Superficial or medium peeling: how to choose the right one according to the problem

Phenol peeling is a procedure designed to improve the condition of facial skin. This type of peeling is also called the “gold standard” - and for good reason. The procedure has been used for quite a long time, and it has received more than one positive review about the successful result, which lasts up to two years.

Phenol peeling

Phenol can be called an interesting substance that has unique properties that can fight deep wrinkles. This is despite the fact that it itself is considered toxic. However, this is not the only substance that is used in phenol peeling. The solution also contains the following components:

  • glycerol;
  • propylene glycol;
  • oil;
  • pure water.

Various substances can be used for this type of peeling.

Properties of phenol

Phenol is called carbolic acid. The substance is volatile and has a strong pungent odor. If it gets on the skin, it causes an immediate reaction. As a result, the active production of glycosaminoglycans and proteins begins, restoring the epithelium and increasing the elasticity of the skin.

Note! Thus, after using phenol, facial skin becomes more elastic, smooth and fresh.

After using phenol, the skin becomes smoother

Despite its beneficial properties, phenol is also considered a toxic substance. When it comes into contact with the skin, it overcomes almost all its layers, penetrating into the body. Over time, phenol components begin to negatively affect brain tissue and are also absorbed into the intestines. As a result, a person may experience seizures, respiratory problems, and bruises. Also one of the side effects is loss of coordination in space. However, the substance does not manifest itself as a carcinogen.

But it is important to note that such problems, as a rule, do not arise, since the procedure does not use pure phenol, but a solution with it, which also contains glycerin, oil and other components.

Note! Despite this, deep phenol peeling is recommended to be done as rarely as possible.

Phenol can cause various side effects, but if used correctly they are unlikely to occur.

Initially, the substance, entering the body, reaches the intestines, where it begins to disintegrate into two components. They are subsequently absorbed by the liver, in which another modification of the substances occurs. As a result, they become harmless and combine with water.

Phenol is excreted from the body through the work of the kidneys. With the help of such disposal, the safety of internal organs from the effects of carbolic acid is ensured. However, the liver and kidneys are not able to cope with large amounts of phenol and remove it in a short time. Therefore, the principle works here: the less, the better.

Thus, given that the organs of the gastrointestinal tract are responsible for the elimination of phenol, it is recommended to undergo examination of the kidneys and liver both before and after the procedure. In addition, it is worth undergoing an additional examination of the heart, since acid can cause problems in the functioning of such an important organ.

Note! To avoid this, the procedure itself is accompanied by cardiac monitoring, which monitors the patient’s heart rate.

Before the procedure, you must undergo an examination

Biochemists Tretman and Helen-Bay proved the existence of a relationship between the amount of carbolic acid administered and its effect on the condition of the human body. Thus, when using this substance, it is worth considering factors such as:

  • concentration of phenol in the preparation;
  • the area of ​​skin that needs to be treated;
  • speed of application of the product to the skin.

Based on the results of the studies, it was found that a small amount of carbolic acid is not capable of causing a strong toxic effect on internal organs and brain function. In addition, if you apply the substance slowly, the liver will have time to process the acid into harmless components and prepare for their elimination. If you treat your facial skin quickly, you can cause a negative reaction from the body to an increase in the amount of substance inside.

A small amount of phenol is not capable of harming the body, especially if it is applied to the skin slowly

Additionally, it is worth considering that the effects of acid can be enhanced by taking certain medications. For example, the liver in the same way neutralizes aspirin and other medications of this kind that penetrate inside.

Note! When peeling and taking medications at the same time, the liver will experience a heavy load and is unlikely to cope with the task efficiently, which can lead to poisoning.

Composition of phenol peels

Phenol peels of the past

A review of publications on the topic of phenol peels reveals a huge variety of different formulas. Phenol was first used as an antiseptic in March 1865 by Lord Lister. At the very beginning of the 20th century, Mankuat, in a scientific work on pharmacology, described in detail phenol as an anesthetic and antiseptic in a concentration of about 5% in an aqueous, oily and alcoholic solution. After which other formulas began to appear in medical publications. This reflects the constant search for the ideal formula and explanation of the mechanisms of action that lie behind the excellent results of phenol peels.

In 1961, Baker and Gordon proposed an original composition in the form of an emulsion for deep peeling, which included 88% phenol, distilled water, septisol and croton oil:

  • Croton oil: 3 drops
  • Liquid hexachlorophene: 8 drops
  • Distilled water: 2 ml
  • Phenol 88%: 3 ml

Each component of phenol peeling serves specific purposes: phenol causes keratolysis and protein coagulation due to the destruction of sulfide bonds; Septisol surfactant enhances the penetration of phenol; Croton oil also serves this purpose by causing epidermolysis. The ingredients of the peeling composition are mixed in a clean glass container immediately before the procedure.

