What is intimate plastic surgery with fillers and why is it needed?

What are correction, filling, intimate plastic surgery using fillers?

Intimate contouring (filling) – injection of fillers into the genital area to increase their functionality and improve their appearance. It makes it possible to correct minor defects and restore their previous condition.

Plastic surgery using fillers effectively removes dryness, sagging skin and mucous membranes. They become elastic. The technique is painless and performed quickly. There is no need for a recovery period.

To obtain this effect, the following substances are used:

preparations containing hyaluronic acid; biogel; own fat.

The procedure is completely safe. It is well tolerated by patients with any health condition. Allergic reactions are practically absent. Its effect lasts up to a year. Its duration depends on the state of health, age, the presence of bad habits, individual tissue characteristics, and genetic predispositions.


  • Plastic surgery of the labia minora - labiaplasty
  • Perineal plastic surgery - perineoplasty
  • Vaginal plastic surgery - colporrhaphy
  • Non-surgical intimate plastic surgery (plasmolifting, hyaluronic acid fillers)
  • Prices for gynecological operations and anesthesia

Consultation on intimate plastic surgery in Krasnoyarsk

Consultations on gynecological operations are carried out in Gynecological 106.

  • Labiaplasty - from 28800.00 to 39200.00 rubles.
  • Perineoplasty - RUB 39,400.00.
  • Perineo-vaginal lifting - RUB 49,300.00.
  • Anterior colporrhaphy (vaginoplasty) - RUB 39,700.00.
  • Posterior colporrhaphy with sphinctero-levatoroplasty and perineoplasty - RUB 59,000.00.

Make an appointment for a consultation with a gynecologist-surgeon +7(391) 201-11-92

Indications for contour plastic surgery (CPP)

When should contour plastic surgery be performed in the genital area for women?

Indications for the procedure are as follows:

loss of elasticity of the vaginal muscles; congenital underdevelopment of the external genitalia; asymmetry of the labia; discomfort during sexual intercourse; lipodystrophy in this area; vaginal prolapse; perineal defects; postoperative and postpartum scar deformities; the need to change the size of the vagina; weakening of the sphincters; atrophy of the vulva (partial, complete).

Contraindications to intimate plastic surgery

  • oncological pathologies;

    manifestation of genital herpes; lactation period; mental disorders; pregnancy; tendency to form keloid scars; autoimmune diseases; disturbance in the blood coagulation system; exacerbation of chronic somatic diseases.

The procedure is not performed on persons under eighteen years of age.

Contraindications to the procedure

Plastic surgery is not performed in the following conditions:

  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • acute period of infectious diseases and exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • herpetic rashes and skin infections;
  • blood clotting disorders;
  • autoimmune pathologies;
  • tendency to keloid scars;
  • oncological diseases;
  • under 18 years of age.

The optimal time for the procedure is 4-5 days before the start of menstruation.

Female Sexual Function Index (FSIF)

The Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI) is a self-administered 19-item questionnaire. Using this questionnaire, it is possible to conduct a differential assessment of the clinical manifestations of sexual disorders.

Take the survey 19 questions

1 question | 19

How often have you experienced sexual desire or interest in the last 4 weeks?

Next question

How would you rate your level of sexual desire or interest in the past 4 weeks?

Next question

How often have you felt actively sexually “turned on” during sexual intercourse or communication in the last 4 weeks?

Next question

How would you rate your level of sexual arousal during sexual intercourse in the last 4 weeks?

Next question

Has your sexuality been awakened during sexual intercourse in the last 4 weeks?

Next question

How often were you satisfied with your arousal (excitement) during sexual intercourse or intercourse in the last 4 weeks?

Next question

How often did the genitals (vagina) become wet during sexual intercourse in the last 4 weeks?

Next question

How difficult has it been to get your genitals (vagina) wet at the start of intercourse in the last 4 weeks?

Next question

How often did you need to keep your genitals (vagina) moisturized until you completed sexual intercourse in the last 4 weeks?

Next question

How difficult was it to keep your genitals hydrated until you completed intercourse in the last 4 weeks?

Next question

How often have you achieved orgasm during sexual arousal over the past 4 weeks?

Next question

How difficult has it been for you to achieve orgasm during sexual intercourse in the past 4 weeks?

Next question

How satisfied have you been with the techniques and efforts required to achieve orgasm over the past 4 weeks?

Next question

Have you been satisfied with the emotional intimacy between you and your partner during sexual intercourse in the past 4 weeks?

