Facial depilatory cream: learning to choose and use

Today there are a great variety of means by which ladies rid their beautiful bodies of unwanted hair. You can choose any one, depending on the desired effect, the thickness of the wallet and patience. But if the problem is excess facial hair, the solution is not so easy.

The skin of the face is too delicate and sensitive to be affected by aggressive agents. And it’s unlikely that anyone will argue with the fact that there should be no traces of hair removal on the face, or at least invisible.

That is why the question of choosing a method of hair removal on the face is ambiguous. The easiest way to pluck out single hairs growing in the wrong place is with tweezers, but if the hair is a clear problem, it is better to look for other methods to eliminate it. The main requirements for facial hair removal products are gentleness and safety.

One of the “softest” methods of hair removal - simple, convenient, painless - is chemical depilation. A cream-based depilatory product (or in the form of a spray) is applied to the area where hair needs to be removed, and after a few minutes it is washed off along with the semi-dissolved hair, leaving beautiful smooth skin. It would seem that this is the ideal recipe for a facial product. But, alas, there are not many women for whom chemical hair removal is the optimal solution. Let's try to figure out why.

How does facial depilatory cream work?

The cream is considered one of the delicate and painless methods of depilation of sensitive areas. If you exclude the possibility of allergies, the procedure becomes completely safe. It does not take much time, and aggressive components simply do not have time to damage the upper layer of the epidermis, having a detrimental effect only on the hair.

The principle of this type of depilatory is the same regardless of the area being treated. The cream affects the hair structure, destroying it in a short time. Not a single composition of such a drug can do without chemicals that dissolve keratin. Whether there are many or few of them depends solely on the brand and quality of the product. Most often, a combination of sodium and calcium thioglycolates is used. Together, these components can soften hairs within a few minutes, which can be removed with one simple movement. At the same time, the cream does not affect the follicles, so unwanted hair will appear again and “require” repeating the procedure.

High-quality depilatory cream effectively combats unwanted facial hair

It is worth noting that the duration of the result after such depilation is strictly individual and depends not only on the chosen product, but also on the characteristics of the body and the rate of hair growth. Although, with prolonged use of the cream, hairs will sooner or later begin to grow with less enthusiasm, sometimes prolonging the effect of the product for weeks.

Advantages and disadvantages

This method of facial hair removal is not suitable for everyone. As with any other method, using a cream has its advantages and disadvantages. The most common of the latter are irritation and the possibility of allergic reactions to the components of the product. Other cons are that:

  • most creams have an unpleasant and sometimes even pungent odor;
  • hair is removed only temporarily (everything is individual: while some can walk for weeks without traces of “antennae”, for others they appear already 3-4 days after the procedure);
  • if you overexpose the product (use it not according to the instructions), a burn may remain on your face;
  • most often the drug is not suitable for overly sensitive skin;
  • The cream has difficulty coping with dark and thick hairs.

Important to remember. It is advisable to do a trial allergy test every time after purchasing a product, even if you have already used it before.

But, despite the above disadvantages, the use of depilatory creams continues to be one of the most gentle methods of removing unwanted facial hair. It is not painful and is not as labor-intensive as, for example, plucking out each hair with tweezers.

In most cases, creams intended for facial depilation do not cause irritation: they are much less aggressive compared to their counterparts for other areas of the body

In addition, the depilatory cream has a number of advantages:

  • removes hair quickly and painlessly;
  • has an affordable price: the average cost of the cream ranges from 100 to 500 rubles (depending on the brand and volume of the product);
  • extremely easy to use, there is no need to master application techniques (as with sugaring or waxing);
  • distributed both over a fairly small area and immediately throughout the entire area with unwanted hair (this does not affect its effectiveness);
  • does not cause ingrown hairs;
  • the composition contains not only the notorious “chemicals”, but also a large number of softening oils and soothing components that help the skin look better;
  • with prolonged use, it allows the ends of the hairs to become weak and invisible.

Can depilatory cream slow down hair growth?

As a rule, depilation creams for the facial area contain not so much components that slow down hair growth, but rather substances that nourish the skin. So, most likely, they will not grow slower. The depilatory action is directed not at the hair follicle, but at the visible part of the hair. But if you use it constantly and for quite a long time, then there is a possibility that the need for the procedure will arise less frequently.

