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Photo of Anna Khilkevich before and after plastic surgery
Photos of Anna Khilkevich before and after plastic surgery are a fairly common request on the Internet. And no wonder. Of course, the actress is still young, but, as they say, there is no limit to perfection. In addition, it is impossible not to mention that Anna herself does not deny that she resorted to plastic surgery. This is what she admitted in her numerous interviews.
For example, according to Khilkevich herself, it is reliably known that the actress adjusted her breasts. This became known at her birthday, when Anna independently demonstrated her renewed, toned and firm breasts. As for other types of changes, Khilkevich denies them. At the same time, it is noticeable to the naked eye that the actress’s lips were not without correction.
Rules of slimness from Khilkevich
The following principles help Anna maintain a beautiful figure:
- The girl leads an active lifestyle. She goes to the gym at least twice a week. At home, Anna does abdominal exercises, bicycle exercises, squats and push-ups. The actress chooses an active holiday: skiing and snowboarding in winter, and cycling in summer. The girl walks a lot.
- Every morning the actress does exercises.
- Observing the drinking regime, Khilkevich drinks 2 liters of clean water per day.
- The actress weighs herself every day. If an extra 0.5 kilogram appears on the scale, Anna tries to get rid of it. To return to the ideal, she reduces portions.
- Khilkevich does not eat extra food. She is selective in food and knows how much she needs to feel full. In one interview, the actress admitted that she would rather be hungry than eat an unloved dish.
- Anna never enjoys sweets in the evening. If there is a desire to eat, the actress drinks oolong, green or Chinese black tea.
- To get rid of cellulite, Khilkevich resorts to LPG therapy. Hardware massage got rid of skin unevenness and helped me lose 2 kg that didn’t want to go away.
Anna Khilkevich revealed the secret of her rapid weight loss to 45 kg
32-year-old Anna Khilkevich delighted fans with a photo in a swimsuit. The star told how she keeps herself in good shape.
The star of the TV series “Univer” is now on vacation in Dubai with his eldest daughter Arianna. They spend a short vacation in a five-star boutique hotel. Recently, fans of the actress have expressed concern about her appearance - some fans think that Anna is torturing herself with diets. Khilkevich hastened to dispel fans’ fears.
She posed in a swimsuit while lying on the sofa. The actress tried on an unusual bikini, consisting of different colors - a light sports bra and black thong. Khilkevich let down her long hair and removed herself with minimal makeup - lightly made up her eyes and applied light lipstick to her lips.
The actress showed her figure without filters
The actress urged fans not to worry about her health and assured them that she was not excessively thin. To support her words, she revealed her real weight.
“Okay, about my figure, which worries some of my subscribers so much. Yes, I lost 3-4 kg. I had a terrible enterovirus, after which I didn’t eat for a week. Now I weigh 45 kg - this is my weight before my first birth. So, we can consider that I’m in perfect shape,” Khilkevich explained.
The star also admitted which foods she gave up and what her daily diet consists of. “I have hardly eaten meat for several months now. This is a discovery for me, because before I simply couldn’t imagine life without a piece of steak or sausage. But at some point I didn’t feel like it anymore. I realized that among the fish or vegetable menu there are a lot of amazingly tasty dishes and after them you feel simply belissimo,” Anna summed up.
The star radically changed her diet
Khilkevich loves to shock fans with explicit images. Recently, the artist and her friend, actress Maria Klimova, took a selfie in BDSM outfits.
The star does not hide that this mini-vacation has become a long-awaited time of rest between tiring filming. Anna showed how she enjoys frolicking in the sea in a black swimsuit.
Khilkevich admitted that flying with her daughter was not easy for them. The girl felt unwell, and then her temperature rose. According to Anna, the heiress showed a strong character and managed to recover quickly.
In recent days, 33-year-old Anna Khilkevich has been actively publishing photos from a beach holiday at a tropical resort on her Instagram page. The day before, the actress shared a photo of herself riding on a swing tied to a tree. Anna poses for a photographer in a black swimsuit and a white translucent shirt. She stretched her legs diagonally across the frame, which created a somewhat comical effect of increasing the size of her feet when filming on an iPhone.
