How to care for eyelash extensions at home?

Having undergone the procedure of artificial eyelash extensions for the first time, owners ask questions about caring for them. Long, thick fibers give brightness to the eyes, the image becomes attractive and alluring. The safety of hair depends on proper care. The main question remains: is it possible to wet eyelash extensions and how to swim with them.

Rules for daily care at home after extensions

Most often, the main emphasis in makeup is on the eyes.
The effectiveness of the image depends on the length and volume of the eyelashes. However, in morning care there is not always enough time for this. Makeup artists came up with a way out of the situation. The eyelash extension procedure has become a real salvation for those who want to always look great without wasting time and effort on care.

Hair extensions are flexible and durable, they are not afraid of the sun, wind, rain and other weather conditions.

The process takes place using delicate materials. The hairs are glued with hypoallergenic glue. To ensure that they do not fall off and serve as long as possible, they must be looked after. With proper care, eyelash extensions will last for several weeks or longer. Correction should be carried out after one to two months.

In daily care, it is important not only to carry out cosmetic procedures, but also to observe certain restrictions. Otherwise, the eyelash extensions will fall out, even if the artist did his job as professionally as possible.

  • Do not rub your eyes too hard or too often;
  • It is not recommended to apply mascara, even partially;
  • brush your eyelash extensions with a soft brush once a day;
  • Do not use alcohol- or oil-based products in care;
  • wash with a delicate gel, tonic or foam;
  • prefer glasses to contact lenses;
  • do not touch the hair extensions;
  • choose water-based creams for facial care;
  • use compresses with burdock or castor oil for protection.


You can wash your eyelash extensions with plain water, micellar composition, foam or your usual cleansers. To choose the most suitable method of care for themselves, girls need to study the features and effect of each of them on artificial hairs.

Method of carea brief description of
Plain waterThe most favorable way to care for artificial hairs is provided that the water is not running, but purified. It has no effect on either the eyelashes themselves or the mucous membrane of the eyes, gently cleansing the face of various types of impurities. It is recommended to wash your face with water 2 times a day. During hygiene procedures, it is necessary to avoid contact with a direct stream of liquid on the eyelash row. The best option is to rinse your face and use gentle blotting movements to remove excess liquid from the skin, avoiding the area around the eyes. The eyelids and eyelashes should be allowed to dry on their own.
Micellar waterUsed to remove makeup from the eyelid area. Considering that micellar water contains no fatty components, it does not affect the duration of eyelash extensions and their appearance. The frequency of use is indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging of a specific care composition. The standard washing algorithm includes the need to soak a cotton pad in micellar water and, avoiding pressure and intense rubbing, remove makeup from the eyes.
Cleansing foamWhen choosing a foam for washing your eyes after the extension procedure, you need to make sure that it does not contain fatty acids and oils. A properly selected product has a light consistency, regular use of which does not affect the duration of wearing artificial eyelashes and does not tighten the delicate skin of the eyelids. Carrying out hygiene procedures with facial wash is allowed up to 2 times a day. For thorough cleansing, you need to apply a small amount of the product (foams well) onto the palm of your hand, lather it with intense rubbing of your hands and massage it over your face. It is recommended to gently rinse the eyelashes themselves, keeping your eyes closed, along the direction of natural hair growth.
General Purpose CleanserGeneral purpose cleansers are allowed to be used for washing eyes and eyelashes only as a last resort (no more than 3 times a week). They usually contain active components that are incomparable to sensitive mucous membranes. If a small amount of the product accidentally gets into the eyes, the organs of vision become severely irritated, turn red, begin to hurt or itch. In such conditions, it is almost impossible to avoid mechanical impact on eyelash extensions. That is why cleansers that are not intended for cleansing the skin around the eyes are allowed to be used rarely and as carefully as possible.

Provided you choose the right care product, artificial eyelashes will retain their original appearance for at least the first 2-3 weeks after the extension procedure.

