5 Russian stars who had liposculpture: before and after photos

What is liposculpture?

The latest plastic surgery techniques make it possible not only to eliminate obvious aesthetic defects, but also to improve the aesthetics of the body in cases where cosmetic defects are minimal and full-fledged plastic surgery is impractical.
One of these techniques is liposculpture, or, as it is often called, lipomodeling. Liposculpture is a beauty medicine technology designed to improve the aesthetics of the body and face through the redistribution of subcutaneous fat tissue. Briefly, the essence of the method can be described as follows. A small amount of fat is extracted from the part of the body that needs to be slightly reduced (or the contours of that part of the body adjusted if necessary). This fatty tissue is then transplanted into an area with a lack of soft tissue volume, thereby modeling its shape, outline and overall appearance.

The area from which adipose tissue is taken is usually called “donor”, ​​since it acts as a donor of fat cells. The area whose volume is increased during liposculpture using lipofilling is called recipient. Please note that lipomodeling has a complex effect on the aesthetics of the body - the appearance of both the donor and recipient areas improves.

So, lipomodeling, or liposculpture, is a plastic surgery aimed at comprehensively improving the aesthetics of the body and/or face by transplanting adipose tissue from the donor area to the recipient area, that is, from an area with excess volume to an area with a deficiency.

Why and who needs this plastic surgery?

The individual constitutional characteristics of the human body suggest the formation of so-called “fat traps”

, which make themselves felt over time.
Often, women, upon reaching a certain age or after pregnancy, note that excess deposits have appeared on the waist, hips and buttocks, which they cannot get rid of. In men, and especially often in former professional athletes, signs of abdominal obesity, muscular dystrophy, and “feminine” roundness may appear. If fatty tissue is deposited in the so-called “depots,” then, unfortunately, it is almost impossible to get rid of it through intense physical exercise, diets and body wraps. It is possible to recreate and improve your body, to return it to a fit, slim and athletic shape with the help of liposculpture
. Today this is one of the fastest, safest and most comprehensive solutions to figure problems in plastic surgery.


*according to the ratings of the portals “Doctor Peter” and “Fontanka.ru” in 2021. Read more.

Indications and areas of application

What are the possibilities of the technique, what parts of the body can be improved? To answer this question, you need to list the main donor and recipient areas. Obviously, the volume of the donor zone decreases during the operation, which also makes it possible to correct its outline and shape. And the volume of the recipient zone will accordingly increase.

Main donor areas

  • The "breeches" area on the hips.
  • Buttocks in the inferomedial quadrant.
  • Posterior surface of the shoulder.
  • Small of the back.
  • Lower abdomen and sides.
  • Upper back (mainly in men).

Not all donor areas are listed, but only the main ones. There are more than 20 areas on the body that can act as a donor of adipose tissue. Topography, that is, the location of donor zones, depends on gender. For example, men do not have problems with the “breeches” area, but more often excess fat appears in the upper back. But for women, problem hips are a typical situation. And you need to remember about individual characteristics, due to which each person develops a personal “map” of donor zones.

Recipient zones

  • Breasts (mammary glands).
  • Buttocks.
  • Shin.
  • Hands.
  • Face.

And again we say that the main areas of adipose tissue recipients are listed, but not all. Breast augmentation using your own fat transfer is one of the most popular and sought-after areas of lipomodeling. Liposculpture of the buttocks is often performed, especially if there is age-related tissue deficiency in the upper quadrants of the gluteal region. (Yes, the buttocks can be both a donor and a recipient of adipose tissue).

The method is used to rejuvenate the face, hands and other anatomical areas. Body liposculpture, reviews of which you will find in the special section of this publication, has truly wide possibilities. The main thing to understand is that this is a technology for “jewelry” correction of small defects, and patients with stage 4 obesity need fundamentally different methods of dealing with aesthetic defects.