It’s like it happens... it seems like my height is small (160cm), but my legs are so healthy!!
Goal: lose weight after childbirth
Losing excess weight after giving birth is quite difficult, but our heroine managed it and now happily shares her secrets. In such a difficult task, the actress was helped by proper nutrition and sports.
Khilkevich does not hide the fact that she even resorted to the services of a cosmetologist to get rid of the orange peel.
Colored diet
What is such a power system? The main point of the diet is to eat only one color of food per day. On average, weight loss in 7 days is 5 kg. The colored diet is worth a try for those girls who are used to not restricting themselves too much in their diet.
Prohibited products:
- salt and sugar;
- smoked meats;
- pickles;
- fast food;
- sweets;
- bakery products.
Steamed or oven-cooked fish and meat are suitable for the diet. Products of plant origin are best boiled or eaten raw.
One of the advantages of a colored diet is that you can choose your own dishes based on the list of what is permitted. Do not overeat; you are allowed to eat 4-5 times a day in small portions.
Don't forget to stay hydrated to cleanse your body of waste and toxins.
Anna Khilkevich is completely satisfied with her weight and figure, because her parameters have become the same as before giving birth. Here is a sample menu that the actress offers to fans who dream of getting rid of the hated kilograms. You should only choose 2-3 foods and eat them throughout the day.
Mon | White Day. Milk, white rice, banana, cabbage, potatoes, low-fat cheese (feta or mozzarella), egg white. |
W | Green Day. Cabbage (Brussels sprouts, broccoli), spinach, lettuce, parsley, dill, cucumbers, kiwi, green apples. |
Wed | Yellow day. Yellow bell pepper, corn, yolk. |
Thu | Purple day. Lilac grapes, eggplants, plums, black currants. |
Fri | Red day. Tomatoes, sweet peppers of the appropriate color, red fish, sweet peppers, raspberries, wild strawberries, strawberries, 100 ml. red wine. |
Sat | Orange day. Peaches, apricots, oranges, tangerines, sea buckthorn, carrots. |
Sun | Unloading. The menu for this day includes your choice of kefir or still water. |
This diet should be followed for no more than 14 days, since the selected menu is not balanced.
Nutritionists about the colored diet
A colorful nutritional method not only reduces weight, but also improves mood, which has been proven by psychologists. In general, the colorful diet is designed for a week, but if you are overweight, you are allowed to stick to the diet for 14 days. Here's what experts say about this diet.
A meal where food is separated by color is beneficial for the body. Plant foods contain phytonutrients, which determine the color of vegetables and fruits. They have a beneficial effect on human health and fill the body with vitamins. I am definitely FOR such a diet.
Kovalchuk Svetlana, nutritionist
A diet based only on fruits and vegetables cannot be called healthy and balanced. Such products put extra strain on the gastrointestinal tract and can even cause ulcers. Only a healthy person can withstand such a diet without problems. I would advise the rest to choose a more balanced diet.
Margarita Lesnova, nutritionist
Having started acting at the age of 17, Anna Khilkevich never left TV screens. In 2004, her cinematic biography continued with work in the detective series “The Lawyer,” the comedy film “The Flight of a Stork over the Cabbage Field” and the melodrama “The Neighbor.” The serial detective story “Lawyer,” in which Andrei Sokolov played the main character, scored high ratings, but did not bring much popularity to the young actress.
Anna Khilkevich in the film “The Neighbor”
In 2006, Anna Khilkevich appeared in the film “The Ageless Man,” in which she was entrusted with a prominent role for the first time. This film project is notable for the fact that in 2011, most of its cast, including well-known viewers Elena Valyushkina and Vitaly Gogunsky, were invited to the team of the new youth project “Univer. New dorm."
Before the release of the sitcom “Univer,” Anna Khilkevich managed to star in several more TV series and films, which brought her her first tangible success. This is the melodrama “Don’t Try to Understand a Woman,” on the set of which Anna met her senior colleagues Maxim Leonidov and Alena Ivchenko, and the youth series “Barvikha.” The last project, released in 2008, scored sky-high ratings. The actress starred in it with Lyanka Gryu, Anna Mikhailovskaya and Ravshana Kurkova.