After applying the phenol peel, the skin is covered with an adhesive film, which is left in place for 24 hours. Despite the fact that the film increases the penetration of the peeling composition, it also promotes hypopigmentation, as a result of which the skin acquires an “alabaster” color.

Ahronson introduced the glycerol formula of phenol: 88% liquid phenol dissolved in anhydrous glycerol and a few drops of alcohol. This highly concentrated formula, used without occlusion, did not produce an effect as deep as the Baker-Gordon peel when applied.

Ayres achieved a medium peel by mixing phenol and trichloroacetic acid. These two peels are not currently used, as the mid-peel can be performed with other substances, such as TCA, which are potentially non-toxic.

Brown and Kaplan presented a more complex formula of phenol (60% to 95% concentration) mixed with saponin cresol in oil up to 10% concentration. Peeling included test selection of the desired concentration individually for each patient in the parotid area behind the auricle. Peeling was recommended to be applied in zones at 2-hour intervals, so the procedure took 2 days.

McCollough proposed the use of Baker's phenol peel without occlusion, achieving similarly good results, but without the discomfort and side effects associated with this type of peel with occlusion.

Modern phenol peelings

In modern aesthetic medicine, when evaluating new techniques, the safety of the procedure is put first, and then its therapeutic properties, therefore the evolution of phenol peels is moving towards reducing toxicity while maintaining excellent results.

Yoram Fintsi was one of the catalysts for the modern success of phenol peels with his Exoderm formula. According to Fintsy, Exoderm's formula was produced in 1986 and refined in 1990. After this, Fintsy in Israel and Bengamo in France improved the formula. One after another, 3 basic formulas appeared:

#1 liquid phenol, crystallized phenol, distilled water, alcohol, olive oil, sesame oil, glycerol, croton oil, resorcinol, septisol, TCA 30%.

#2 liquid phenol, crystallized phenol, distilled water, alcohol, olive oil, sesame oil, glycerol, croton oil, resorcinol, septisol, salicylic acid, buffer.

#3 liquid phenol, crystallized phenol, distilled water, alcohol, olive oil, sesame oil, glycerol, croton oil, resorcinol, saponins, citric acid, buffer.

The first two formulas use septisol, while the third, which is still used today, uses saponins. The first formula uses TCA, the second contains salicylic acid, and the third uses citric acid. The last two formulas are buffered to stabilize the pH. Fintsi commented on his modern Exoderm formula as a phenol-containing peeling with improved safety properties.

Hetter's formulas are based on simply changing the concentration of croton oil. Thanks to this, there are four formulas: very light, medium light, medium heavy and heavy phenol peeling.

Changing the concentration of croton oil is, in fact, one way to change the strength of phenol peeling, but this is not the only method, and deep phenol peeling can be done without croton oil at all. And you can also change the depth of action of phenol peeling without changing the concentration of croton oil.

The Lip & Eyelid formula by Philippe Depres was first proposed to work safely and without any occlusion on the sensitive skin of the periorbital zone. Then the same formula was used for the perioral area and the entire face, but with occlusion for 24 hours. This is an oil solution of phenol with a concentration of more than 60%. 4 different types of oils are used at different stages of preparing the solution. The purpose of the oily solution is to slow down the penetration of the solution into the skin and prevent maceration of the epidermis and dermis. It also limits the toxicity of phenol due to slower penetration.

Phenol peeling Lip & Eyelid formula for the entire face in combination with botulinum toxin in the forehead, eyebrow area, periorbital area and upper lip. Source: Text-book of Chemical Peels. Superficial, medium and deep peels in cosmetic practice. Philippe Deprez.

Multipeel phenol catalisado is a set for deep peeling, including a preparation for pre-peel preparation for 30 days, the peeling solution itself, which is concentrated phenol (300 mg/g) in combination with lactic (120 mg/g) and salicylic acids (90 mg/g). Then a second layer is applied - a gel, which contains phenol and lactic acid, but in a lower concentration (100 mg/g each component). After the gel has dried, they proceed to applying the third preparation of the Multiped Geloleo system, which is a silicone-based gel, which contains phenol (60 mg/g) and tocopherol (100 mg/g). The task of the third layer is to create a breathable protective layer on the surface of the skin, facilitating the penetration of phenol to the middle section of the reticular layer of the dermis within 48 hours.

Peeling Neopeel Plus and Neopeel Master contain phenol in a lower concentration compared to Multipeel (30 and 50 mg/g, respectively). In addition to phenol, the composition includes lactic acid (40 mg/g), which promotes exfoliation of corneocytes and has a positive effect on the synthesis of ceramides, which are part of the lipid barrier of the stratum corneum.

The formula and concentration of the peeling is selected by the doctor depending on the thickness of the skin, the patient’s phototype, the area of ​​peeling and the type of damage (post-acne scars, photoaging, etc.)

