They do it too! Male stars after plastic surgery

RF lifting procedure

RF - face lifting is an innovative non-surgical rejuvenating procedure, the essence of which is the effect of radio waves on the inner layers of the skin.
This helps to activate the synthesis of collagen and elastin, which in turn has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin. Skin cells treated with high frequency currents begin to regenerate, actively replacing old ones. The technique has a rejuvenating effect, so it is prescribed to patients with pronounced age-related changes, and also as a preventive measure for skin aging.

Radiofrequency rejuvenation of the face and body is available to clients of the International Hemostasis Clinic. Our specialists have a separate approach to each client. Modern, high-tech equipment is used here to carry out radio wave lifting, so all clients who contact us are 100% satisfied with the results.

RF lifting of the face (including the area around the eyes), neck, décolleté (25 min) RUB 4,500. RF lifting of the area around the eyes (10 min) RUB 2,500. RF face lifting (including the area around the eyes, 15 min) RUB 3,500.

All prices Make an appointment

Stages of a circular facelift:

  • Preoperative skin marking.
  • Anesthesia - a circular face and neck lift is a long operation (4-5 hours) requiring general anesthesia. Lifting of individual areas of the face, for example, the forehead and eyebrows, can be performed under local anesthesia or intravenous anesthesia.
  • Skin incisions: temporal region (in the scalp), behind the auricle (in the scalp and behind the earlobe), in front of the ears.
  • Skin flap detachment.
  • Liposuction of excess subcutaneous fat.
  • Marking and detachment of the SMAS flap.
  • Lifting and fixation of the SMAS flap in the new position.
  • Skin tightening and marking of excess skin.
  • Skin tension, marking and excision of excess skin.
  • Spraying fibrin glue to fix the skin.∗
  • Skin sutures and fixation of the sutures with a sterile plaster.
  • Aseptic dressing.
  • Compression mask.

∗ the use of special fibrin glue Tissucol significantly reduces the operation time, because
there is no need for additional tissue fixation. Most likely complications :

  • Swelling of the facial skin and bruises are mild when using Tissucol fibrin glue and go away on their own.
  • Skin pigmentation - occurs in patients with sensitive and delicate skin due to intradermal hemorrhages, disappears on its own within six months after surgery.
  • Temporary hair loss around skin incisions in the scalp; subsequently, hair growth is restored on its own.

It is important to note that a circular facelift for men differs from that for women. This is due to the fact that men's skin is thicker and more difficult to manipulate.

The ideal candidate for a facelift is a man whose skin has not yet completely lost its elasticity. Usually patients are people 40-55 years old. Our clinic invites the stronger sex to undergo male plastic surgery, after which you will feel even younger and more confident!

RF – face lift

RF lifting is a revolutionary, highly effective method of combating common skin defects. Its essence lies in the beneficial effects of radiofrequency energy on soft tissues. During the session, high-frequency currents warm the dermis and hypodermis to certain temperatures. This helps activate blood and lymph flow, improve metabolism, accelerate the synthesis of collagen, elastin, fibrin, hyaluronic acid. After a course of therapy, the results are obvious:

  • microrelief is leveled;
  • the oval of the face becomes clear and expressive;
  • the contour is tightened;
  • facial wrinkles disappear;
  • bags and bruises under the eyes become invisible;
  • the skin acquires firmness, elasticity, becomes smooth, radiant, and rejuvenated.

The hardware rejuvenation technique is suitable for any skin type. During its implementation, any pain or discomfort is completely absent. After therapy there is no irritation, redness, bruises or scars. Radiofrequency rejuvenation is suitable for patients with thin, sensitive skin prone to allergic irritation. Since foreign substances are not introduced into the body, the condition of the epidermis improves due to the activation of the body’s internal reserves.

Tom Cruise, 56 years old

The Hollywood star has repeatedly mentioned in interviews that he would never go under a plastic surgeon’s knife in his life. And then he suddenly appeared at an event with fresh scars behind his ears (traces of a facelift) and a motionless facial expression (consequences of Botox). But usually it is women who are in a hurry to show people the results of plastic surgery. While journalists were finding out the reasons for this step, and fans were defending the actor, Tom delighted the audience with his blooming and youthful appearance.

RF – body lifting

The main goal of the RF body lifting technique is figure correction. The procedure will help get rid of aesthetic skin defects caused by sudden changes in weight, as well as age-related changes. The course of radiolifting is indicated for clients with severe cellulite, the presence of scars, stretch marks, excess fat deposits on the body, folds remaining after sudden weight loss.

During hardware exposure, certain layers of the dermis are affected, where the production of collagen and elastin fibers is activated, and blood circulation and lymphatic drainage are stimulated. After a course of therapy, the area subjected to radio wave heating acquires firmness and elasticity. The number of fat cells noticeably decreases, the figure becomes slender, toned, and beautiful.

How does RF lifting work?

