Salome Svanadze: husband and children. Personal life, biography
Successful plastic surgeon Salomea Nikolaevna Svanadze individually approaches the choice of surgical method for each patient
girl with donuts on her chest
What is sex between breasts called and how to do it?
Breasts are considered one of the best erogenous zones on the female body. And when it comes
Electrophoresis with lidase
Rehabilitation after viral pneumonia (including those caused by coronavirus infection)
Physiotherapeutic procedures are widely used as an additional method to the main treatment, as well as in
Fractional mesotherapy: reviews of the Dermapen device
From this article you will learn: what hardware mesotherapy is, a comparison of fractional and injection mesotherapy,
American cosmetologist Carol Maggio
Spanish facial chiromassage - technique + [photo and video]
At the beginning of the last century, Dr. Ferrandis combined Western and Eastern healing methods, which gave
Expression wrinkles
How to get rid of expression wrinkles around the eyes, on the forehead, near the mouth?
Wrinkles under the eyes may appear earlier than in other areas because the skin there
Chemical peeling
The best products for tightening pores and neutralizing skin imperfections
Moisturizer with mattifying effect Top Secret Instant Matte Pore Refiner, YSL Beauté Extract
Cold wraps for cellulite: recipes and rules
We cure women's sorrows with cold - wraps for all women Everyone knows about hot wraps.
If a girl has a big nose, a plastic surgeon will help her
Girls have a wide nose. What to do, how to get rid of it, rhinoplasty
Signs Physiology Surgical correction Price Visual correction This is interesting Video Photo Photo Nose –
Model with small breasts
Almost zero: 10 Hollywood divas with small busts
Who said that small breasts are a sentence to a failed life for girls and
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