The essence of the procedure

The essence of the procedure is to improve the condition of facial skin. However, in order to achieve this, you should first of all undergo preparation for peeling. To do this, the patient is prescribed a course of medications aimed at avoiding herpetic reactions in the body. This helps strengthen a person's immunity.

The main procedure is carried out in a hospital setting (this is especially necessary for deep peeling). The timing is different for everyone. A session can last from half an hour to two hours - it depends on the condition of the skin and the age of the patient.

This peeling is carried out in stationary conditions.

The algorithm is a sequence of the following actions:

  1. The patient is given local or general anesthesia.
  2. A cosmetologist or dermatologist wipes the face with a sponge on which a degreasing agent is applied.
  3. Additionally, the skin is treated with alcohol.
  4. A basic solution consisting of two layers is applied. The first layer is phenol itself. The second is a thin silicone film. Finally, the skin is treated with an additional layer of oily gel.
  5. Peeling is neutralized using a film mask.
  6. Sunscreen is applied to the face, as the epidermis becomes sensitive to sunlight.

The procedure is carried out in several stages

Area of ​​skin treated and speed of application

The concentration of the substance and its required quantity must be judged based on the area of ​​the skin area in question that is supposed to be treated.

Today, most specialists adhere to superficial phenol peeling. Deep peeling is allowed only in the most extreme cases, when skin problems cannot be solved by superficial ones. In this case, it is worth considering the concentration of the solution used.

Note! If 2% concentration of phenol gets into the skin, the procedure can be fatal.

The most common procedure is superficial phenol peeling.

The rate of application should also be slow so that the liver has time to cope with the processing, and the kidneys have time to remove the toxin from the body. As for the area of ​​skin being treated, it is recommended to use the acid in individual areas, avoiding applying the solution to the entire face.

Individual characteristics of the body

In addition to the main factors, it is also necessary to consider the individual characteristics of the body on the effects of phenol. Special attention should be paid to the functioning of the liver, kidneys and heart, since it is thanks to them that the safe use of the substance can be achieved.

This procedure is not suitable for everyone

Before the procedure, the patient is recommended to undergo a full examination to find out everything about the condition of his body. If the doctor ultimately approves phenol peeling, then you can make an appointment with a cosmetologist.


If we talk about the cosmetic properties of using carbolic acid, then during phenol peeling the substance has the following effects:

  1. Exfoliates dead skin cells. The process occurs as a result of the destruction of connections between the horny cells of the epidermis.
  2. Strengthens capillaries. Compaction of membranes leads to the fact that the walls of blood vessels become stronger, thereby improving their functioning.

    Thanks to this procedure, the walls of blood vessels are strengthened

  3. Rejuvenates. As a result of the use of acid, the active production of new cells begins, which leads to skin rejuvenation.
  4. Eliminates foci of inflammation. Inflammatory mediators are blocked by acid, allowing the condition of the epidermis to improve.
  5. Kills germs. Thus, various infectious diseases gradually disappear.
  6. Restores damaged areas. The regenerating effect is associated with the accelerated process of division of new cells.

Phenol peeling helps restore damaged skin areas

Note! To prevent phenol from having a toxic effect on the body, the peeling solution includes additional components, which have already been discussed above. All of them lead to a slowdown in the absorption of the active substance by the skin, allowing the internal organs to cope with the breakdown of phenol and its excretion.

How to choose peeling depth

When selecting a peel, you need to evaluate:

  1. How deep is the problem you plan to deal with: above or below the basement membrane?
  2. Condition of skin barriers . How wealthy are they due to their skin condition/disease.

* For example, with inflamed acne or rosacea, the skin is often sensitive, and it is better to choose a superficial peel here.

Before assessing the depth of the problem in the skin, we will divide them into the three most common ones that are addressed to a cosmetologist:

1. Age-related changes and wrinkles

2. Acne and problem skin

3. Age spots


The choice depends on the manifestations of age-related changes:

  • Superficial wrinkles, hyperkeratosis, dry and dehydrated skin -> the optimal choice is superficial peeling with a pH of 3.5 - 2.5.

Acids will remove layers of horny masses and wrinkles, and professional pH will improve lymphatic drainage, hydration levels and increase immune function.

  • Deep wrinkles - creases, sagging skin against the background of decreased cellular renewal and fibroblast activity -> medium peels .


Before choosing the optimal peeling depth, you need to determine the depth of the pigment. It is necessary to be very careful in selecting and performing a lightening peel and prescribing additional home care products, because excessive trauma can provoke post-inflammatory pigmentation.

  • Superficial diffuse pigmentation lies above the basement membrane - accordingly, superficial or superficial-medium peeling is suitable.