Anna Khilkevich in the series “Barvikha”
The telenovela was about a school attended by teenagers from wealthy families. The young artist appeared in the image of a representative of the “golden youth”: beautiful, successful, but at the same time arrogant and selfish Vika Polyakova.
The actress got used to the role so well that many still perceive her exclusively in this role. This popular series helped the young actors involved in it gain widespread fame and a pass into the world of Russian show business.
Anna Khilkevich in a swimsuit
Filming at Barvikha turned out to be a turning point in the cinematic biography of Anna Khilkevich. From that moment on, the girl turned into a star who could afford to choose new roles. Anya starred with Ivan Urgant and Sergei Svetlakov in the popular New Year's comedy "Yolki-2", produced by Timur Bekmambetov. Khilkevich appeared as a guest star in the series “Main Version” and “Bodyguard-2”.
Anna Khilkevich in the film “Yolki-2”
Sitcom “Univer. New Dorm,” produced by Arthur Janibekyan, Vyacheslav Dusmukhametov and Semyon Slepakov, was released in 2011 and immediately captivated the youth audience of television viewers. The actress played blonde Maria Belova, a lover of a colorful lifestyle - a naive girl capable of compassion and high feelings. The rating project gave a start to the world of cinema to young actors Ararat Keshchyan, Stanislav Yarushin, Alexander Stekolnikov and Nastasya Samburskaya.
Anna Khilkevich on the set of the series “Univer. New dorm"
Anna Khilkevich starred in all seasons of Univer. New dorm." In 2016, rumors appeared that due to Anna’s conflict with Nastasya Samburskaya, the latter would not appear in the next season.
It's no secret to fans of the two stars that the girls don't get along with each other. Rumor has it that one day a meeting of actresses in a Moscow restaurant turned into a fight. But it seems that ill-wishers are exaggerating the bad relationship that allegedly developed between the actresses. Today they continue to act together and appear at social events.
Nastasya Samburskaya and Anna Khilkevich
Among the most recent, most striking films in which Anna Khilkevich starred are Sarik Andreasyan’s comedy film “What Men Do” and the blockbuster “Luck Island”. In the second film, Anya starred together with Svetlana Khodchenkova and Agnia Ditkovskite. In this project and the comedy “The Snow Maiden,” which was released in 2014, the artist played one of the key roles.
In recent years, the filmography of this bright actress has been replenished with 2-3 new films a year. In December 2016, the premiere of the 5th part of the New Year’s comedy “Yolki” took place. In the same year, Anna Khilkevich appeared in several more film projects, including the most striking “Close Your Eyes”, “Maximum Impact” and “I Remember - I Don’t Remember!”.
Anna Khilkevich with her husband on the program “Where is the logic?”
Anna Khilkevich is a frequent guest on television shows. The program “Where is the logic?” the actress visited three times. For the first time, Khilkevich went to Azamat Musagaliev’s studio with her second husband Arthur. A married couple fought against Gabriel Gordeev and his wife Irina. Later, Anna played in tandem with Stanislav Yarushin and Vlad Sokolovsky. In 2022, the artist visited the studio of the entertainment show of the Friday! TV channel. – “Friday with Regina”, the TV presenter of which is Regina Todorenko.
Anna Khilkevich before and after breast surgery in photographs shows a significant difference in bust volume. Metamorphoses are noticeable when comparing frames from Khilkevich’s first candid photo session for Maxim in 2011 and the next two erotic shoots in 2013 and 2015.
Plastic surgeons explain the changes by the operation of implanting breast prostheses. According to secular chroniclers, the reason for breast enlargement was Anna’s affair with Arthur Volkov. The actress herself denies the fact of undergoing mammoplasty and speaks of the positive effect of high-quality underwear with a “push-up” effect.
Anna Khilkevich: biography
The famous actress Anna Khilkevich is a native of the city on the Neva - St. Petersburg (formerly Leningrad). This grand event took place in the fall of 1986. On October 15, Anya was born.