How to care on the first day after extensions?

The first thing you can do is comb your eyelashes with a special brush. This will show how well the specialist performed the procedure. If some eyelashes turn out to be glued together, or one hair extension is glued to two natural ones, you should immediately contact a specialist to correct the defects.

On the first day of care after the procedure, it is not recommended to wet your eyes. The glue should stick well.

You can’t do steaming masks or go to a bathhouse or sauna immediately after extensions. Steam may prevent the glue from completely curing. Also, you should not apply moisturizers to your eyes during care. Because of them, the hair extensions can come off.

If there is a need to tint your eyelash extensions, you can do this with a special water-based mascara.

You can purchase it in a specialized store; information is on the product itself. Also, in the first days after the procedure, eye shadow is contraindicated. They may cause eye irritation. In any case, cosmetics can reduce the wearing period, so they should be used only in special cases.

Rules for long-term wearing

Sometimes you also want to emphasize and enhance natural beauty. Some people simply tint their own eyelashes and use good mascara, curling their eyelashes with tweezers. And there are women who want to look spectacular immediately after waking up and decide to extend their treasured eyelashes. But without special cosmetics or using those that consist of oils, you can quickly lose your enhanced beauty.

You can derive some rules that will help you enjoy artificial eyelashes for a long time and carefree:

  1. Wait a while after applying extensions so as not to wet your eyelashes.
  2. Wash your face carefully so as not to harm your eyelashes.
  3. Watch your sleeping position on your pillow.
  4. Do not apply extensions if there are eye diseases (there is a possibility of itching and scratching).
  5. Remove makeup carefully and use special non-greasy cosmetics.
  6. If necessary, make corrections in time.
  7. Do not use eyelash curlers.
  8. Do not adhere to the opinion that after eyelash extensions you should not wash your face at all. This opinion is false, since after a couple of days of anti-hygiene, pathogenic microorganisms and bacteria will multiply in the eyelashes. Which can cause eye diseases. Rubbing your face with tonic will definitely not help in this case.
  9. Do not try to glue fallen eyelashes, but contact an extension specialist for correction if necessary.

This amount of “accuracy” and warnings should not be perceived as a burden. After all, after what you see in the mirror, the warnings will no longer seem so terrifying. While admiring the result, the thought will definitely creep up: “It’s worth it!”

Is it possible to wet eyelashes with water?

During the first 24 hours, eyelash extensions should not come into contact with water. The glue has not yet adhered sufficiently and the hairs may fall off.

In the future, you can wash your eyes, but according to certain care rules.

You need to wash your face with boiled water, because the bleach contained in tap water can damage the glue and the hair extensions themselves.

While washing your face, do not touch or rub your eyelashes. It is not recommended to use soap; it is better to use gentle cosmetics for care.

The water should be at room temperature. Elevated temperatures will negatively affect artificial hairs.

If chlorinated or sea water gets on your eyelash extensions, you need to carefully rinse with clean water, then blot your eyelashes with a cotton pad and comb them with a special brush. Such care will eliminate negative consequences.

Proper care during water procedures

Contact of water with eyelashes and glue cannot be avoided. With brief contact, the pure natural liquid will not cause harm. But still, precautions must be taken:

  • take a shower, wash your hair carefully, avoiding getting soap solution and greasy cosmetics into your eyes. On the first day, do not get it wet or use special glasses;
  • within 24 hours after the session, avoid makeup and mascara to avoid the need to wash it off;
  • When swimming, you should not dive headlong.

If you follow the instructions of the extension specialist, water procedures will not harm and will not require a reduction in the correction period.


The specialist will tell you how to properly wash your face with eyelash extensions and what cosmetics to use. It will remind you that you cannot get the villi wet on the first day and do not apply decorative cosmetics the morning after the procedure.

When washing it is prohibited:

  • apply oils and greasy makeup removers to eyelashes;
  • rub hairs with fingers or a towel;
  • use hot water.