Ideally, choose a brightening peeling that contains not only acids, but also lightening substances.

  • Deep pigmentation lies under the basement membrane - choose a medium peel with a pH of 1.5. It will provoke active lymphatic drainage and cellular renewal, washing out the pigment.


And here you need to determine where the problem is located - at what level:

  • On the surface - hyperkeratosis, papules, pustules, untidy skin, irritation.

In these cases, you need to work on the surface for good cleansing of excess horny masses, removal of colonies of pathogenic flora and restoration of the skin microbiome.

  • Deep inflammatory elements

If the inflammation process is active and new acne elements appear regularly, peelings are not used!

In the presence of deep nodular rashes that do not resolve on their own or during home care, superficial-medium peels with a pH of 2.5-3.0 are recommended. They will eliminate the problem by improving lymphatic drainage: absorbing effect and stimulating the immune function of the skin.

Azelaic acid and other anti-acne substances are desirable in the formulations.

Is phenol toxicity dangerous?

Experts have determined the concentration of phenol, which is not dangerous to the body. The amount of active substance should not exceed 23 mg per 100 ml of blood. Thus, the toxic effects of this substance can only occur when the permissible concentration of acid in the bloodstream is exceeded.

A specific, non-hazardous concentration of phenol must be used

The concentration of phenol entering the blood is determined by the following factors:

  1. The amount of substance applied to the skin. But it is worth considering that the lower the concentration of the solution, the faster it penetrates into the layers of the epidermis.
  2. Speed ​​of application. In this case, two speeds are taken into account. The first is how quickly phenol is absorbed through the skin. The second is determined based on how quickly its destruction occurs.
  3. The area of ​​the skin being treated. The larger the area to which phenol is applied, the more actively it will penetrate the body and enter the blood.

It is better if the product is applied slowly

Thus, if we consider the case of applying a 2% acid solution to the entire face, the result can be sad.

Note! Such an amount of a substance can be fatal, since the blood will have too much acid and the liver will not have time to cope with its breakdown.

How does the procedure work?

Due to severe pain, phenol peeling is performed under general anesthesia. If it is necessary to treat a small area of ​​the epidermis with severe lentigo, treatment is carried out under local anesthesia.

Before applying the cleansing agent, the skin is degreased and disinfected. When treating a certain area of ​​the epidermis, a Vaseline mask is applied to all delicate areas or cosmetic silicone sheets are applied.

The product is applied in several successive stages, with an interval of at least 15–20 minutes, thus minimizing its toxic effects. Due to disruption of the basement membrane, a pronounced white coating appears on the skin during peeling.


Phenol peeling is recommended for:

  • age-related changes;
  • formations of deep wrinkles or folds on the face;
  • the appearance of large and noticeable pigment spots;
  • presence of scars;
  • the occurrence of photoaging;
  • deterioration of skin condition (flabbiness, loss of elasticity, appearance of wrinkles);
  • acne.

There are certain indications for this type of procedure

In any of the above cases, you can apply for this type of peeling.

Indications for deep peeling

Deep peeling is indicated when it is necessary to eliminate age-related skin changes - medium and deep wrinkles, senile pigmentation, decreased eyelid turgor, photoaging. Also, deep peeling is very effective for cicatricial changes in the skin - post-acne, atrophic scars, a good effect is observed in the treatment of birth marks. Deep peeling also shows good results when treating the consequences of burns. However, on the body, deep peeling can only be safely used on limited areas of the skin, due to its destructive effects.

Important Warnings

The deep peeling procedure is very painful. Due to its radical effect on the skin, deep peeling is carried out only after preliminary consultations with a dermatologist and other medical specialists, as well as after laboratory tests.

To carry out deep peeling, special conditions are required; the procedure can only be carried out by a highly qualified specialist. It should be noted that deep peeling leads to very strong, irreversible changes in the skin, and the complexity of the deep peeling procedure can be equated to surgery. Recovery after such an intervention can last several months.


It is not recommended to resort to peeling if:

  • the patient's age is less than 18 years;
  • at the time of testing, the patient is pregnant or breastfeeding;
  • there are burns on the skin;
  • there are diseases associated with the performance of internal organs;
  • there is hypersensitivity to any of the components of the solution;
  • at the time of treatment the woman is menstruating;
  • a mental disorder was discovered;
  • infectious diseases have been identified.

This procedure has many contraindications.

Note! Also, peeling should not be performed on older people over 60 years of age.

Indications, contraindications

This procedure differs from other chemical peels in that it is essentially a last resort, that is, it is used in cases where the client’s age is no longer suitable for more gentle procedures (over 40 years old) or there are contraindications for other types of deep effects, for example, laser resurfacing.

