Gas injections in Krasnodar - injection carboxytherapy
Carboxytherapy is the subcutaneous or intradermal administration of medical (sterile) carbon dioxide (CO2) using
Vacuum massage of the face and body at home: benefits, how to do it correctly
It doesn’t matter what question you are looking for about vacuum massage in this article.
LPG massage: contraindications, pros, cons, features of the procedure and prices for hardware cosmetology at the MEDSI Clinic
Endermolift is a procedure created by specialists from the French company LPG Systems. The initial goal of development
I want/can: plastic surgery or Smas-lifting. Shock, tears and the desire to escape from the procedure
Selection of a patient by a cosmetologist Slogan – to make the hardware SMAS lifting procedure available to everyone who wants it –
Remove dark circles under the eyes - quickly and permanently.
The eyes are called the mirror of the soul, so it is not surprising that many people first of all pay attention to
Ultrasound facial cleansing: features of the procedure, indications and contraindications
From this article you will learn: What is the essence of ultrasonic facial cleansing What devices are used
All about the SMAS lifting procedure. Indications and contraindications.
Facial plastic surgery is the highest level of plastic surgery. SMAS facelift (SMAS
Charcot shower: indications, contraindications, procedure
How does the Charcot shower procedure work? The effectiveness of the method lies in the effect of jets of water on the body,
Types of facial peels by depth and method of exposure
From this article you will learn: Features of the facial peeling procedure Types of skin peels
Yellow peeling: all about the transformative effect of this procedure
From this article you will learn: Yellow peeling - what is it Properties of yellow peeling
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