Taking a shower or bath

There is no need to give up your daily shower or the pleasure of soaking in the bath to preserve your eyelash extensions. It is enough to follow the instructions of beauty specialists:

  • Do not rub your eyes if soap gets on them. In case of rinsing, blot with a napkin;
  • When washing your hair, avoid getting shampoos and conditioners in your eyes;
  • Do not wet your face with hot water;
  • After the shower, the hairs should dry. Using a specialized brush, you need to comb the hairs;
  • You can wash in the bathroom provided that the water is not hot, the hot steam emanating from it softens the glue;
  • Body cleansers should not come into contact with the eyes.

You can swim and wash your hair with long eyelash extensions without harming them, but you must follow all the instructions of the specialist.

Visiting the bathhouse and sauna

Baths and saunas require high temperature and air humidity. Factors can cause damage to eyelash extensions. The adhesive base softens when exposed to warm air. As a result, the hairs fall off, become deformed, and lose their appearance.

During the first two days, sauna and steam baths are prohibited.

During the wearing period, experts recommend avoiding procedures, or, as a last resort, shortening the time spent in the steam room so as not to wet the villi.

Holiday care

When going on vacation, you can safely swim with eyelash extensions, but you need to remember the rules and tips:

  • swim in the pool carefully, without diving or splashing in the face, so as not to wet the artificial material. Bleach harms the adhesive base. It harms the mucous membrane;
  • salty sea water leaves a residue after drying, there is a risk that the eyelashes will fall off;
  • After contact with chlorinated or sea water, you need to rinse your face with clean liquid, blot the villi, and comb them. Comb with a specialized brush;
  • You can swim in fresh water without any consequences for artificial hairs. But experts advise reducing the contact time between glue and liquid.

After combing, small particles of contaminants remain on the brush - salts, bleach, cosmetic residues, dust particles. They harm the structure of the hair extensions; it is necessary to regularly clean the brush and disinfect it with a special liquid.


Moisture gets on your face not only when you wash your face. Rain, snow, tears are another source of liquid.

How to wash your face properly?

You need to learn how to wash your face correctly from the first day of wearing eyelash extensions and caring for them.

To cleanse your face, it is important to use warm water, not hot. During care, you don't need to stop at the area around the eyes. The dirt between the eyelashes will still be washed out, even if you just splash water on your face.

Do not wash your eyes with soap. It is better to use soft cleansers - foam or gel. Such washes will not harm the care of eyelash extensions.

Dry yourself carefully, not with a towel.

How to properly wash your hair without getting your eyelashes wet?

Note! It is impossible to completely abandon hygiene procedures even with eyelash extensions.

And if you can take a shower without the risk of getting your hair wet, then it will be difficult to wash your hair properly and avoid this.

You will need to be extremely careful, and
apply shampoo with your head tilted back so that water does not flow down your forehead onto your eyelids and eyelashes.
Before washing your hair, you should prepare a towel in advance so that you can dry yourself before the water starts to drain.

Features of makeup and makeup remover for eyelashes

With eyelash extensions, you don’t have to give up makeup, especially when you need to create a spectacular evening makeup.

You can use shadows for care, pencils to design wings, and tint your eyes with water-based mascara. The artificial material should not be harmed. Do not use waterproof mascara.

Eyelash extensions already attract attention, so you should not choose bright shadows. It is better to choose a more natural lipstick color.

Makeup removers should be gentle on artificial hairs.

  • care cosmetics must be water-based;
  • before applying makeup, eyelashes should be dried and combed;
  • do not curl eyelash extensions with tweezers;
  • You can draw arrows for a more expressive look with a pencil or liquid eyeliner;
  • You need to remove makeup with a cotton pad or sponge;
  • You can use micellar water for makeup removal;
  • movements should be smooth.

What products and ingredients can cause harm?

