, dull, dehydrated skin prone to inflammation.

Well softens, brightens the face, evens out the relief. Price from 320 rubles per tube of 75 ml.

We will tell you more about this peeling in a separate article.

Salicylic from "Propeller"

The drug is made in Russia, has the texture of a liquid gel, and a characteristic sourish aroma. Suitable for gentle cleansing of dry, dull, flaky skin with decreased tone, and lightens age spots well.

Contains natural salicylic acid with moisturizing ingredients. Price from 105 rubles per package.

The entire line of peelings from this manufacturer is here on the portal.

Holika Egg skin Peeling Gel

Peeling roll in an original bottle in the shape of half an egg.

Contains natural microcellulose, egg yolk extract, crushed shells, blueberry, sugar cane, orange, sugar maple, lemon, purslane extracts, acetic acid.

Price from 750 rubles.


A series of rollers for different skin types. They have a light gel consistency and a pleasant aroma. The peeling composition includes cellulose particles, essential oils, silk proteins, hyaluronic acid, and a complex of fruit acids.

The product is suitable for quick cleansing and refreshing, helps fight pigment spots and minor defects. Has a slight lifting effect. Price from 300 rubles per tube.

Lancome Hydra Zen Neuocalm

Transparent liquid gel with a pleasant floral aroma. Contains a complex of fruit acids and microcellulose. It has a slight whitening effect, is soft, and is suitable for dry, dehydrated skin.

Does not irritate the face, eliminates minor impurities, regulates water-lipid balance. It will not cope with noticeable sebaceous plugs and blackheads.

Price from 600 rubles per tube of 80 ml.

Tony Moly Floria Brightening Peeling Gel

A universal option for all skin types. When applied to the face, the transparent gel turns into a white emulsion and smells pleasantly of lotus .

Contains natural microcellulose, patented moisturizing complex, fruit acids. The product softens and refreshes the face, smoothes out fine wrinkles.

Price from 900 rubles per package of 150 ml.

Clarins Gentle Peeling Smooth Away Cream

Pearlescent white airy cream with a pleasant subtle aroma. The composition includes nylon microgranules, particles of plant cellulose, extracts of primrose, mimosa, evening primrose, and fucus.

The product perfectly polishes thin, dry and sensitive skin without overdrying it. Evens out the texture, brightens , and slightly narrows pores.

Price from 1,700 rubles per 50 ml package.

Precautions and contraindications

To achieve the desired effect, it is important to carry out the procedure correctly.

Also, do not exclude the risks that may arise when applying peeling. To save yourself from unpleasant moments, you should take into account contraindications. Avoid peeling in the following cases :

  • the presence of open wounds and burns on the face;
  • presence of spider veins;
  • the existence of rosacea;
  • individual intolerance to components.

Recommended for whom?

You need to understand that the peel and standard chemical peeling based on salicylic acid are different. Known as the "Hollywood cleanse" , the roll has the following features:

  1. It does not apply for a long time - you need to keep it on your face for about 3-4 minutes.
  2. There are no side effects.
  3. Can be used from 15 years of age.

The procedure is safe: it does not cause severe redness, irritation or other defects. There may be a slight tingling sensation, but this is normal.

The rolling mask is recommended for all girls and women who want to improve the condition of their facial skin.

The procedure helps fight acne, sebaceous plugs and peeling, eliminates fine wrinkles and provides high-quality prevention of all these defects.

Tips from cosmetologists

Experts remind you of several important points that should not be forgotten when using a peeling roll :

  • After the procedure, there is no need to wipe your face with a towel: you can damage the still sensitive skin.
  • It is better to prepare water for washing in advance. If any discomfort occurs, this will help you get rid of the product as quickly as possible.
  • It is most convenient to apply the peeling composition with a fan brush. It is applied to the skin in the following order: from less sensitive areas to more sensitive ones.
  • After the procedure, use a soothing cream - this will provide the skin with comfort and quick recovery.

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Peeling ray is not a magical composition with a magical effect. It is important to understand that this is only one of the means of comprehensive care . Skin health depends on many factors:

  • nutrition;
  • hydration;
  • toning.

Which companies are better to take?

Here are the top 5 companies that produce the best cosmetic products:

  1. K-Cosmo. Skinship Peeling Touch Gel.
  2. Librederm. Peeling roll with chamomile.
  3. Christina. Peeling gommage with vitamin E.
  4. Mizon. Apple Smoothie Peeling Gel.
  5. Wamiles. Exfoliation Lite.

Their cost varies from 400 to 6000 rubles.

Dear girls, read my articles, learn about new procedures for your beauty. Enjoy the results and share your impressions in the comments. Don't forget to rate articles, so I will know what interests you most.

What is a "skate"?

Peeling roll is a product in gel format created for gentle exfoliation (exfoliation).

The product received this name due to its rolling particles that are formed during massage movements on the skin. The peeling “pellets” are the result of cellulose fibers; they make up the main part of the product .

In addition to the important ingredient, the peeling contains natural ingredients: soft acids (fruit, lactic), herbal extract, ceramides, hyaluronic acid and others.

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