Thus, serious age-related changes that cannot be eliminated in any other way can be considered indications for phenol peeling, namely:

  • pronounced wrinkles;
  • strong pigmentation;
  • sagging skin;
  • the presence of obvious scars, including post-operative scars;
  • other defects that spoil the appearance of the skin.

Once in the body, carbolic acid is excreted through the kidneys and liver, poisoning them. But in small doses, these organs are able to neutralize the negative effects, but this will only happen when they are fully operational. That is why before carrying out phenol peeling it is necessary to undergo a complete examination of the body.

The reason why phenol peels, despite being such a risky and complex procedure, still remain popular today is because of the amazing results. Very rarely, women are dissatisfied with the peeling performed. In other cases, a pronounced lifting effect, getting rid of pigmentation and a network of wrinkles are especially noted.

This determines the presence of an extensive list of contraindications, including:

You can also read: Types of peelings

  • various chronic diseases of the liver and kidneys;
  • problems related to the nervous system;
  • malfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • age up to 18 years (in practice, as already mentioned, such a procedure is carried out only in adulthood, the number of exceptions is very small);
  • a large number of moles on the face;
  • diabetes;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • oncological diseases;
  • individual intolerance to peeling components and much more.

In this case, a consultation with a doctor is mandatory, since only a complete picture of your health condition will help you draw a conclusion about the admissibility of peeling with carbolic acid.

At the same time, one should also take into account the fact that the time period during which such peeling can be done has not only a lower limit (35–40 years), but also an upper limit (60–65 years), since the ability of the liver to remove harmful substances from the body.

Advantages and disadvantages

Among the pronounced advantages of phenol peeling are:

  • control over the amount of composition used;
  • high-quality results that can be seen almost immediately;
  • long-term preservation of the result. The effect can last from two to ten years;
  • one-time peeling.

The effect of the procedure lasts for a long time

However, this type of peeling also has disadvantages. Among them:

  • a long list of contraindications;
  • the need for a full medical examination;
  • long period of rehabilitation;
  • painful procedure;
  • toxicity of the active component, causing a possible risk of complications;
  • a long and responsible preparation process.

This procedure may be painful

As for the last point, it is worth considering in more detail.

Rehabilitation after peeling

The duration of the recovery period ranges from two to four months, while the patient is under inpatient observation for the first few days.

After recovering from anesthesia, the specialist prescribes:

  • anesthetic to relieve pain;
  • hepatoprotective agents to normalize the functioning of the liver and kidneys;
  • diet, antioxidants, vitamins A and C to stabilize the functioning of the whole body and speed up rehabilitation.

When caring for your skin, you must follow a number of recommendations:

  • Avoid contact with non-sterile objects as much as possible;
  • Before going outside, regularly treat your face with high-protection sunscreen;
  • do not open your mouth wide and try not to touch the bed linen while sleeping;
  • do not touch your face with your hands and do not stretch the epidermis.

Exfoliation of burned cells occurs 2–10 days after peeling, the new skin has a red tint for the next week, to eliminate which ointments with Vaseline or panthenol are used. On average, complete rehabilitation occurs after 5–6 months.

Preparation process

The sequence of actions in this case is as follows:

  1. Complete medical examination of some internal organs. These include the heart, liver and kidneys.
  2. Treatment of leather with special means. The course of treatment should last for a week.
  3. Taking antioxidants for two to three weeks.
  4. Stop taking retinoids six months before the procedure.
  5. Avoid epilation, shaving or mechanical cleaning two weeks before peeling.
  6. Refusal to perform laser operations six months before the procedure.
  7. Identification of possible allergic reactions and subsequent notification of them to a cosmetologist or dermatologist.
  8. Taking medications that help strengthen the body's immunity.

It is important to prepare thoroughly before the procedure

Note! It is also recommended to avoid walking in the sun and artificial tanning.

Preparation before the procedure

A week before phenol peeling, you should stop using medications that contain aspirin - this substance in combination with phenol increases the risk of bleeding. If herpes appears frequently, you should first take a course of Acyclovir.

Expert opinion

Ekaterina Dudikova

Dermatologist, cosmetologist

Phenol in the human body is destroyed by the liver, its remains are excreted by the kidneys. Therefore, before phenol exfoliation, a preliminary check of the functioning of the cardiovascular system, kidneys and gastrointestinal tract is carried out.

A few weeks before cleaning, you should stop shaving, hair removal and mechanical peeling.


At the end of the procedure, the patient will experience a strong burning sensation and pain in the facial skin, so the doctor may prescribe painkillers, which are recommended to be taken for several days.

As for the rehabilitation period itself, during the first day it is necessary to avoid contact with water and exposure to sunlight. The fact is that after peeling, the face is an open wound, so any such contact with water or the sun can lead to complications.

During the first day, you should avoid contact with water.

