We correct your figure with vacuum body massage!

Indications for vacuum massage

  • Vegetovascular dystonia
  • Hypertension in the initial stage
  • Torticollis, scoliosis and kyphosis
  • Obesity
  • Osteochondrosis of the spine (not in the acute stage)
  • Colds (in the absence of high fever)
  • Injuries and bruises of the musculoskeletal system
  • Chronic diseases of the pelvic organs (not in the acute stage)
  • Cellulite

How is vacuum massage of the face and body performed?

The massage is performed using modern cups, which allow specialists to control the force of the vacuum. This is what makes it possible to perform anti-cellulite massage on different parts of the body. Regardless of which part of the body will be worked, the stages of the procedure will be as follows:

  • The desired area is lubricated with cosmetic oil intended for massage.
  • They install the cans and use a special “lever” to expel the air from them. This creates a vacuum.
  • The cans move over the desired area – smoothly and evenly, without jerking. Movements can be rotational, circular, zigzag.
  • They work on the face not with banks, but with a special apparatus. The principle of the manipulation is identical to that described above.

Top 6 procedures for hardware body correction

1. Ultrasonic body contouring. The popularity of this technique has been growing in recent years. The impact of ultrasonic waves is carried out at a depth of up to four centimeters from the surface of the skin.

This method of hardware body correction is based on the conversion of mechanical vibration energy into thermal energy. This process affects the tissues, resulting in a transformation of the body. Under the influence of ultrasound waves, a whole range of changes occurs:

  • metabolism accelerates;
  • fatty tissue softens;
  • cells recover faster;
  • intercellular enzymes act more actively;
  • microcirculation improves;
  • the skin is more intensively enriched with oxygen.

The duration of an ultrasound correction session is from 20 minutes to 1 hour. To get a visible result, you need to complete a course of 5–15 sessions with an interval of 7–10 days.

To enhance the effect, it is recommended to combine this technique with one of the mesotherapy options - mesodissolution.

2. Lymphatic drainage. Another popular procedure, which, on the advice of cosmetologists, usually precedes other hardware methods of figure correction.

As you know, lymphatic drainage helps get rid of excess fluid in the body, which often causes problem areas to form.

What happens as a result of this manipulation:

  • lymph flow is activated;
  • swelling subsides;
  • purification of toxins occurs;
  • blood supply improves;
  • the tone of the vascular walls increases;
  • body weight decreases;
  • the contours of the figure become clearer.

The effect of lymphatic drainage becomes noticeable after 10–20 sessions. It is advisable to carry them out 2 times a week.

This procedure is often combined with press massage, microcurrent activation of lymph collectors, and vacuum drainage on problem areas of the body.

3. Electrolipolysis. This technique of hardware figure correction is based on the impact of specific types of currents on fat cells. Thanks to the use of needle electrodes, the size of fatty tissue decreases, but it does not completely disintegrate.

To consolidate the results obtained, you need to adhere to a certain diet. Otherwise, the fat cells will quickly grow to their previous size.

How is electrolipolysis performed:

  • In problem areas of the body, thin electrodes are inserted through the skin into the fatty tissue.
  • The current is connected.
  • Fat is broken down into fatty acids.
  • Fatty acids enter the circulatory system and work in the body.

The result becomes noticeable after 5–10 sessions. They are held once a week.

After each electrolipolysis procedure, cosmetologists recommend a lymphatic drainage session: it promotes the accelerated removal of triglycerides and fatty acids from the body.

4. Myostimulation. This method of body shaping stimulates muscle contraction under the influence of current. Thanks to their rhythmic compression and relaxation, tone increases, blood circulation, lymph flow and metabolism improve.

As a result of this effect, weight loss and reduction in body volume occur.

There are several methods of myostimulation:

  • Classical. Has little effect on body fat.
  • Microcurrents. This effect brings small muscles into good tone and promotes gentle lymphatic drainage with the removal of toxins.
  • Alternating current. It is most effective during the period when cellulite begins to form and weight increases.

One myostimulation session takes no more than an hour. To really feel changes in weight and body shape, you need to undergo from 10 to 15 procedures.

Patients tolerate the alternating current version of manipulations most comfortably (compared to the classical method), and such a session requires less time.

5. Pressotherapy. This hardware technique is used both for figure correction and as part of a complex of health-improving measures.

Pressotherapy is carried out very simply: the patient is put on a special suit that is filled with air. During the procedure, the pressure inside the suit is alternately increased and decreased, which helps improve metabolism, stimulate blood circulation and lymph outflow.

Body correction through pressotherapy involves:

  • epidermis;
  • adipose tissue;
  • muscles;
  • vascular network;
  • lymphatic system.

The course consists of 10–15 sessions, they are prescribed at intervals of 3–4 days. Pressotherapy gives results for about 6 months.