Correction zones

Problem areas on the body are formed individually, they are influenced by heredity, lifestyle and body type, and in order to choose the right course of transformation, a face-to-face consultation with examination is necessary.
Not only volumetric circular lipomodeling is possible, but also isolated liposculpture of the arms, knees, chin - such areas are almost impossible to correct in any way other than aesthetic medicine. Liposculpture in men follows the same procedure as in women, with the exception that lipofilling of the buttocks is not popular among the stronger sex. Lipofilling of the buttocks is a huge competitor to gluteoplasty - buttock augmentation with implants. You cannot develop an allergy to your own fat, and the result will look as natural as possible.

Many people know that liposculpture of the abdomen is the most common request from patients of both sexes, but men prefer a more pronounced relief. It is often believed that the formed cubes will be composed of fat, but this is not true. The essence of sports body contouring (lipomodeling) is the local development of the muscle layer: the surgeon “outlines” the muscles, removing different amounts of fat to create relief.

Another popular option is breast liposculpture. This correction is especially good as an addition to breast augmentation with implants to completely hide contouring and make the breasts softer. Isolated breast augmentation with fat does not provide much volume, but is excellent for slight enlargement (by 1-1.5 sizes) and improved shape. Adipose tissue is enriched with stem cells and is suitable for biorevitalization of the face, décolleté and hands, as it highly moisturizes, gives elasticity, fills fine wrinkles and stimulates the production of one’s own fibroblasts.

Ultrasonic lipomodeling can be confused with laser lipomodeling, but this is a completely different technique, less traumatic, but also less effective.

Liposculpture: advantages of the technique

First, we will list the general advantages of the technique, and then we will talk about the advantages of individual operations - liposculpture of the abdomen and sides, buttocks, breast augmentation by transplantation of one’s own fat tissue.

1. Transplanted adipose tissue is an autologous transplant material. Simply put, “native” to the body. Adipose tissue is completely compatible with the tissues of the recipient zone in biological and immunological terms. There is no risk of allergies, autoimmune reactions or the formation of a fibrous capsule delimiting fat in the correction area.

2. Tissue trauma during surgery is minimal. There is no risk of damage to blood vessels, nerves and other anatomical structures. Accordingly, blood loss is minimal.

3. The rehabilitation period is quick and comfortable, without pain. Swelling and hematomas are possible, but they are mild and disappear quickly. The risk of complications after surgery is minimal.

4. All manipulations are performed with thin needles (both aspiration and injection of fat during lipofilling), due to which no marks are left on the skin.

5. The operation can be performed under either local or general anesthesia. The choice of type of anesthesia depends on the characteristics of the operation, the patient’s pain threshold and his wishes. If the patient is afraid of pain, anesthesia or intravenous sedation can be performed (the administration of sedatives that immerse the person in a state of medicated sleep, after which the subjective state is better than after anesthesia).

Benefits of breast augmentation using lipomodeling

Breast augmentation with implants is the dominant method of augmentation mammoplasty, but it has many disadvantages. This is a relatively high risk of developing capsular contracture, and the risk of rupture, rotation or displacement of the implant. In addition, with age, living tissues become thinner, but the implant retains the same volume. Because of this, it begins to be determined visually and to the touch; there is a need for repeated correction, which is complicated by the presence of the same implant.

Breast liposculpture does not have all the disadvantages listed above. The fat is completely integrated into the tissue structure, making the bust look completely natural after surgery. The fat is not delimited by the fibrous capsule, and therefore there is not even the slightest risk of developing capsular contracture. If repeated correction is needed with age, it can be done with minimal tissue trauma, without removing or replacing the implant.

Don’t forget about the absence of scars after liposculpture! In addition, the price of breast liposculpture is often lower than the cost of classic augmentation mammoplasty, since you do not have to buy expensive implants.

Does the technique have any disadvantages? Relative. Liposculpture does not allow you to enlarge your breasts by 2-3 sizes. In addition, only part of the transplanted tissue takes root, and therefore modeling is often performed in 2-3 stages with an interval of several months. But these disadvantages are compensated by the advantages of the technology, the main ones being safety for health and an absolutely natural aesthetic result.