The family did not live in St. Petersburg for long, since the girl’s father, Alexander Vasilyevich, was a military officer, which meant constant moving.
When the future star turned 10 years old, the Khilkevich family came to Moscow.
In the new city, the smiling girl grew up and studied at secondary school No. 710. Looking at the current actress, she creates the image of a frivolous and stupid girl, but in fact this image is shown only on the big screens.
In real life, a celebrity is the complete opposite.
Fans are wondering how old Anna Khilkevich is? This year she will turn 33 years old.
From early childhood, Anya was already an actress; for her, shedding a tear just like that was an easy thing. The actress also loved dressing up in different outfits and impersonating celebrities. Already from school, the girl wanted to become an actress, attended clubs at a vocal and dance studio and graduated from a music school in playing the piano.
The mother was an athlete, but after the birth of her children she left her favorite activity. His father, a former military man, eventually started doing business. Initially, the parents did not have living space; they lived in rented living space. At this time, Anya studied at a French gymnasium, where she could already communicate in a foreign language with extraordinary ease.
A couple of years later, Tatyana and Alexander were able to buy an apartment in Moscow, for this reason Anna had to change educational institution. The school had a physics and mathematics focus, Khilkevich was accepted into a class with a chemical and biological focus.
While studying at the school, the girl was already invited to act in TV series, and this was strictly forbidden to students. Between study and work, she settled on the latter and had to quit school.
Anya is a late child in the family, everyone loved her very much and surrounded her with care. The girl has an older sister who married a Frenchman a long time ago and went abroad.
Parents initially thought that Khilkevich would follow in her father’s footsteps and also go into business, but they supported their daughter in developing acting.
Anna Khilkevich with her mother
Her work colleagues unanimously told her that she needed to get a higher education so as not to regret the lost time later. Anya herself understood this, so she decided to apply to the Plekhanov Academy, where she graduated almost with honors.
After which she graduated from the Higher Theater School. Shchukin. Having a good memory, acting talent and determination, the girl began acting in films at the age of 16. At that age, she played a daughter in the TV series “I Planned an Escape,” also in minor roles.
Having an attractive appearance and an excellent figure, already in 2011 Anna Khilkevich was on the cover of the world men's magazine Maxim, and in 2013 she was offered to appear on the cover of Playboy magazine.
Personal life
Possessing beauty, charm and a gentle disposition, Anna never tires of attracting the attention of the opposite sex.
In 2011, she tried on a wedding dress for the first time. The actress’s husband was Barvikha project manager Anton Pokrepa. The family existed for about a year and a half, after which Anya and Anton divorced, commenting on the lack of former passion and love.
Happy newlyweds – Arthur and Anna
In 2015, Anna Khilkevich married again. Her chosen one was businessman Arthur Volkov. Their romance began back in 2013, and after the lovers gained confidence in their choice, they began to openly appear together. The couple registered their relationship in August 2015, and shortly before 2016, baby Arianna was born.
Biography and personal life of Anna Khilkevich
The biography and personal life of Anna Khilkevich is listed as the day of her birth - October 15, 1986. The baby was born into a military family, which means there was a lot of strictness within the family, but this also taught the girl discipline, which also played into her hands in the future. Anna's birthplace is Leningrad, however, the girl's family lived there for a very short time and in 1996, when Anna was ten years old, she and her parents moved to Moscow. Naturally, in such a large, rich city, and even the capital, there were a huge number of chances to break into the cinema.
Which, in fact, is what the girl did after graduating from school, in 2003, without any problems she managed to enter the Shchekin Higher Theater School, only a year later, in 2004, she left. Why? In all theater universities, there is an unspoken rule that freshmen are strictly prohibited from starring in any films. Anna had a situation where she was invited to film two films at once: “Firefighters” and “I was planning an escape.” Although in both of these films the girl played only small roles, she took a risk.
Anna Khilkevich began her acting career in 2003. She had a chance to play minor roles in the TV series “I Planned an Escape,” “Firefighters,” and “Lawyer.” She gained experience, studied the filming process and knew that her main roles were still ahead. Before her first big acting experience, the actress also took part in the filming of the films “The Neighbor”, “Diva”, “The Irrevocable Man”.