Next question

Have you been satisfied with your sexual relationship with your partner during the past 4 weeks?

Next question

How satisfied were you with your sex life overall during the past 4 weeks?

Next question

How often have you experienced discomfort or pain during penile penetration of the vagina in the last 4 weeks?

Next question

How often have you experienced discomfort or pain during and/or after sexual intercourse in the last 4 weeks?

Next question

How would you rate the amount (degree) of discomfort or pain during and/or after sexual intercourse over the past 4 weeks?


Your result

A total score less than or equal to 26.55 indicates sexual dysfunction.

To get a consultation

Preparation for vaginal plastic surgery with fillers

Intervention for intimate contouring using fillers does not require careful preparation. They are examined by a gynecologist. Local inflammatory processes are excluded.

perform a general smear on the flora, ultrasound of the pelvis, to exclude inflammatory processes; remove hair in the manipulation area; if the manipulation is performed on the cervix, then colposcopy according to indications.

The doctor checks for other contraindications and allergies to painkillers and filler.

Recommendations after procedures

  • Avoid prolonged exposure to temperatures below 0 C for 14 days.
  • It is not recommended to visit the sauna, steam bath, swimming pool, or bath within 14 days after the procedure.
  • It is not recommended to be sexually active, or engage in cycling or horse riding for 7 days after the procedure.
  • It is not recommended to use tampons for 7 days after the procedure.
  • It is recommended to avoid massaging the injection site and/or pressing on it for 7 days after injection.

How is the procedure for injecting hyaluronic acid fillers?

The introduction must be carried out by a qualified person who has undergone training. It is carried out in a clinic with special conditions. The filler injection procedure is technically simple, painless and quick. The injection of fillers takes a little time. It lasts no more than an hour.

The procedure is performed under local anesthesia using creams or sprays. In women, the drug is injected into the area of ​​the labia minora and majora, less often into the clitoris area. When treating dry cervical mucous membranes, the drug can be injected into the cervix. Use a small amount of the drug, up to two milliliters. During vaginal plastic surgery, filler is injected into its walls or the G-spot area to increase sensitivity.

Possibilities of intimate filling

  1. Labiaplasty – correction of the volume and shape of the labia majora and minora. Used for lipodystrophy of the labia majora. Normally, the labia majora cover the labia minora, which helps, first of all, to reduce the risk of infection of the vagina and maintain the temperature of the genitals. Increasing the volume of the labia majora not only restores the barrier function and temperature regime, but also allows you to achieve an external rejuvenation effect. Correction of the volume of the labia minora, along with the restoration of barrier and secretory functions, significantly improves the appearance of the labia minora. Especially with severe hypoplasia, asymmetry, birth and postoperative ruptures and deformities.
  2. Perineoplasty – correction of the vestibule and vaginal walls.
  3. Clitoroplasty – increasing the volume of the head and pocket of the clitoris. Clitoral plastic surgery involves filling the head and recess of the clitoris with hyaluronic acid in order to increase the volume and enhance the sensitivity of the clitoris itself, as well as moisturize and strengthen its “hood”. Plastic surgery is performed in cases where the clitoris is completely covered with a flap of skin, the so-called “hood,” which makes it difficult for a woman to achieve clitoral orgasm.
  4. Augmentation (filling, enlargement) of the G zone – introduction of hyaluronic acid gel into the submucosal layer between the vaginal wall and the urethra in the projection of the G point. As a result, there is not only an increase in the G-spot area, but also a slight decrease in the volume of the vagina. After injection of the gel, the G-spot becomes more accessible for stimulation, because... becomes the most protruding part of the anterior vaginal wall. This increases her sensitivity during sexual intercourse and helps improve a woman’s sexual satisfaction. The procedure is especially relevant when the G-spot area is difficult to reach tactilely due to the abnormally curved shape of the vagina. The introduction of the gel into the G-spot area can also reduce the hypermobility of the urethra, and therefore eliminate the main cause of urinary incontinence, which occurs as a result of involutional changes in tissue. Thus, the augmentation procedure allows us to solve several serious problems at once.
  5. 5) Correction of age-related involutional changes. Pregnancy and weight gain can lead to fat accumulation and weakening of the superficial fascial system, which in turn leads to perineal ptosis (drooping) of the tissue. With age, ptosis progresses, and at the same time there is a loss of subcutaneous fat. The skin of the labia majora thins and becomes atrophic. The labia minora are reduced to 1.5 cm or less. The clitoris decreases in size and its sensitivity decreases. The vestibule and vaginal walls undergo major changes. The tone and elasticity of the vagina decreases, especially in women who have given birth, the folding and elasticity of the walls decreases, they become smooth, dense, and easily irritable. With a drop in estrogen levels, the vaginal epithelium becomes thinner, and the ability to secrete its own lubricant decreases, which leads to the development of atrophic vaginitis. And in this case, we also use preparations with hyaluronic acid, only for biorevitalization purposes.