6. LPG massage . The device for LPG massage allows you to influence the skin, subcutaneous tissue and muscles with vacuum and special rollers.

Patients note an amazing transformation of their figure after such hardware correction. Namely:

  • the circumference of the waist, hips and other parameters are noticeably reduced;
  • the skin becomes more elastic;
  • cellulite disappears;
  • excess fluid is removed, swelling subsides;
  • metabolism improves;
  • The reproductive system returns to normal.

LPG massage on the face and body is done with different attachments. The session lasts from half an hour to 50 minutes.

Advantages of vacuum massage at ART-CLINIC

At the ART CLINIC, specialists perform vacuum massage on all parts of the body and face. By contacting us, each patient receives:

  • Free initial consultation. The doctor will have to find out whether there are contraindications to the procedure and what part of the body needs to be worked on.
  • Safe procedure. Specialists strictly follow the rules for disinfecting instruments and equipment and determine the patient’s pain threshold level in advance. Vacuum massage may cause some discomfort in some areas; the reaction is purely individual.
  • Minimum employment and lack of rehabilitation. The maximum procedure time is 90 minutes. No hospitalization required. The patient can return to their normal rhythm of life immediately after leaving the clinic.
  • Individual approach to setting costs. Prices for the procedure in Moscow vary and depend on what part of the body the doctor will work on - the stomach, waist, hips or face.

Description of the procedure

The doctor starts the device and adjusts the frequency of the ultrasound radiation. The skin in the problem area is covered with a gel that ensures the penetration of ultrasound rays into the tissue. The impact on the body is carried out using a round nozzle. The doctor makes rotational movements with it, continuously treating the problem area.

You may feel warm during the session. Some patients feel a tingling sensation, like being pricked by a needle. If the procedure made you feel unwell (headache, tinnitus, etc.), be sure to tell your doctor about it. In this case, cavitation must be interrupted.

Read more about the vacuum massage procedure

What happens during a vacuum massage?

Under the influence of vacuum therapy, the secretory work of the sebaceous and sweat glands increases, with the help of which salts, urea, bile acids and acetone are removed from the body. In addition, swelling in the tissues decreases and the nutrition and breathing of the skin on the area of ​​skin undergoing massage improves, that is, the cleansing effect is no worse, and maybe even better, than when visiting a sauna. Vacuum massage also has a beneficial effect on the muscular system of the massaged area. This improves not only the contractile function of the muscles, but also the mobility of the ligamentous apparatus. After vacuum therapy, the skin becomes firmer, smoother and more elastic.

Vacuum massage technique

The area of ​​skin intended for massage is lubricated with a special oil or cream. After this, several cans (1-2) are placed on the skin. If the jars are silicone, then the air is “expelled” from them by compression. If the jars are glass, then by burning oxygen (the same as when using jars for colds). The patient's skin is retracted during cupping massage by no more than 1-1.5 cm.

After placement, the cups begin to move over the massaged area in straight, rotational or zigzag movements, following the massage lines of the human body.

What are the advantages of the ART-Clinic's proprietary vacuum massage technique?

Our figure correction specialist Burak Galina has developed vacuum massage technique It allows you to achieve significant results in the fight against cellulite and reduce body volume in a shorter time, as well as improve skin tone and elasticity.


Hidden content

  • Active form of tuberculosis
  • Blood diseases
  • Venereal diseases
  • Inflammation of the lymphatic vessels
  • Purulent processes located in any area
  • Infectious and fungal skin diseases, skin damage and irritation
  • Bleeding and tendency to it
  • Any tumors (both malignant and benign)
  • Acute febrile conditions, inflammatory processes
  • Lack of subcutaneous fat (dystrophy, emaciation)
  • Mental illnesses accompanied by excessive agitation
  • Accumulation of pigment spots in the intended area of ​​treatment
  • Narrowing of the arteries of the extremities with atherosclerosis;
  • Thrombosis and thrombophlebitis
  • Chronic osteomyelitis (bone inflammation)

What is vacuum body massage?

Vacuum body massage is an effective and universal cosmetic procedure that helps solve many aesthetic and medical problems.
You can carry out manipulations at home, having a good vacuum massage device. The peculiarity of the procedure is that the vacuum created affects not only the upper layers of the skin, but also the subcutaneous fat layer and muscle tissue. During changing pressure, mechanoreceptors are irritated, blood flow to problem areas increases, which accelerates metabolic processes and increases the supply of oxygen to tissues. Vacuum body massage is well suited for people who want to relax and restore muscles after an intense workout, as well as for those who suffer from stagnation of fluid in the body and swelling.

After using a vacuum body massager, red circles remain on the body, which are called extravasation in a professional environment. They differ from bruises in that the vessels remain intact, but their permeability increases, and the active substances can penetrate into the deeper layers of the epidermis. Extravasates appear only after the first vacuum massage procedures and can last up to seven days.

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