The use of ozone therapy in pregnant women: indications, restrictions on physiotherapy and effectiveness

Ozone is a colorless gas that is made up of three oxygen atoms. In nature, the element is found in the upper layers of the atmosphere, and protects the Earth from UV radiation. But ozone in its pure form is harmful when inhaled and causes irritation to the lungs and throat. Prolonged intense exposure can lead to coughing and exacerbation of asthma. Surprisingly, intravenous ozone therapy has a healing effect. Ozone injections are also performed in cosmetology for the purpose of rejuvenation.

The drug for intravenous ozone therapy is prepared as follows. A laboratory technician takes the patient's blood and then uses a special centrifuge to enrich it with ozone gas. This product is also suitable for injections into the face. But most often the blood is reintroduced into the body using an IV. The procedure must be carried out in a medical clinic, under the supervision of an experienced doctor.

Ozone therapy during pregnancy: general information

Despite the fact that pregnancy is one of the most wonderful periods in a girl’s life, she often experiences blues and fatigue. A woman’s condition is affected not only by physical discomfort, but also by worries about the child and prenatal jitters. It is precisely these “illnesses” that ozone therapy for pregnant women fights.

The essence of the procedure is to introduce a certain amount of ozone-oxygen cocktail into the body. It has a beneficial effect on the body:

● increases immunity - less chance of getting sick;

● fights inflammation;

● minimizes the harmful effects of the environment;

● strengthens hair, nails, improves skin, so that the young mother does not experience hair loss and brittle nails;

● calms and gives strength, relieves stress;

● sleep improves - the girl gets enough sleep and feels in good shape in the morning.

However, there is one more property of ozone - it increases blood flow and stimulates the functioning of all organs. Therefore, if there is even a minimal risk of internal bleeding, the treatment method should be treated with caution.

Although ozone has only recently been used in medicine, the safety and effectiveness of the procedures have already been proven. In addition, ozone therapy is accessible: today it is carried out in most clinics and many beauty salons.

The use of a cocktail can be local or systemic. Local application allows you to solve minor problems such as skin rashes and hair loss. Then a syringe with a thin needle is used to administer ozone. However, girls in this position prefer a systematic approach, when, thanks to the procedure, the general condition improves and ozone has a comprehensive effect on all organs. In this case, ozone therapy is carried out only intravenously for pregnant women, but in special cases, with the permission of the doctor, you can “consume” the cocktail through the joints. One of two types of cocktails is used:

● standard oxygen mixture diluted with solution for infusion;

● a combination of ozone and the pregnant woman’s own venous blood is introduced - this procedure is also called autohemotherapy.

However, regardless of the type of solution, it is possible to eliminate oxygen starvation of tissues and stimulate blood microcirculation. Also, oxygen ozone cocktails have a complex effect on the body.


After subcutaneous injections of an ozone-oxygen mixture, there is no rehabilitation as such. Sometimes papules remain on the skin (from injections), swelling and slight hyperemia may occur. All side effects go away quickly. Most patients continue with their planned activities immediately after the procedure.

Some people experience drowsiness, slight dizziness, and weakness. Remember the feeling when you breathe in fresh air filled with ozone after a thunderstorm. It's about the same here. Symptoms of ozone “oversaturation” disappear within a few hours.

Indications for ozone therapy during pregnancy

Doctors note that ozone is toxic in large doses. However, under the supervision of a specialist, the molecules of the substance can cure diseases and simply prevent the girl’s condition from worsening.

However, from an early stage, women’s hormonal levels change and taking many medications becomes undesirable. Therefore, ozone therapy is a popular alternative method of treatment and prevention.

The unique procedure is universal. It is prescribed to women both in case of health problems (including those that can negatively affect the development of the fetus), and in the event of external defects and problems. The list shows the main reasons why a pregnant girl goes for ozone therapy:

● decreased immunity;

● exposure to frequent colds;

● as a preventive measure - to prevent the development of old chronic diseases;

● dysfunction of uterine blood flow and related problems - for example, child hypoxia;

● lack of oxygen in the womb;

● intrauterine infections that affected the fetus;

● high risks of insufficient labor or threat of miscarriage;

● the mother has gynecological problems that worsen her overall health.

Not only during pregnancy, but also after it, ozone therapy is a quick way to normalize the body’s condition. In some cases, the procedure is recommended even for women who are just planning to conceive. Ozone therapy is also indicated for girls who have chosen IVF: the procedure will increase the likelihood of successful fertilization.

Some girls turn to ozone therapy to prevent excess weight gain while pregnant. The procedures affect the muscles, make them more elastic, break down cellulite - this is exactly what pregnant women need when limiting exercise. If you undergo procedures from the 20th week of pregnancy, you can reduce the risk of stretch marks after childbirth - ozone has a beneficial effect on skin tone. An additional bonus from introducing ozone into the body is that the body rejuvenates, because ozone neutralizes the effects of free radicals, which cause aging.

Why ozone?

Anyone who has ever been outside during a thunderstorm is familiar with natural ozone. When exposed to electricity (lightning) in the presence of ultraviolet radiation (sunlight), a modified oxygen molecule with high activity is formed in the atmosphere. We can notice this by the specific smell that hovers in the stormy air.

The bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties of ozone were discovered at the beginning of the last century. But then there were no devices that could produce it at the right time and in the required concentration. It was only with the invention of modern devices that ozone became available for medical use.

It has a very beneficial effect on the human body in small doses:

  • activates the immune system;
  • dilates blood vessels and capillaries;
  • provides additional oxygen flow;
  • stimulates lymph outflow;
  • neutralizes and removes toxins;
  • accelerates metabolic processes.