Rehabilitation period

After the manipulation, a slight feeling of discomfort in the intimate area is possible. These symptoms are completely normal and will subside within a few hours. To eliminate the risk of complications, you must strictly adhere to the recommendations of the specialist who performed the procedure: this guarantees the elimination of the threat of unpleasant consequences and safety for the woman’s health.

Depending on the manipulation technique, the patient receives instructions regarding certain restrictions related to the intensity of sexual activity, water procedures, physical activity, and thermal effects. You should also strictly follow the rules of intimate hygiene.


  • chronic diseases in the acute stage;
  • oncology;
  • infectious diseases;
  • tendency to form scars;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • the period of bearing and feeding a child;
  • inflammation in the genital area;
  • allergy to the administered drug;
  • presence of mental disorders.

Plastic surgeons at the clinic

Davydov Alexander Sergeevich

Experience - 14 years

Head of the Department of Plastic Surgery. Leading plastic surgeon. Certified specialist in plastic surgery and general surgery. Participant in master classes on plastic surgery.

Gvaramiya Eka Yurievna

Experience - 17 years

Participant of congresses, conferences and seminars on plastic surgery. Priority areas: mammoplasty (breast plastic), blepharoplasty, tummy tuck (abdominoplasty), liposuction, lipofilling, face lift, lip plastic, ear plastic, intimate plastic, body plastic, reconstructive plastic, solving aesthetic problems.

Abzaleva Guzel Rinatovna

Experience - 15 years

Participant of congresses, conferences and seminars on plastic surgery. Priority areas: blepharoplasty, lipofilling, intimate plastic surgery, abdominoplasty, breast plastic surgery.

Garifulin Marat Sagitovich

Experience - 19 years

Priority areas: mammoplasty and gynecomastia (including in men), waist shaping, blepharoplasty, otoplasty, abdominoplasty.

Mitin Andrey Viktorovich

Experience - 22 years

Areas of work: abdominoplasty, mammoplasty, gynecomastia, liposuction, blepharoplasty, intimate plastic surgery, otoplasty.

Malyshkin Pavel Olegovich

Experience - 8 years

Areas of work: abdominoplasty, liposuction, mammoplasty, blepharoplasty, otoplasty, intimate plastic surgery, treatment of keloid scars, post-burn skin defects.

PRP therapy

PRP therapy is an injection procedure in which the patient's platelet-rich plasma is injected into the desired location. The method accelerates metabolic processes and stimulates the growth of the body's own cells.

Most often, the procedure is used to restore vaginal tissue that has lost elasticity due to age-related changes, childbirth, and inflammatory diseases. The method is effective for accelerating tissue regeneration after surgery. In addition, it gives good results in the complex treatment of endometritis and endometriosis.

The procedure consists of the following steps:

  1. The patient's venous blood is collected.
  2. The blood is centrifuged. This is necessary to obtain plasma rich in platelets, which are capable of restoring microflora, tissue elasticity, and metabolic processes.
  3. Using an injection, plasma is injected into the desired area.

To achieve lasting results, 2-4 sessions are required at intervals of several days. The procedure does not cause pain and has a narrow list of contraindications.

Progress of the operation

The surgical intervention includes three stages:

  • The sagging area, which could not be “lifted” with HA-based compounds or threads, is excised
  • The perineal muscles are sutured
  • Upper sutures are placed on the mucosa.

Epidural anesthesia is most often used for pain relief. The duration of the operation is up to 1 hour. After surgery, the patient remains in the hospital for a week, after which she is discharged home.

What methods are used in aesthetic gynecology?

Methods for correction of the intimate area are divided into surgical and non-surgical. The former are used for plastic surgery of the vagina, labia, clitoris, restoration of the pelvic floor muscles, and elimination of prolapse of the genital organs.

Non-surgical methods - biorevitalization, mesotherapy, PRP therapy, augmentation of the G-spot projection area and other methods that are safe and have a short rehabilitation period. Non-surgical methods show effectiveness in many disorders and in some situations can serve as a full-fledged alternative to surgical interventions.

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