At the International Hemostasis Clinic, the procedure is performed using a special device that generates radio wave pulses that propagate into the deep layers of the epidermis. This helps to warm the middle layer to a temperature of 45 °C. Radiofrequency temperature exposure leads to shortening of collagen fibers, activation of the synthesis of new collagen, improvement of blood circulation and metabolism.

Fat cells are affected by radiofrequency current. After a course of hardware radio wave therapy, lipolysis is activated in the subcutaneous fat layer. Fat deposits are broken down into glycerol and fatty acids, which are then eliminated from the body naturally. As a result, signs of cellulite disappear, and in areas of radiofrequency treatment, the skin becomes tightened, rejuvenated, and radiant.

Indications for RF lifting

RF body and face lifting is prescribed to patients of any age who have pronounced aesthetic and cosmetic defects on the skin. At a young age, the technique effectively solves the following problems:

  • acne, post-acne;
  • dark spots;
  • scars, scars, stretch marks;
  • fat deposits, folds;
  • bags under the eyes.

The technique is prescribed to clients whose skin has become stretched, flabby, and sagging as a result of sudden weight changes. RF lifting copes well with cellulite at different stages of development. A device that generates high-frequency radio wave pulses destroys fat deposits, as a result, after a course of therapy, the orange peel completely disappears.

At the age of 35 – 40 years, a non-surgical anti-aging method is prescribed as a prevention of the first signs of age-related changes, such as:

  • photoaging;
  • loss of elasticity;
  • pronounced fold in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle;
  • expression and age wrinkles;
  • dryness, thinning, aging of the skin.

What problems does surgery NOT solve?

Facelift is without a doubt a very effective procedure. But in some aesthetic problems it is powerless.

  • Skin hydration. To deeply moisturize the skin, I recommend injection procedures - biorevitalization and mesotherapy.
  • Skin tone and elasticity. I notice good results after a course of laser resurfacing in combination with injection techniques.
  • Small superficial wrinkles. The introduction of soft fillers is eliminated.
  • Pigmentation. Laser procedures or chemical peelings are also indicated.

INFORMATION: Causes of wrinkles and ways to eliminate them

Who is a good candidate for plastic surgery?

From the above it follows that the doctor must be extremely attentive and careful about the patient’s expectations. If a patient after plastic surgery expects an instant and complete transformation from a mature to a young person, it is worth either explaining the real effect again or refusing to intervene.

Inflated expectations are a factor that negatively affects doctor-patient communication and the perception of the final result.

In general, plastic facelift has indications for a wide range of patients. The first to apply are patients aged just over 40 years - these are those who want to prevent impending age-related changes. The next age category is about 48-50 years old, those who want to eliminate existing and progressive age-related changes. And then patients aged 55+ with significant external manifestations of aging, its heavy lower third, sagging, flabby neck.

The ideal age for this procedure is 45-55 years. I don't recommend expecting maximum tissue deterioration. An operation performed during this interval will give a more pronounced and long-term effect.

Contraindications to RF lifting

Any hardware procedure, including RF lifting, has its contraindications. Therefore, before all manipulations, it is necessary to consult a doctor who will conduct an initial examination, collect an anamnesis, and, if necessary, give a referral for additional diagnostic examination, which allows confirming or disproving contraindications.

Contraindications to radio wave rejuvenation are conventionally divided into temporary and absolute. The first include:

  • age under 18 years;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • purulent, inflammatory, allergic lesions on the skin;
  • acute viral, fungal, bacterial infection;
  • high temperature, fever.

The procedure is not prescribed during pregnancy and breastfeeding. After childbirth and completion of breastfeeding, a woman can safely resort to radio wave lifting if there are no other restrictions.

Absolute contraindications to radio wave therapy are:

  • tumors of benign and malignant nature;
  • diseases of the hematopoietic system;
  • cardiovascular pathologies;
  • severe form of hypertension;
  • decompensated diabetes mellitus;
  • endocrine and hormonal disruptions;
  • autoimmune disorders: systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, scleroderma, etc.;
  • congenital and acquired immunodeficiency;
  • tuberculosis;
  • renal failure;
  • history of heart attack or stroke;
  • severe neurological disorders accompanied by uncontrolled attacks, fits;
  • the presence of metal implants or a pacemaker in the body.

Methods of radiofrequency lifting

Depending on the technology and expected results, the following types of RF lifting are distinguished:

  • Monopolar. A one-time procedure that gives a rejuvenating effect, copes with local fat deposits and orange peel in the abdomen and thighs.
  • Biopolar. A delicate and at the same time effective way to correct age-related defects. During the procedure, radio pulses heat tissues to a temperature of 45 °C, stimulating the synthesis of collagen and elastin. During the manipulations, minor discomfort is felt, the results of the therapy are noticeable after completing the course of procedures.
  • Triopolar. An innovative technique during which several electrodes are used to ensure pole switching. The energy generated by the device affects different layers of the epidermis, providing maximum rejuvenating effect.