Can depilatory cream slow down hair growth?

The depilatory product contains chemical compounds that dissolve creatine in the hair shafts and slow down their growth.

Also, this cream does not have any undesirable effects on the inside of the hair follicles. The effect after such shaving lasts about 2 weeks, since the cream removes not only the outer part of the hair, but also partially the subcutaneous part.

How to choose the right product

In order not to make a mistake when choosing a depilatory cream, it is important to set your priorities correctly. Don’t stick exclusively to well-known brands or pay attention to beautiful packaging designs. A product that has expired (or is close to it) is immediately discarded as potentially hazardous to health and skin. The second point that simply cannot be ignored is the composition of the product. The cream should not be replete with a large number of chemicals and components unfamiliar to the buyer. Otherwise, it will be a clear fact of low quality. Typically the product contains the following ingredients:

  • sodium compounds;
  • keratin;
  • calcium and potassium thioglycolates;
  • plant extracts (tinctures and juices);
  • extracts;
  • essential oils;
  • vitamins.

The first three items on the list are the minimum required to remove unwanted hair. The remaining components should ideally be natural and aimed at protecting, nourishing and moisturizing the skin.

Sometimes perfumed fragrances are added to creams to give the product a more pleasant smell.

Important to remember. You cannot use a universal depilatory cream to remove facial hair! After all, there is a difference between the products that is noticeable for sensitive skin. The special cream is more delicate, since it contains a reduced proportion of aggressive components.

In addition, the appropriate cream must match your skin type. Those with dry skin should take a closer look at moisturizers and those that contain a large number of different oils. And extracts of chamomile, calendula and nettle will be useful for oily or combination skin.

How to use the drug

This or that cream may have its own characteristics and require different rules that must be followed during its use. There are no uniform instructions (for application and exposure time) for all cases, so in order to avoid troubles, you should carefully read the text on the packaging of the product or in the insert.

Slight redness of the skin immediately after depilation with cream is considered normal - it usually disappears after a few minutes

But still, something common and mandatory among the rules for using the drug can be traced:

  • The cream must be applied to dry, previously cleansed skin of cosmetics and impurities;
  • the area around the eyes is very delicate, so you should avoid contact with the depilator;
  • It is best to remove softened hairs with a special spatula;
  • It is not recommended to use eyebrow correction product;
  • the remaining cream should be washed off without using cleansers or soap (regular warm water);
  • You can depilate one area no more than once a day.

With careful smooth movements of a special spatula, the product is removed in the direction against hair growth. The first time after the procedure, the skin will be very sensitive, including irritation, so it is extremely important to complete depilation correctly:

  1. Remains of the product must be thoroughly removed and rinsed.
  2. The face should be wiped with a mild tonic or chamomile decoction.
  3. It is advisable to apply moisturizer or any base oil (almond, olive, apricot, etc.) to the treated area.

Features of using the cream in different areas of the face

There are no special differences between using depilatory cream for the face on the chin and to combat mustaches. It all depends on the structure of the hair (thin or thick), the characteristics of the skin and the permissible time interval specified in the instructions.

Where the skin is thinner and more sensitive (neck and area above the lip), it is better not to apply the cream in a thick layer and not to keep it on for a long time. In areas closer to the temples, the hairs are darker. This means that it will take a little more time to remove them. If there is little unwanted hair, then it makes sense to use a cotton swab, distributing the product directly onto the hairs.

Contraindications and recommendations

The quality of a depilatory cream can be affected by many factors, including improper storage conditions. Always do an allergy test for the purchased product (regardless of whether it has been used previously). In this case, you will definitely protect yourself from possible burns and irritations on your face. Reviews about the same cream can be ambiguous - this is all due to the individual characteristics of the body.

Along with this, there are also general cases when this method of depilation is contraindicated:

  • presence of skin damage (open wounds, scratches, cracks, rash, burns, etc.);
  • dermatological diseases;
  • excessive dry skin, flaking;
  • any types of cancer;
  • the presence of moles or warts on the treated area;
  • individual intolerance to the components included in the composition.

Also, pregnant women should avoid using facial hair removal cream, and breastfeeding women should use extreme caution when selecting the product.


Before purchasing this or that product, it is best to get first-hand information - read what users write about popular products. They have already tried them on themselves and can tell you which drug is the best cream for facial depilation.