On the second day, you can remove the film mask. Along with it, dead cells will be removed, cleansing the skin of the stratum corneum. At the same time, do not be afraid of the purple color of renewed skin. Over time, it will acquire a light shade and a healthy appearance. During this time, it is also recommended to avoid contact with water.

Already on the third day, a tightening crust will begin to form. You cannot rip it off, as you can leave scars on the healing skin. It is best to use Panthenol to remove the crust.

You can’t rip the crust off your face

Note! At the end of the second week, we can talk about complete restoration of the epidermis. After this, the person can go out again. However, the final result and improvement in skin condition will occur only a year after the procedure.

At this time, cosmetologists recommend:

  • refuse to visit beaches and solariums;
  • use whitening products to restore complexion;
  • apply moisturizers and sunscreens;
  • start taking antioxidants and vitamins.

The skin will recover in about two weeks

If you follow the recommendations, the rehabilitation period will be significantly reduced.

Operating principle and effectiveness

Phenol facial peeling is designed to rejuvenate already mature skin and improve facial contour. Based on the name, it is clear that the active ingredient for the procedure is phenol (carbolic acid), which quickly dissolves in water and has an alkaline reaction.

Several years ago, surgeons’ hands were treated with this acid before surgery, until they noticed the harmful effects of phenol on the human body.

Now in cosmetology this substance is used in small concentrations as a resorption and cauterizing drug.

Carbolic acid has strong effects on the skin, namely:

  1. Strengthens the walls of blood vessels;
  2. Promotes the formation of new skin cells;
  3. Reduces inflammation;
  4. Renews the horny epidermal layer, due to the fact that it causes severe peeling.
  5. Disinfects the skin;
  6. Suppresses enzymes that break down hyaluronic acid, thereby rejuvenating the dermis.

Phenol peeling also has the following components:

  • Distilled water - acts as a solvent for phenol;
  • Glycerin – restores the water balance of the epidermis;
  • Propylene glycol – promotes the destruction of sulfide bonds;
  • Essential oils help speed up the healing of the dermis.

Here's what you need to know about this type of peeling:

  1. The effect is immediately visible and does not require cleaning several times.
  2. It is easy to control the step-by-step application of the solution to the skin;
  3. A worthy alternative to plastic surgery, also taking into account the fact that after surgery, cells are not renewed as well.

Significant “disadvantages” are:

  • Unpleasant painful sensations during the session;
  • Long preparation and a short period of skin recovery;
  • Mandatory anesthesia;
  • The risk of negative effects of the components of the cleaning mixture on the functioning of human internal organs.

Important: there is a danger of scars, hyperpigmentation and skin infection if the technology of applying the phenol mixture is incorrect or if the face is not properly cared for after the procedure.

Side effects

The following side effects may occur during the procedure:

  • arrhythmia;
  • renal failure;
  • burns of various degrees;
  • deterioration of the immune system;
  • the occurrence of viral diseases;
  • allergy;
  • formation of scars, age spots;
  • pain, which also includes burning and itching;
  • swelling;
  • pore expansion.

Possible side effects

Note! In case of any complications, you should contact the cosmetologist who performed the procedure, as well as a therapist.

Features of peeling

The key feature of this type of peeling is that it is only possible in a hospital setting. This procedure cannot be carried out at home, at least due to the lack of necessary equipment and solutions.

This procedure cannot be carried out at home.

Skin recovery will take two to three weeks, and during this time swelling is possible. A crust begins to form on the third day and peels off in the third week.

Note! Skin color can change within six months.

Features of the procedure

The mechanism of action of deep chemical peeling is quite simple: when applied to the skin, phenol helps to destroy the bonds between corneocytes, which causes severe peeling of the skin, activates the synthesis of glycosaminoglycans and skin proteins, resulting in smoothing wrinkles and improving the overall condition of the skin. Carbolic acid penetrates right up to the papillary layer of the dermis, provokes the development of a severe burn and thereby contributes to the complete reconstruction of the dermis and epidermis.

The danger of peeling is that phenol very quickly penetrates the skin barrier, enters the body (its absorption occurs in the intestines) and has a toxic effect on brain tissue. It causes dysfunction of the central nervous system, convulsions and irritation of the mucous membranes. From the intestine, phenolic acid enters the liver, where it is neutralized, and it is removed from the body by the kidneys. Experts recommend doing superficial and medium chemical peeling of the face, and using deep chemical peeling as rarely as possible, since rapid treatment of the skin with phenol leads to the fact that a lot of toxin enters the body and the internal organs cannot cope with its neutralization.


  • wrinkles;
  • age-related changes in the skin;
  • hyperpigmentation;
  • senile hyperkeratosis;
  • post-acne;
  • hypertrophic scars.