Ozone for injection is produced using special equipment and is additionally enriched with oxygen. This cocktail is very unstable, so the procedure is performed using special expensive equipment and cannot be repeated at home.

Ozone therapy during pregnancy - contraindications

Ozone therapy for pregnant women has its pros and cons. The main disadvantage is the presence of contraindications and possible complications. Before starting the procedure, it is still recommended to consult a doctor, because there is a group of people for whom ozone therapy is contraindicated:

● allergy sufferers - in addition to ozone, other components are used, to which there may be an unhealthy reaction;

● having pancreatic disease;

● suffering from ischemia, hyperthyroidism, epilepsy;

● people with bleeding disorders - ozone often “conflicts” with medications, which leads to unpredictable consequences;

● persons with mental disorders.

Women suffering from endocrinological diseases - diabetes, hyperfunction, and hypofunction of the thyroid gland - should refrain from ozone therapy. The procedure is carried out with special care for women with blood diseases - not only hemophilia A and B, but also simply a tendency to bleed.

Which procedure to choose

It is better to entrust the choice of ozone therapy for weight loss to a specialist. He is the one who knows all the subtleties and pitfalls of each technique. In addition, he will be guided not only by your wishes, but also by age, general health, the thickness of the subcutaneous fat layer and a number of other important factors that you yourself simply cannot take into account.

Therefore, the ideal option is a good cosmetic clinic, where you can choose from several possible procedures. In addition, the conditions in which they are carried out are very important.

It is unlikely that you will be able to distinguish ozone from nitrogen or ordinary liquid oxygen. Therefore, be sure to check the equipment certificate and documents confirming the qualifications of the specialist into whose hands you are going to place yourself.

Possible complications after ozone therapy

Despite all the benefits of the procedure, complications may arise if the procedure was performed incorrectly. Instead of feeling better, the girl will feel the following negative effects:

● transaminases increase in liver tests, causing liver function to be impaired;

● if before the start of the procedures the girl was not diagnosed with urolithiasis, then ozone therapy will cause colic, cause increased blood pressure, and vomiting. General health will deteriorate so much that the risk of miscarriage increases;

● the number of urinations will increase;

● body temperature will increase, heat will be felt in the pelvic area.

Some symptoms may occur even if the patient has previously undergone a complete medical examination and identified all the strengths and weaknesses of her body. Therefore, if during the procedure a girl feels a deterioration in health, pain or discomfort, then it is necessary to interrupt the administration of the medicine and inform your doctor about it

Required number of sessions

Injecting a solution with ozone drops usually requires not one, but several procedures. There may be six or eight of them, sometimes more are required. If there are no desired results within five or six weeks, a repeat course may be given.

The required number of procedures is calculated depending on how pronounced the cellulite is and the desired effect. To achieve noticeable results, a course consisting of 10 or 15 procedures is optimal. To quickly obtain the effect, you will need massages, wraps, and ultrasound treatment. Exercise and a low-calorie diet improve the process.

How to do ozone therapy during pregnancy

A detailed course - how many ozone therapy procedures are needed for pregnant women, their regularity - is compiled by the attending physician in accordance with the condition of the body. However, there are general principles for conducting ozone therapy in pregnant women.

During the entire pregnancy cycle, you should not conduct more than two courses: at 20 and 30 weeks of gestation. There must be a minimum of 10 weeks between courses. There are special requirements for the last procedure - at least 4 weeks must pass from it to birth. An average of 5 procedures are performed per course.

The ozone cocktail is administered through a dropper. It is placed for 30 minutes, and two procedures can be performed in one calendar day - in the morning and in the evening. Despite this permission, many girls prefer to take their time and undergo one procedure per day. This allows the attending physician to record the condition after ozone administration and adjust the dose and number of droppers. After ozone therapy, the pregnant woman is given rest, including driving.

In individual cases, subcutaneous administration is acceptable: if a pregnant woman has constant severe pain in the lumbar region, arms or legs. Subcutaneous injections relieve pain and do not require additional painkillers. Unlike intravenous drips, such injections are allowed even in the very last weeks of pregnancy.

In both cases, specialists monitor not only the reaction of the female body, but also the condition of her child using Doppler ultrasound - ultrasound diagnostics to record blood flow in the uterus and umbilical cord.

Ozone treatment methods

Ozone therapy is carried out in 2 ways: intravenously (using a drip system), subcutaneously. Treatment is also carried out with injections under the skin in the joint area during exacerbation of radiculopathy and rheumatic pathologies. The method of administration is determined by the doctor.

Methods for preparing a medicinal solution:

  • Mixture with oxygen-ozone component and physiological solution.
  • The solution of the ozone component is combined with the patient’s blood. The prepared mixture is poured through a drip system into the woman’s vein.

A specially trained nurse or doctor must prepare the solution. The solution should be made as sterile as possible. To carry out the procedure, you need to use only sterile and disposable instruments.

Prices for figure correction

Anti-cellulite program (recommended course of 10 procedures)
1. Belly – 1,100 rub.
2. Belly and back (lumbar part) – 2,500 rubles.
3. Upper back - 1,500 rubles.
4. Lower back - 1,200 rubles.
5. Full back - 2,500 rubles.
6. Rear thighs - 1,000 rubles.
7. Outer thighs - 1,000 rubles.
8.Inner thighs -800 rub.
9. Zone “Brothers” - 1,000 rubles.
10.Buttocks -1,000 rub.
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