Anna often appears on magazine covers
In 2008, Khilkevich finally played her first significant role in the series “Don’t Try to Understand a Woman.” And a year later, truly great success awaited her.
Projects behind the scenes
In today's career of Anna Khilkevich, the actress's creative and economic education are in close interaction. She uses the big name, which the actress owes to her filming in TV series, to promote her endeavors in other areas.
- DJing. Since 2014, Khilkevich has appeared as a DJ at club venues in Moscow and other Russian cities. The first experiments were amateur, then the hobby began to generate income. Anna received the Celebrity DJ prize, becoming the best celebrity DJ of 2014.
- Design. Anna Khilkevich tries herself in modeling women's clothing. In 2014-2015 She has released several collections under her own brand “Hilly Shop”. Today, the TV star creates a personalized line of clothes for the Gepur brand and appears in advertising photo shoots for the company. Models from Khilkevich are bright evening dresses with expressive textures and finishes.
- Wedding agency Wedding Hills. The actress co-founded a wedding planning company at the end of 2016. Among Wedding Hills’ clients is Vitaly Gogunsky, Khilkevich’s colleague at Univer and her on-screen boyfriend. The ceremony took place in April 2022, the concept and design were invented by the Khilkevich agency.
- Manicure salon "Manicure Culture". In an interview, Anna Khilkevich repeatedly spoke about plans to open a beauty salon. The star’s dream came true in November 2022. The establishment provides manicure, pedicure and hair removal services. Khilkevich focuses on a wide audience and offers high-quality work by craftsmen at affordable prices.
Shooting for Maxim and Playboy magazines
Anna Khilkevich before and after plastic surgery was a success among male audiences. In the series “Barvikha” and “Univer” the actress repeatedly appeared half-naked.
Outstanding external data made Anna a desirable model for candid photo shoots and covers of men's magazines. Khilkevich twice became Maxim's girl of the month and once - Russian Playboy.
The first magazine photo shoot and cover of Anna Khilkevich appeared in the December 2011 issue of Maxim. The authors of the shooting played with the actress’s serial image in “Univer” and “Barvikha”. According to the plot of the photo shoot, Khilkevich is a student who comes to the library of her respectable father to prepare for exams and runs into a young man here.
The result of the meeting is a series of candid photographs of Anna in lace lingerie, stockings and high-heeled shoes.
For the second time, Khilkevich became the Maxim girl of the month in August 2015. Anna was 3 months pregnant. The actress appeared in the image of a forest nymph. Floral wreaths, fishing nets and micro-bikinis became Khilkevich's wardrobe during a photo shoot surrounded by nature.
Both shootings in Maxim were accompanied by an interview with the TV star and videos about what was left behind the scenes of the photo shoots.
The shoot and cover of Playboy with Khilkevich can be seen in the December 2013 issue of the magazine. The project is timed to coincide with the release of the film Yolki-3 and offers to see the actress in a more seductive image than expected from the upcoming film premiere.
Biography of Maria Kozhevnikova
Maria Kozhevnikova is a native Muscovite. Her mother taught a foreign language, and her father was a famous hockey player, Honored Master of Sports and two-time champion. His achievements have always been a real example for the heiress.
Maria Kozhevnikova with her father and brother
In her childhood, Maria was actively involved in rhythmic gymnastics. She also studied at a general education institution and attended a vocal studio. After receiving her school certificate, the future actress knew for sure that in the future she would certainly become a filmmaker. So she became a student at GITIS.
Maria Kozhevnikova in her childhood
After completing her studies, Maria appeared in the film “Rublyovka Live”, and later starred in the film “She-Wolf” and in the multi-part project “Hello, I’m your dad!” Initially, the artist starred mainly in episodes. Her filmography included such films as “The Servant of the Sovereigns,” “Matchmaker,” “Dance,” etc. However, all these works did not bring fame to the artist. Real popularity came to the star only after she played Alla in the sitcom “Univer”. In 2011, she refused to star in this series because she was offered a more lucrative contract. Later, the following films appeared in the actress’s creative biography: “Newlyweds,” “Battalion,” “Golden Eagle” and many others.