Rules for the procedure

When performing peeling using carbolic acid, you should follow the following rules:

  1. Throughout the procedure, the patient must be connected to a device that monitors the heart rhythm. In this way, the doctor has the opportunity to notice problems in the heartbeat in time and stop the procedure. It is worth noting in advance that this type of peeling is contraindicated for those who have problems with the heart and kidneys.
  2. Before starting peeling, the doctor should give the patient a drink that can cause a decrease in the concentration of phenol absorbed by the skin. Also, during the procedure, the patient is given additional glucose.
  3. To avoid pain, local anesthesia is required.

During the procedure, a machine is connected to the patient that allows you to monitor your heart rhythm.

The area of ​​the treated areas should not exceed 25% of the face area. Between treatment of several zones take breaks of 15 minutes.

What effect to expect

Carbolic peeling guarantees high results very quickly. It has a beneficial effect on the functioning of skin cells and stimulates internal processes, including collagen production. Reviews from patients confirm the wonderful transformation of the skin after phenol peeling.

After the peeling procedure, the following changes occur in the skin:

  • The rate of cell regeneration accelerates;
  • The elasticity and firmness of the fibers of the skin are restored;
  • The cells begin to actively function;
  • Pigment spots disappear;
  • The skin tone is evened out, they look fresher and younger;
  • The relief of the face is smoothed out, small and medium wrinkles, scars and post-acne completely disappear;
  • The contours become clear and toned;
  • A pronounced lifting effect is observed.

It is difficult, but realistic, to believe in such a wide range of effects of phenol. A high result and restored youth justifies the complexity of the procedure, its toxicity and danger.


Is it possible to carry out phenol peeling at home?

Doctors prohibit carrying out such a procedure at home. Phenol peeling can only be performed by a qualified doctor or cosmetologist who can organize hospital conditions. In addition, all precautions must be observed throughout the procedure.

How long does the effect last and when is it shown?

The main advantage of this procedure is that the effect lasts quite a long time. Doctors usually recommend resorting to phenol peeling after 40 years, when deep wrinkles and other signs of active aging are already visible.

It is better to resort to this procedure after 40 years

Many photographs taken after peeling are repulsive. Is it worth resorting to such a procedure?

Photos after peeling show a crust formed, which will disappear over time. This is a completely normal phenomenon, which you can get rid of after two weeks. Therefore, do not be afraid of such results.

Is phenol peeling painful?

Yes, the procedure is painful. But during this procedure, doctors administer local anesthesia or use general anesthesia.

To ensure that the patient does not experience discomfort, local anesthesia is given.

How is peeling different from surgery?

If we talk about a surgical operation, then such an intervention drapes the facial tissues, moving them. As a result, the configuration of the skin changes, but its appearance does not change. Peeling, in turn, completely removes dead cells, which leads to a rejuvenating effect.

Is it possible to combine the procedure with others? And with which ones, if so?

Yes, if you take into account time periods. For example, you can resort to facial plastic surgery if several weeks have passed since the procedure.

You can also combine peeling with biorevitalization. The latter means the injection of preparations containing hyaluronic acid into the patient’s skin. As a result, the functioning of fibroblasts improves, and the duration of the peeling effect increases. True, biorevitalization will have to be done 3-4 weeks after the session.

Phenol peeling can be combined with some other procedures

Finally, peeling can be combined with Botox or Dysport, which are also used as injections.


Doctors strictly follow the instructions for treating the skin with phenolic and auxiliary substances to minimize the risk of serious damage. The manipulation is carried out only in a hospital; it is strictly prohibited to do it at home; it can be dangerous to health and life.

The whole process consists of the following stages:

  • Local anesthesia is administered or general anesthesia is given.
  • The face is cleaned with a hard sponge dipped in soapy water.
  • For degreasing, a 70% alcohol solution is applied.
  • Carbolic acid is applied to problem areas using a cotton swab. Then a silicone mask, and after that an oil gel. Excipients can increase the effectiveness of the procedure and reduce the aggressive effect of phenol.
  • And at the very end, the face is covered with a “Jeleo” wax mask; it guarantees an even distribution of the acidic product and neutralizes it.
  • The mask along with the keratinized layer of skin is removed after 48 hours. Wounded tissues are treated with antiseptic drugs and then moisturized. The last step is to apply a sunscreen with the highest SPF level.

Mimic activity is limited as much as possible. You need to drink and eat through a straw so that liquid does not get on your face, as it reacts with phenol and can cause a burn.


Marina, Ekaterinburg

“You want to look good at any age, and that’s why I decided to undergo a phenol peeling procedure. The cosmetologist sent me for a short examination, after which I was allowed to use this procedure. As for the effect, after the rehabilitation period, the condition of the skin noticeably improved: it became smoother, pigmentation disappeared.”