The fact that a person is popular and has talent does not mean that he loves and accepts himself. The following 5 girls, our Russian stars, decided to undergo liposculpture in order to make themselves more attractive in their own eyes and get rid of their complexes:


Dakota, unlike many, did not hide the operation (and this was impossible, the changes were too noticeable and sudden). The girl said that after giving birth she tried for about a year to return her figure to its “pre-pregnancy” state, but she was unsuccessful.

She went on diets, of course, followed the rules of proper nutrition, played sports, also visited a psychologist and, by the way, wrote a course on self-acceptance, which, however, she then honestly deleted, because she believed that she had no right to give such advice after having surgery .

As the singer explained her decision about the operation:

“I removed what I couldn’t remove after childbirth, hormonal imbalance and stress edema, neither through sports, nor nutrition, nor equipment, nor lipolytics, nor massages.

I did not insert any silicone implants into my breasts or butt! I corrected with 3D sculpture what I could not accept in my body that had changed after childbirth and hormonal imbalance, what caused me complexes, pain and non-acceptance of my reflection.”

In general, of course, everyone can look the way they want and everything like that, but we don’t understand why the surgeon makes such a strange press: it’s too defined and completely unphysiological.

It is this kind of abs that is the calling card of this doctor; further on you will see several more of our stars with identical bellies.

Rosa Syabitova

Honestly, in this situation, we really adore the most famous matchmaker in the country for her honesty and openness. That's who, and Rose has never hidden her desire to look as good as possible, while not disdaining to use the latest achievements in cosmetology and plastic surgery.

There is nothing wrong with wanting to be younger and look better—there is no need to be ashamed of it. Let’s quote Rose: “Am I a fool to refuse plastic surgery?”

57 years for a minute!

Syabitova works out in the gym and goes on a diet, but she also worked on her figure with the help of plastic surgery. Rosa Syabitova had liposuction and abdominoplasty to get rid of sagging skin on her stomach and sculpt her abs.


Anna Dzyuba, lead singer of the group Artik & Asti, also decided to undergo liposculpture and honestly admitted it on Instagram. We really respect such honesty and want to say that if you are truly uncomfortable in your body, then there is nothing wrong with changing it!

But again, when it comes to the stereotypes of beauty accepted in society, even about the objectification of oneself, it becomes a little uneasy, to be honest.

Read how the singer explains her decision (we removed the emoticons to make it easier to understand):

“I’ve almost been rehabilitated, I can confidently tell you. I began to look like the treasured Barbie doll, as if by the wave of a magic wand! I decided because I wasn’t happy with my figure; I don’t even know which of the girls is 100% happy with themselves. And I always dreamed of a beautiful waist and a good butt.

I wanted to “sharpen” my body to my appearance of ideal. I now have very sexy shapes, especially my butt, athletic tummy, beautiful transitions and feminine curves.

For this operation, I gained 6 kg of weight, we took fat from all problem areas, and pumped some of it into the buttocks.

There are restrictions. They are tolerant. I absolutely can’t lose weight yet, otherwise the most important thing, the pumped fat, will go away, which is the last thing I want. Rehabilitation in my case went very well, I didn’t even expect such results, because I know that recovery is painful, and I felt and still feel like a cucumber.

For whom? For myself, because I love myself, I like to look at myself in the mirror, dress beautifully, why not.

Anna Sedokova

The singer appears in our articles with enviable consistency Anna began actively losing weight and playing sports, simultaneously sharing her results on Instagram.

Many fans are sure that this is the result of liposculpture - a special operation with which a smart surgeon will create an athletic figure without going to the gym. To be honest, it seems strange to us to have such a “dry” stomach with “flooded” legs, however, there are different situations and everything is possible.

But the abs are still painfully suspiciously similar to the abs of Dakota and Isa, who, in fact, do not hide their operations.

Liposculpture of the abdomen and sides

The sides and abdomen often act as a donor zone, that is, here we reduce the volume of adipose tissue. It may seem that the procedure is similar to liposuction, but it is not. Fat aspiration during lipomodeling is carried out using very thin needles rather than cannulas. Trauma to tissue is minimal, tissue removal is carried out evenly, which eliminates the risk of the appearance of so-called “cannula tunnels”.