As you know, the actress decided to devote herself not only to her acting career, but also to political activity. So, Maria became a member of the Young Guard of United Russia. Later, she managed to join the board of trustees of the Zelenograd orphanage in the Moscow region. Already in 2011, she became a deputy of the State Duma.
Maria Kozhevnikova in the State Duma
This page in the actress’s biography was very heatedly discussed by Maria Kozhevnikova’s colleagues in show business. Many did not understand at all how the actress would combine a creative career with politics, and some even insistently advised the celebrity to forget about filming and devote herself exclusively to working with representatives of the State Duma. Despite some ridicule, Kozhevnikova, at the age of 30, still managed to get into the hundred most influential citizens of Russia.
Why did I gain excess weight?
It would seem for some reason that Khilkevich became the heroine of our article, because the girl does not like to go on starvation diets. Anna decided to share with fans the secrets of her weight loss after her first pregnancy. The star says that she has gained only 7 kg.
The second time the interesting position added as much as 20 kilos to the girl! Her colleague Maria Kozhevnikova received the same weight gain.
On her Instagram, Khilkevich complained that all the clothes that she calmly wore before the birth of her child became too small for her, because she had gained so much weight.
The actress fights excess weight in well-known ways: she doesn’t eat after 6 and moves more. Anna visits the pool with her eldest daughter and walks in the park.
Such weight loss can rather be attributed to weight control.
Second pregnancy
Anna Khilkevich before and after plastic surgery could boast of good physical characteristics. She never had any complexes about her body. Candid shooting allowed the audience to fully appreciate the beauty of the actress’s figure and secured her the title of sex symbol of Russian cinema and television.
The advantages of Khilkevich’s figure, which are emphasized by professional photographers and Anna herself:
- Fragile build. Khilkevich’s thin silhouette plays into her role as a defenseless blonde. Sometimes a TV star says that she considers herself too thin, but attempts to gain weight lead to dissatisfaction with herself. According to Anna, the weight at which she is comfortable is 45-47 kg.
- Slender legs. Stylists often select clothes for filming with Khilkevich that emphasize her legs as much as possible. In life, Anna prefers short skirts, dresses and skinny jeans. The actress compensates for her short stature with platforms and high heels, which she is especially fond of.
- Slim stomach. Photos in open swimsuits and erotic photo shoots give a chance to see the thin waist and elastic belly of the Univer star.
- Firm breasts. The combination of a slender figure and exciting curves of the bust ensured Anna’s place on the lists of Maxim’s and Playboy’s favorite girls.
Daughter Arianna was born in December 2022. The sex of the child until the birth of Khilkevich remained a mystery to everyone, including the actress’s husband.
Khilkevich managed to hide her pregnancy until 8 months. She attributed the changes in appearance to weight gain and continued filming for “Univer” during most of her pregnancy. The conspiracy is based on Khilkevich’s reluctance to let down the film crew and concern for the safety of the unborn baby.
We invite you to read what pregnant women eat
The birth took place in an elite Moscow clinic. Pregnant Khilkevich had a weakness for sweets and starchy foods and overall gained about 18 kg. Filming obligations required the actress to return to work as soon as possible, and the serial image of the student required the restoration of a slender figure.
A strict diet, exercise and abdominal mesotherapy allowed the TV star to quickly get rid of the weight gained during pregnancy. 4 months after the birth of the child, Anna’s weight was about 47 kg.
Detractors on the Internet began to harass the actress, calling her a bad mother and accusing her of giving up breastfeeding for the sake of rapid weight loss. Khilkevich replied that she felt great, and that her physical activity and diet were consistent with medical prescriptions.
Rumors that the Univer star was pregnant for the second time arose in early 2022. Khilkevich herself confirmed the speculation in April, saying that there was no point in hiding the obvious. The secret became clear after a photo with a big belly appeared on the actress’s Instagram.
Neither her interesting position nor her weight gain became a reason for the actress to refuse bright images. Anna appears at social events and fashion shows. On her Instagram, Khilkevich regularly publishes new “pregnant” photos. The actress continues to wear minidresses, platform shoes and does not neglect bright makeup and manicure.