To understand which cleaning products for eyelash extensions should be avoided, you need to study the list of the main components of their composition that can destroy the top layer of glue and thus significantly reduce the life of artificial hairs:

  • salt water, especially in hypertonic concentration;
  • carnauba wax (usually included in mascara);
  • oils and fatty acids of all types;
  • cream, oily consistency (including foundations and makeup bases).

While wearing eyelash extensions, it is necessary to minimize visiting the pool and swimming in sea water. Tears can also weaken the “adhesion” of the glue. In case of accidental contact of eyelashes with a “prohibited” composition, it is necessary to immediately remove it from the eyelash row, wash and apply “approved” products, for example, micellar water, to the places of contact.

Is it possible to go to the bathhouse or sauna?

After a few days you can visit the bathhouse and sauna. However, the choice of temperature and type of establishment is important.

It is better not to go to the steam room or stay there for a very short time. High humidity will soften the glue. In general, it is not recommended to spend a long time in a bathhouse or sauna.

The temperature should not exceed 80 degrees.

You cannot go to the Russian bathhouse, as it is the hottest. The same can be applied to the Finnish sauna.

Before visiting, all eye makeup should be washed off.


You need to comb your eyelash extensions not only to avoid tangling and thus extend their lifespan, but also to stimulate the hair follicles of natural hairs. Improving blood circulation in this area will promote the growth of your eyelashes.

To organize the eyelash row, you should purchase a special brush of any type (there are 2 varieties on the consumer market).

Combing hair extensions is necessary taking into account the recommendations of professional lash makers:

  • carry out the procedure at least once a day;
  • Combing for the first time is allowed only a day after the extension;
  • the movement of the hand should be directed along the growth of natural eyelashes (from the eyelid to the tip of the hair);
  • avoid contact of the brush with the skin of the eyelid and the area where artificial hairs are attached;
  • It is recommended to carry out the straightening procedure exclusively with dry eyelashes;
  • avoid using improvised means for combing hairs (for example, needles);
  • The directional movements of the brush should be smooth and light (rough impact on the eyelashes shortens their lifespan).

Both washing and combing eyelash extensions must be done more and more carefully as the period of wearing the artificial material on the eyelids increases. This is important because over time, the “adhesion” of the glue to the base of the natural hair weakens, which increases the risk of the artificial eyelash being pulled out during careless care.

Is it possible to go to the pool?

There are no restrictions for visiting the pool. It is better to choose a pool in which the water is purified not with chlorine, but with ozonation or other methods. You can swim in chlorinated water, but the length of stay should be reduced.

After swimming, be sure to take a shower. Next in the care, it is recommended to blot your eyes with a cotton pad so that they do not remain wet.

Eyelash extensions do not change your usual lifestyle, but it is important to follow certain care recommendations on vacation and at home. And then the result will exceed all expectations.


Both washing eyelash extensions and drying them after hygiene procedures must be in accordance with strict rules:

  • To get rid of excess liquid, you should use a cotton pad, cotton swabs or a small piece of soft cloth (a regular towel is made of rough material, which, if carelessly contacted with the eyelash line, can not only weaken the “adhesion” of the glue, but also ruin the condition of natural hairs).

  • Do not rub or press hard on the eyes and eyelashes (this provokes a change in the position of the glued hairs and the appearance of “cracks” in the hardened adhesive composition. The best way to wipe artificial hairs is using blotting movements, which imply minimal impact on the eyelash row).
  • You should wipe your eyelashes only after leaving the bathroom or other room if the temperature inside is high (hot air “melts” the glue. As a result of the weakening of the properties of the “fixer” and the mechanical effect on the hairs during drying, they fall out in large quantities precisely in process of getting rid of excess moisture).

To minimize the risk of rapid loss of eyelash extensions, it is recommended to let them dry on their own after washing.