Olga, Orenburg

“My job forces me to be around people almost constantly, so I simply have to take care of my appearance. The face is no exception, and recently I decided to take the advice of a cosmetologist who suggested that I undergo a phenol peeling procedure. During the session, I was given a painkiller, but I still felt discomfort. However, it is clearly worth it, as over time my skin became smoother and wrinkles disappeared. In general, I’m happy with the result!”

Patients note that although such peeling has a rather aggressive effect on the skin, the effect is excellent.

Yaroslava, Orel

“Even when I was young, I had a problem with acne. Over time, of course, it went away, but the scars remained, and it tormented me greatly. A friend advised me to use a procedure called phenol peeling, and I decided to try it. Moreover, no medications have ever coped with this problem. When visiting a cosmetologist, I was recommended a gentle peeling, since I was still quite young. But even after this procedure, the skin condition became noticeably better and the scars finally disappeared. The rehabilitation period lasts, of course, quite a long time, but the result is simply excellent.”

Types of chemical plings

Chemical peels are classically divided into 3 categories based on the depth of skin exfoliation. However, confusion often arises because the depth of peel penetration and potential peeling depends on a number of factors and do not always correlate.

To objectively understand the mechanism of operation of chemical peels, we suggest considering them taking into account two main characteristics :

  1. Penetration lip
  2. Composition of active substances

Photos before and after the procedure

Photos before and after superficial phenol peeling No. 1

Photos before and after superficial phenol peeling No. 2

Photos before and after medium phenol peeling No. 1

Photos before and after medium phenol peeling No. 2

Photos before and after deep phenol peeling No. 1

Photos before and after deep phenol peeling No. 2

Peeling review


“I started thinking about phenol peeling when deep wrinkles and signs of skin aging appeared. Before this, homemade peelings and cosmetics were available, but the moment came when it was necessary to choose. Since plastic surgery was not justified for me, I chose peeling. All my friends have already undergone this procedure and recommended a specialist who does a good job.

After the procedure, I came to my senses for several days. Swelling and pain appeared, but everyone insisted that this was temporary and a normal reaction to the procedure. She took medications to relieve pain.

And over time, after about a week, the skin began to return to normal. All the effects of the peeling went away after a few weeks, and the mask was completely removed, the crust fell off, and after a while the redness went away. And when I saw the result, I realized that all the torment was worth the effect. Pigment spots and wrinkles disappeared, the skin became young and soft. This is exactly the effect I expected.”

Cost of the procedure

Let us give the approximate price of a phenol peeling procedure in different cities of Russia. It is worth noting that the cost, in addition to the substance itself, includes hospital stay, the use of anesthesia, and the work of a doctor.

CityCost of one procedure
Moscow15000 rub.
Saint Petersburg12000 rub.
Ekaterinburg13400 rub.
Nizhny Novgorod12600 rub.
Belgorod11700 rub.
Rostov-on-Don10600 rub.
Vladivostok12900 rub.

Expert opinions

Experts agree that chemical peels have a beneficial effect on facial skin when done by professionals. A person should take into account his individual characteristics and consult a cosmetologist before phenol peeling procedures. It is important to prevent the occurrence of adverse reactions and complications, and this requires both the professionalism of the cosmetologist and the trust of the client. A cosmetologist must know about all predispositions and allergic reactions in order to prevent their manifestation. If everything is in order, then phenol peeling has a very effective effect on the regenerative capabilities of the skin, thereby causing a rejuvenation effect.

Other experts believe that frequent use of phenol peeling, like any other, can lead to depletion of the regenerative resources of epidermal cells and collagen synthesis. They believe that in this way the number of cell regeneration cycles genetically inherent in each person can be very quickly used up, which will lead to rapid aging in the future.

It is not for nothing that phenol peeling is very popular in anti-aging cosmetology. It really restores youth and healthy radiance to the skin, also eliminating cosmetic defects. It is important to know when to stop and not take risks if there are contraindications.

Tell us in the comments your opinion about phenol peeling if you have already used it. Bookmark this article if you found it useful and interesting. Share it with your friends on social networks.

Let's sum it up

Phenol peeling is a procedure that is very different from “standard” similar methods of influence. It is recommended to eliminate pronounced skin defects: post-acne, burn marks, scars or cicatrices. Of course, phenol peeling will also help get rid of wrinkles. But do not forget about the features of this method, its contraindications and side effects, as well as the rules of preparation. Be sure to first consult with a therapist, dermatologist and cosmetologist.

Indications for use

Basic recommendations for using phenol peeling for deep cleansing of facial skin:

  • lentigo malignant form;
  • pronounced wrinkles;
  • a large number of acne;
  • increased pigmentation and freckles;
  • excessive laxity of the epidermis;
  • post-acne, burns or old scars.

It is recommended to use this type of exfoliation only if a radical anti-aging effect is needed - in other cases it is better to cleanse the epidermis using other technologies.

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