The gender of the unborn child is once again kept secret. Unlike many domestic celebrities, Khilkevich is not going to go abroad to give birth in a Western clinic and expects to give birth in Moscow.
Star secrets
The work rhythm, two children and a beloved husband - the star of "Univer" is literally in great demand. And how quickly does she manage to take care of herself in order to charm her fans with her beauty? The answer is simple: no fast food and good sleep.
Anna Khilkevich decided to share tips on self-care:
- Try to get more rest. If your whole life consists of working 24/7, think about how to help your body maintain such a rhythm. Give yourself a day off, turn off your phone and visit the spa.
- Beauty has no age. The main thing is the right attitude. A woman can be beautiful both at 20 and at 50. Each age corresponds to a “certain” beauty.
- Use makeup to highlight the features of your appearance. Anna Khilkevich tries to highlight the eyes, because they are the mirror of the soul. At the same time, the actress applies a layer of gloss in a nude (natural) shade to her lips.
- Form healthy habits. The girl advises everyone to overcome their laziness and set aside 15 minutes in the morning for a light warm-up.
- Start your day with water. Choose a glass of warm liquid with lemon.
- Beauty is a complex of measures. Anna admits that her impeccable appearance is ensured not only by cosmetologists, but also by proper nutrition, her favorite sport, family and recreation.
Khilkevich also tries to maintain a tan using a solarium, takes care of her hair herself and spends time in the bathhouse, where she applies nourishing masks to her body.
It's hard to believe, but Anna is unhappy with her weight. She is trying to gain 2-3 kg to feel more comfortable.
early years
Anna Khilkevich went to school in St. Petersburg, but soon the Khilkevich family moved to Moscow. Here the girl began going to school on Arbat, where she was taught French in depth. Later she studied at another school, with a chemical and biological bias, where she was assigned to a physics and mathematics class.
Anna Khilkevich was already an artistic girl in childhood. Trying to find a suitable activity for their daughter to develop her creative abilities, Anna’s family sent her to both a music school and a dance studio. But the active and restless girl could not stay anywhere for long. By the way, having seen Anna in photographs as a child, you may not recognize her, since all viewers are accustomed to seeing our heroine as a blonde.
Having matured a little, the girl began to go to the “Traffic Light” children’s studio, where she learned to sing, and she also resumed her piano and dance classes. After ninth grade, Anna Khilkevich went to a specialized theater school opened at the Theater Institute named after. Shchepkina, this is how the theatrical page began in her biography. The family supported Anna in her desire to connect her life with theater or cinema. In many interviews, the actress notes how strong her parents’ faith was in her and in her great future. Thanks to this, Anna grew up to be a purposeful and confident person.
Then Anna Khilkevich entered the theater school named after. Shchukin for a course led by V. Ivanov. She did not study there for long, since at the age of 17 she was offered to act in films, and filming was strictly prohibited for students at the beginning of their studies. But Anna decided to start a career and left the educational institution. The first roles in her filmography were small. She starred in the TV series “Firefighters” and “I Planned an Escape.” The first fees, judging by the stories of Anna Khilkevich, were spent on buying gifts for parents.
Over the next few years, Anna Khilkevich’s filmography included only small episodes and not very significant appearances in various projects: the comedy “The Flight of a Stork over the Cabbage Field,” the detective series “The Lawyer,” and the melodrama “The Neighbor.” She played a rather striking role in the film “The Ageless Man,” which was released in 2006. Some of these paintings, especially “The Lawyer,” were popular, but did not glorify Khilkevich.
But it cannot be said that Anna wasted her time - she managed to get a degree in economics at the University. Plekhanov, and graduated with honors. After that, she returned to the Shchukin School and completed the two missing courses. In those same years, Khilkevich received another specialty, completing DJ courses, and began working in Moscow clubs.
Childhood and youth
Anna Khilkevich was born in the city on the Neva in mid-October 1986. The future star's birthday fell on the zodiac sign Libra. There were no artists in her family: her father, a former military man, was involved in business, and her mother left big sport after the birth of her children. Anya is the youngest and late child in the Khilkevich family and everyone’s favorite. Anna's older sister has been living in France for a long time, her husband is French by nationality.