For example, there are many useful reviews on various forums, on the websites “Otzovik”, “Expert Review”, etc. (although there are also custom articles there).

Watch a video from a YouTube blogger about facial depilation.

Possible consequences

After chemical depilation with cream, slight swelling, tingling or redness may sometimes appear. They usually last from 2–10 minutes to several hours, after which they disappear without a trace. But sometimes there are more serious cases, for which there are several reasons:

  • poor-quality composition of the product;
  • allergy to components;
  • long holding time.

It is worth noting that the first point often becomes the reason for the second. As a result, the skin turns red entirely or in patches, and “pimples” or rashes appear on it. If the swelling does not go away for a long time, this may also indicate an allergy to the cream. If the negative consequences result in prolonged exposure of the product to the skin, then this is definitely a chemical burn.

An allergy to depilatory cream most often manifests itself in the form of a rash or redness

Too high a concentration of active substances in the cream can lead to damage to the upper layers of the epidermis, even if the procedure was done according to the instructions. This is especially dangerous for women with sensitive skin. In such a situation, the effect of “tightness” of the depilated area may be observed. There is also the possibility of cracks or even wounds. An incorrectly selected cream can aggravate the condition of dry skin so that it becomes noticeably flaky.

Important to remember. The face is a visible part of the body, a “facade” of a person that cannot be hidden in any way. For this reason, do not forget to be careful: before using the depilator, apply a small amount to the inner bend of the elbow. The cream should not burn or sting too much. After removing it, observe your skin for several hours. If no rash, redness, itching or other signs of an allergic reaction appear, the product can be used on the face.

In rare cases, irritation appears only 2–3 days after the procedure

To minimize the likelihood of undesirable consequences, carefully monitor the sensations during the application of the product: if the cream after application does not tingle slightly, but burns noticeably, it should be washed off immediately. You can soothe the skin and relieve irritation with panthenol, apricot oil or fresh chamomile infusion.

Possible complications

The use of such drugs threatens with possible complications - we should not forget that they are based on very strong chemically active substances that can liquefy or burn hairs and will not spare delicate skin.

Even the presence of emollient and protective substances in creams that partially neutralize the harmful effects may be ineffective.
Did you know?
In ancient China, the wives of the emperor and noble women rubbed their faces with natural silk twice a day. Static electricity healed the epidermis and slowed down the growth of facial hair.

Photo gallery: popular depilatory products for the face

After using the depilatory product Brush-on Hair Remover Creme for face, the skin becomes smooth and soft

Veet is ideal for sensitive skin

The set with BYLY cream includes special wipes for use after depilation

Avon cream helps quickly and gently remove facial hair

Eveline Bio-Depil 9 in 1 depilatory cream can cope even with coarse black hairs


Burns from cream on the face are also common. The alkaline environment is very active and can damage mucous membranes and sensitive skin. The causes of burns are:

  • improper use of the drug (for example, using a product for depilation of body hair on the face);
  • exceeding the time recommended in the instructions for which the product is applied;
  • use of low-quality or counterfeit drug.

In case of a chemical burn, the area where the alkali burned the skin should be rinsed with cool water, blotted with a soft towel and applied Bepanten and Panthenol ointment.


I won’t say that my mustache is very visible, but upon closer examination there are still noticeable hairs that I decided to remove. There was a choice to take wax strips, but it seemed to me that it was painful, unlike cream. I bought Byly cream, which removes facial hair above the lip. It cost me 163 rubles, which is relatively inexpensive, considering that there are five voluminous sachets of cream and five napkins with aloe to moisturize the skin after the procedure.

I did everything according to the instructions. Result: after the procedure, the hair above the lip was gone, the skin was swollen and reddened within the area where the cream was, and did not subside for about an hour. The next day the result was amazing: there were no hairs. But this happiness turned out to be short-lived - after four days, barely (but still noticeable) hairs appeared in places, short, small ones. Very quickly, it seems to me.

I decided to repeat the procedure, but I was not pleased with the result, so the rating is THREE! Apparently, short hairs are less easily removed, and wounds have also appeared after depilation. So I don’t know if it’s just me or if the cream is not suitable for my skin, I still don’t understand.



Time passes, but the habit of getting rid of the dark fuzz around the mouth remains. And Byly Depil facial depilation cream helps me with this.