Cosmetologists at the International Hemostasis Clinic will select the most effective method, taking into account the individual characteristics of the client’s body. This approach provides the most positive results and long-term effect.

What is this method

Men's skin is thicker than women's, and on average, men develop wrinkles later. You can consider this a “bonus” from nature. There are, however, some disadvantages: as a rule, creases and folds appear more sharply. As for deformational ptosis (“sliding” of soft tissues downward under the influence of gravity), it is equally characteristic of both women and men. Lifestyle plays an important role here: if you are overweight, the aging process goes faster. Individual characteristics also have an impact - for example, very active facial expressions.

Vector lifting for men - anti age is a procedure that helps to cope with severe ptosis (age-related deformation and drooping of the soft tissues of the face).
The essence of the method: using special small cannulas, thin channels are formed in the skin. At the second stage, these channels are filled with fillers based on hyaluronic acid or other active substances - this process is called bioreinforcement. In this way, a certain frame is formed that holds the tissues in the desired position and prevents them from sagging. The result of the procedure is a pronounced lifting effect, denser, more elastic and youthful skin. Anesthesia Application Duration of procedure 30-40 minutes Duration of effect 8-24 months Number of procedures 1-3
Discuss the procedure with a specialist

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How does the procedure work?

  1. Radio wave therapy is carried out after preliminary consultation with a doctor. If no contraindications are identified during the examination, you can proceed directly to the procedure, which consists of several stages:
  2. Preparation. The client sits comfortably on the cosmetology chair and relaxes. The cosmetologist cleanses the skin of decorative cosmetics, dirt, and dust. Then the area in need of correction is treated with a gel that ensures easy penetration of radio wave pulses into the deep layers of the dermis.

RF lifting. Using a special device, the specialist massages the skin along selected lines. During the procedure, the soft tissues are heated to a temperature of +45 °C, and the muscles begin to actively contract. Such manipulations do not cause pain or discomfort, so no anesthetic is used.

The procedure lasts on average 20 – 30 minutes, depending on the area of ​​treatment. After all the manipulations, the remaining gel is removed with a napkin, then the cosmetologist applies a soothing and moisturizing cream, selected taking into account the skin type. To achieve maximum effect, it is recommended to complete a course of 6 – 10 procedures.

Main indications and contraindications

The main problems that this technique will help solve include:

  • pronounced signs of aging (nasolabial folds, wrinkles);
  • noticeable drooping of soft tissues in the midface;
  • violation of the clear contours of the cheekbones, chin and cheeks.

Changes that give the face a tired and gloomy appearance can be eliminated - this will help you immediately lose a dozen years.

There are few contraindications: chronic skin diseases, infectious diseases in the acute phase, blood clotting disorders.

Result from the procedure

The result of radio wave anti-aging therapy appears within 6 months and lasts for 3 to 5 years, provided that the patient follows preventive measures to maintain youthful and healthy skin.

The results of RF lifting are impressive:

  • common signs of age-related changes disappear: fine and medium wrinkles, dryness, sagging, hyperpigmentation, dark spots and bags under the eyes;
  • microrelief is leveled;
  • the oval of the face becomes pronounced, tightened;
  • cellulite and fat folds disappear;
  • the figure is corrected;
  • scars, cicatrices, and stretch marks become invisible.


Much depends on how responsibly the patient will follow and implement the recommendations in the postoperative period. This will promote faster healing, tissue restoration and reduce the likelihood of complications:

  • Follow the instructions for caring for seams.
  • Do not tear off the scabs in the seam area
  • Follow the recommended times for using soap and shampoo to wash your hair.
  • Wear comfortable clothing that fastens at the front rather than being pulled over your head.
  • Do not apply strong pressure to the incision area
  • Don't wear makeup for 3 weeks
  • Don't do much physical activity, don't play sports for 3-4 weeks
  • Do not sunbathe for 5-6 weeks, and then use sunscreen SPF 30 or higher
  • Do not color or perm your hair for 5-6 weeks

Cost of RF lifting

The price for RF face and body lifting at the International Hemostasis Clinic is the most affordable. The cost is calculated for each client separately, taking into account individual characteristics, skin condition, severity of the problem, and area in need of correction.

To get detailed advice, call +7 or fill out the feedback form. Our administrators will answer all your questions.

Non-surgical facelift using the VIPline device

Microcurrent skin therapy using the Gezatone device

Non-surgical facelift

Examples of completed work

Before starting the operation, the surgeon talks in detail with the patient, finding out what results he wants to achieve. The doctor determines the scope of work, after which the exact price of the operation is announced. In our clinic, the cost of a circular lift for men starts from 105 thousand rubles.

A circumferential lift is a complex operation that requires high professionalism from the surgeon. These are the kind of surgeons who work at the El.En. clinic; they guarantee the safety and effectiveness of the operation, the absence of a mask effect (occurs due to doctors’ mistakes) and other complications. Our surgeons have performed dozens of circumferential lifts, each time receiving positive feedback from patients.

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