The girl’s artistic abilities began to emerge in early childhood: the five-year-old baby learned to cry almost at will, which amused her relatives, shedding a tear at the request of the audience. At family holidays, Anya acted out scenes with dressing up and transforming into familiar characters.
Anna Khilkevich’s dream of becoming an actress finally took shape in elementary school: after her family moved to Moscow, the girl attended the children’s vocal and dance studio “Traffic Light” and a music school, where she learned to play the piano.
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Anna Khilkevich in a swimsuit
And although Anna Khilkevich’s parents initially thought that their daughter would follow in her father’s footsteps and go into business, after the 9th grade they sent the girl to a theater school at the school named after M. Shchepkin.
After receiving her matriculation certificate, Anna Khilkevich entered the VTU named after B. Shchukin. But she studied at Vladimir Ivanov’s course for only 2 years, after which she withdrew her documents: students were forbidden to act in films, and Anna was offered roles in two television projects that promised to become highly rated. The young artist made a choice and starred in the TV series “I Planned an Escape” and “Firefighters.”
Unexpectedly for many, Anna Khilkevich, who took her first successful steps in cinema, entered the Russian Economic University named after G. V. Plekhanov, from which she graduated with honors. But, having received a higher education in economics, the girl again surprised everyone: she returned to Shchuka and completed her last 2 courses.
Among other things, Anna Khilkevich is a musically gifted person. Her love for fiery rhythms led her to DJ courses, after which she received an invitation to perform in clubs in the capital.
Biography and personal life of Anna Khilkevich
The biography and personal life of Anna Khilkevich includes a large amount of the most incredible and sometimes funny information.
Our heroine was born on the banks of the Neva in the mid-80s of the last century. Mother - Khilkevich Tatyana Andreevna supported her husband in everything. Anya was a late child. Her father, Khilkevich Alexander Vasilyevich, was a military man, and after retirement he was engaged in business. She was raised by her parents reverently and carefully. Our heroine has an older sister and brother.
The baby was a restless child. She had a good ear for music, so her parents decided to develop her talent by sending her to study piano. But Anya couldn’t concentrate on scales for long. After 5 minutes she asked to wait, after which she began to squat and dance.
A year later, the fidget quits music. She asks her mom to take her to the dance studio. But Anechka quickly became bored with dancing.
The girl went to first grade in her native Leningrad. She was one of the best students in school. When the girl turned 10 years old, she and her parents moved to the capital of the Russian Federation. Anya became a student at school No. 1231, where she learned the intricacies of the French language. My parents bought an apartment on Kutuzovsky Prospekt, so I had to move to gymnasium number 710.
As a teenager, Khilkevich was explosive and unyielding. She loved to communicate with friends. The wayward and talented girl liked singing and dancing much more than studying. At the age of 15, our heroine became a student at a school at the Shchepkin College, where she learned the intricacies of artistic art.
At the age of 17, Anna Khilkevich began acting in films. The color of the spotlights attracted her so much that she decided to enter the Shchepkinsky School. Teachers led by Yuri Solomin noted the student’s talent. But soon I had to leave the institute. Anna began acting in the film “Firefighters” despite the unspoken ban on filming that reigned for students in their first years of study, which led to her having to leave the institute.
Then the future star becomes a student at Plekhanov University, where she learns the intricacies of economics. Our heroine studied well, so she only got excellent grades in her diploma.
Afterwards, Anna decided to get an artistic education. She graduates from the Shchukin Theater School.
The personal life of the film actress is also interesting. She was always the center of men's attention. In 2011, the girl became the wife of Anton Pokrep. But after living for about a year and a half, the lovers decided to separate. What caused it remains unknown to the public.
Our heroine was not left alone for a long time. She began dating businessman Arthur Volkov, who after some time became her second husband. Soon after the wedding, the young people had a charming daughter, whom they named Arianna.
It recently became known that at the end of 2022 the family will be expanded with another child. The young woman is not hiding from others and the press at all. She gives interviews, poses for the camera, and attends social events with her husband.