Stages of skin aging, or how to prolong the youthfulness of facial skin 2
Stages of skin aging, or how to prolong the youthfulness of facial skin
Medical Internet conferences Skin regeneration Gramkova I.I., Maksimova E.R. Scientific supervisor: Uvarova I.A., Romanova T.P.
Plasmolifting and alcohol: can you drink after the procedure?
Plasmolifting of the face is a rejuvenating and restorative procedure based on the introduction of the patient’s blood plasma
Which solarium is better and why is there an elevator in the “artificial sun” booth?
The dream of a beautiful, even tan haunts the fair half of humanity, regardless of the time of year.
How to make facial peeling with Hilak Forte and what effect it will give
What is Hilak Forte The drug Hilak Forte is used to eliminate the symptoms of dysbacteriosis and
Rating of LPG devices. Review of Top 10 originals and analogues
LPG (LPZH, LPG, elpidzhi, lpdzhi) was developed in France in the 80s of the last century.
Removal of skin tumors - frequently asked questions
New growths on the skin are not only a cosmetic defect, but also pose a certain threat
different types of breasts
Types of breasts in women: photos, classification, features and various facts
Women's breasts... Most men go crazy about the deep neckline of the fair sex,
Applications of salicylic acid
Salicylic peeling against blackheads* on the chin
Salicylic acid what is it? Salicylic acid, or BHA acid, is a fat-soluble acid from
Laser resurfacing or chemical peeling: which is better?
Laser resurfacing or chemical peeling: which is better to choose? Laser resurfacing or chemical peeling: what?
Solcoseryl ointment
What does cracked fingers or toes indicate?
Plantar hyperkeratosis is a thickening of the stratum corneum of the epidermis under the influence of physical factors affecting the
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