TOP myths and misconceptions

There are a number of myths on the topic of extensions. Among the most popular:

  1. The procedure can be carried out independently at home. When gluing artificial hairs, the eyes are kept closed, so it is impossible to grow eyelashes. Attempts are fraught with infection. Even lash makers turn to another master for this purpose.
  2. You cannot do extensions while using contact lenses. Means for washing lenses and eyelids, when used frequently, can reduce the wear time of synthetic hairs, as well as the mechanical effect on the eyelash contour when replacing polymer products. Therefore, it is not recommended to remove and put on lenses again.
  3. Your own eyelashes thin and fall out due to extensions. If the procedure is performed correctly, hair loss occurs due to the rapid renewal of natural eyelashes or genetic predisposition. The effect of extensions on the length and thickness of hairs has not been proven.
  4. Synthetic eyelashes are uncomfortable to wear and difficult to get used to. A qualified leashmaker performs high-quality work, selecting material taking into account personal characteristics. Thanks to this, discomfort is eliminated. You just need to entrust the work to a good craftsman. Getting used to it happens quickly, since the weight of artificial and natural eyelashes is almost the same.
  5. Silk and animal fur are used in the production of hairs. In fact, polymers are used for manufacturing, so the products are safe due to their hypoallergenic properties. Each name corresponds to a different thickness, elasticity, etc. Mink has a minimum thickness of 0.1 mm. For “silk” it is larger - 0.15 mm. And for “sable” the maximum is 0.25 mm.
  6. The procedure is painful. With high-quality extensions there is no discomfort. In terms of pain, it is close to eyebrow depilation.
  7. Requires complex care. All recommendations for extending wear are simple.
  8. Building up takes a lot of time. In fact, the session takes up to 3 hours.
  9. After removing synthetic hairs, you need a break. The extensions do not harm your own eyelashes, so a break is not required.
  10. The effect is quickly lost. A professional lash maker uses high-quality materials, so the result lasts 3-5 weeks, subject to proper care at home.

It is also a mistake to believe that toxic substances are released when glue evaporates. The specialist uses only high-quality products, as he cares about the client’s health and knows about the possible consequences of using cheap raw materials. Competent lash makers also work at home. It is only important to study customer reviews and photographs of work.

Mistakes in caring for eyelash extensions: what not to do

Usually the master explains how to care for eyelash extensions at home, but many girls still make mistakes. After the procedure you cannot:

  • rubbing or touching your eyes;
  • wash eyelash extensions more than twice a day;
  • take a steam bath;
  • swim in the sea or pool;
  • remove eyelashes yourself.

Tears are salty, just like sea water. Therefore, you should not cry either, since this will destroy the glue.

Why is it worth washing your face with eyelashes?

This is, first of all, necessary for eye health. Every day we are exposed to external environmental factors. Dust, sebum, cosmetics - all this accumulates in the space between eyelashes and on the eyes.

This happens every day! The average lifespan of eyelashes is three weeks, can you imagine how much unnecessary stuff is formed during this time if you don’t wash your face?

Also, improper hygiene can cause various viral diseases and infections of the eyes and skin of the eyelids. The glue used for eyelash extensions will not lose its properties if water gets on it. You can calmly lead your usual lifestyle without worrying that your eyelashes will deteriorate or fall out.

What is dangerous about the accumulation of dirt on eyelashes?

One of the most common eye conditions associated with eyelash extensions is blepharitis. Blepharitis is an overgrowth of bacteria that thrives and multiplies along the base of the eyelashes.

Over time, these bacteria create a structure called a biofilm. If your eyelashes are not properly cleaned, this biofilm becomes a toxic environment - like the plaque that forms on your teeth.

Photo by Thể Phạm: Pexels

Then parasitic mites, which love to feed on biofilm, begin to colonize between your eyelashes, causing painful eyelid inflammation.

But you don’t have to worry: if you clean your eyelashes regularly, no mites or bacteria can appear.

Therefore, cleaning your eyelash extensions daily is an important and mandatory process to prevent inflammation. Moreover, it is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. If you can follow the suggested recommendations, then your eyelashes will delight you for a long time.

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