Hair removal has always been a problem for me. The skin is very sensitive, you look at it the wrong way and it immediately starts to hurt. Neither a razor nor wax strips were suitable for the face, because after them unpleasant irritation and sometimes minor bruises appeared. And the cream acts very softly and painlessly. The consistency is soft and moderately thick, distributed unevenly over the skin and practically does not sting.

I don't spend much time on the procedure. Everything goes quickly and painlessly. A week later I repeat everything again, as the effect subsides and the hairs grow again. But it is only suitable for soft hairs, for example on the hands. I recommend testing for an allergic reaction before use!



I used to have “fuzz”, but it was not so noticeable... and recently I began to see that the hairs were dark and long. Of course, over time it began to irritate. I read the reviews and decided to try the Avon facial depilatory cream. I did everything according to the instructions, checked for allergies - nothing. As a result, I applied it and kept it on for two minutes. Two! No discomfort. I started cleaning it with a cotton pad and felt a tingling sensation (do you know what happens if you touch glass wool? Well, I just encountered this as a child, and I remember this feeling), and when I rinsed my face with water, it started burning...

On the first day, the skin turned slightly red, but then it got worse: dryness, tightness appeared, and when I moved my lips I felt like the skin was about to crack. On the third day, severe irritation appeared.

In general, this is my experience, and then it’s up to you to decide. There’s just one more thing I can’t understand - it’s still a face and the hair on it isn’t as coarse as on other parts of the body. How can you make such an aggressive cream and why?! Even regular depilatory cream is not so aggressive.



I bought mustache removal cream from Avon, in a small tube - 15 ml, which should last for a long time. I was too lazy to check for allergies, because not a single product from this series caused any negative effects. I won’t be lazy anymore - the cream removed the hairs, but at the same time it caused a burn. Apricot oil saved the day.

The product was applied strictly for one and a half minutes, that is, much less than indicated in the instructions. Literally from the first seconds it began to burn noticeably, but I endured it. In vain, it was necessary to wash it off immediately. After the allotted time had passed, I removed the cream with a napkin along with all the unnecessary hairs that fell off on their own (“ahhh! chemical attack!” the hairs said and jumped out of their houses). In defense of the product, I will say that for two weeks after this, the hair did not even think of growing.

I do not recommend this cream, but I fully admit that my experience is just an individual reaction. In general, the only thing I wanted to say with this review: you shouldn’t skip such an important thing as a preliminary test... even if all the other products in the series, with almost the same composition, are perfect. The cream is really powerful. I repeat, I have not had such a reaction to any depilatory product, neither from Avon nor any other, and my skin is not thin and sensitive.

Anais Lyudmila


Yes, yes, a problem so familiar to many - mustaches, mustaches or even MUSTACHS! Some people have terrible complexes, others don’t pay attention to them. Well, or he pretends... One day I thought about it, I was tired of deleting this horror in my photos in Photoshop, I decided that I had to fight. Yes, it was very scary, my mother scared me that a thick and black man’s mustache would grow, the Internet contained conflicting opinions... But it was the Sally Hansen Creme Hair Remover Kit that was praised, so my choice fell on it.

You can’t imagine HOW my hands shook when I first used it! I was worried about what would happen if it didn’t work out. That the next day long, black hair-like mustaches will grow! But the result was very good! Everything was removed and for the next week I rejoiced at my perfect skin. A week later, hairs appeared. I wouldn't say that they have become thinner and more lifeless. No, they're the same. But these hairs were visible only during macro photography; in life everything was still fine! Someone writes that the effect lasts for 2 weeks. But I still do this procedure every week.

And girls, be careful! That week I overexposed the cream and got redness. After a couple of days, the skin was terribly peeling. I scrubbed it off and it seems to be easier, thanks to the panthenol cream! In general, the cream is very good, but it seems to me that it’s all chemicals and it dries out the skin. Therefore, I have already ordered a special spring, I will use it to remove the mustache, although it will be more painful, but more reliably.



The effectiveness of chemical depilation depends on the characteristics of the skin, the structure and rate of hair growth. If you still decide to purchase a cream to remove unwanted facial hair, then focus not so much on the popularity of the brand, but on the composition of the product itself. A high-quality product without unnecessary chemicals will make the procedure safe, and an allergy test will help avoid possible unpleasant consequences.

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