Recovery after liposculpture of the abdomen and sides is faster than after classical, ultrasound or laser liposuction, and the aesthetic result is as natural as possible - a flat stomach with smooth and laconic contours and without folds on the sides.

In recent years, modeling the relief of the abdomen using liposculpture has become popular. The stomach in this case no longer acts as a donor, but as a recipient. Adipose tissue is used to create a relief that imitates the “abs”, that is, the rectus abdominis muscle, and to improve the aesthetics of the anterior abdominal wall in general. The operation is popular among both women and men.

When can body liposculpture be indicated?

  • Excess fat deposits and lack of beautiful muscle relief in the abdomen, thighs, buttocks, arms, back, etc.
  • Lack of volume in the chest, buttocks, legs, cheekbones, etc.
  • You want to emphasize the waist, Michaelis rhombus, latissimus dorsi, obliques, deltoids, create spectacular biceps and triceps, etc.
  • For gynecomastia;
  • You want to have your breasts corrected and increase them by about 1 size;
  • You want to correct scars and scars after injuries, get rid of stretch marks on the skin (striae).

Body liposculpture is not suitable for patients with severe obesity, since the purpose of this operation is not to lose weight, but to create beautiful body contours and restore tone and elasticity to the skin.

Liposculpture of the buttocks

The gluteal region can also be both a donor and a recipient. If a person has significant excess fat in the subcutaneous tissue of the buttocks, it can be removed and used for breast augmentation or sculpting other parts of the body. Excess fat tissue is most often found in the inferomedial quadrant of the gluteal region. During lipomodelling, it is carefully removed with thin needles; We have already talked about the advantages of this surgical technique.

The upper quadrants of the buttocks are less likely to suffer from excess fatty tissue; they are more characterized by tissue deficiency. A relative volume deficit often develops after sudden weight loss, after childbirth, or as a result of involutional (age-related) thinning of the integumentary tissue. In combination with stretching of the skin, this worsens the aesthetics of the buttock area, and liposculpture can come to the rescue.

Transplanting your own fat into the upper buttocks is a worthy alternative to gluteoplasty with the installation of implants. The advantages of the technique are similar to those that we talked about in the section on breast augmentation: an absolutely natural result, there is no risk of developing a fibrous capsule, ample opportunities for subsequent rejuvenation and correction.

Our opinion

Of course, we cannot judge anyone or decide for others when it comes to the decision to change one's appearance. In the end, this person has to live with his figure, not us, so any condemnation in this case is simply stupid and unethical, and in general, strictly speaking, it’s not our business.

But I would still like to advise those who dream of this procedure. We, as a site about weight loss and a healthy lifestyle, simply cannot be “for” liposculpture without really good reasons and indications.

The problem with such rapid changes is that they do not form in you correct, healthy and useful habits not only for the soul, but also for the body . Therefore, often after liposuction, for example, people gain even more weight than they did before the intervention.

Why is it better to lose weight the classic way: 8 consequences of liposuction with photo examples from stars

The appearance may have changed, but the inner content, your habits, triggers and problems remain the same. It always seems to us that “just let the change happen, and I’ll figure it out further,” but it doesn’t work that way.

It’s not for nothing that habits are called “second nature”; they are difficult to get rid of , but it is even more difficult to instill in yourself new, useful patterns of behavior. This is working with the brain, not the body.

Therefore, before going to the surgeon, visit a psychotherapist and discuss your decision with him; perhaps this is a premature step and you should first work on your inner self, and then on your outer self.

In addition, it is depressing that even now, when the fashion for body positivity and tolerance, which is so necessary for our society, has come, a person cannot feel beautiful without being thin and without having certain certain body proportions.

You are millions of times bigger than your body ! Having abs, a curved butt or a 60 cm waist does not define you as a person, it does not even make you beautiful. This will not mean that others will like you or even yourself.

Do not lose yourself (yourself), your essence, energy in pursuit of the ideal. As they say, “it’s not me who is far from the ideal, it’s the pathetic ideal that’s far from my figure, so let him worry.”

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