Facial cleansing: mechanical, chemical, ultrasonic

Our skin is constantly exposed to the environment. Ultraviolet radiation, dust and dirt, frequent stress and hormonal imbalances negatively affect the condition and health of the epidermis. Constant makeup causes pores to become clogged with makeup residue, even if we wash it off thoroughly.

To stay healthy and clean, the skin needs daily cleansing and gentle care. There are a huge number of cosmetics, masks, peelings and scrubs for cleansing and moisturizing the face. But can home care completely rid the skin of impurities and give it freshness and beauty?

Unfortunately, home remedies are superficial and have short-lived effects. Cosmetologists have long proven that professional facial cleansing is necessary at least once a month. Only with the help of high-quality salon products and special tools can a positive and effective result be achieved.

Why do you need facial cleansing from a cosmetologist? Kinds

Particulate matter and harmful substances, which are more than enough in the air of large cities, mix with makeup residues and secretions of the sebaceous glands, leading to a sallow complexion, acne, inflammation and premature aging. Daily cosmetic procedures are not able to completely cleanse the skin of impurities. That is why regular visits to a cosmetologist for complex cleansing procedures at least once every three months become a necessity. With their help, you will eliminate surface impurities, dead epidermal cells, acne and blackheads, and stimulate metabolism and blood circulation. But first you need to choose a facial cleansing technique in the salon.

Depending on the condition of the skin and the presence of indications and contraindications, the following types of cleaning can be carried out: - mechanical (manual or manual); — hardware (ultrasonic, vacuum and galvanic); - chemical; - combined.

Why is it beneficial to use cleaning in a salon setting (rather than doing it at home)?

  1. Steaming using different techniques . At home, you only have herbal water baths. In the salon they will look at your skin type, condition, and features. After this, you can choose a vaporizer, special paraffin masks, mini-saunas.
  2. Sterility at the maximum level . The cosmetologist, who is responsible for the procedure and the result, uses sterile instruments, clean gloves, disinfectant materials and much more.
  3. Painless procedures (especially if you choose vacuum and ultrasonic cleaning, brossage). Everything happens painlessly, your skin is under reliable protection. The effectiveness in getting rid of blackheads and acne is high.
  4. Choice of procedures : galvanic, mechanical, ultrasonic and others. A cosmetologist will always assess the condition of your skin and suggest the best option.

Don’t forget about the disadvantages : the same ultrasonic cleaning will cost you 1,000 – 3,000 rubles. To completely cleanse your facial skin of acne and blackheads, you will need approximately 5 sessions.

Mechanical facial cleansing

Indications for mechanical facial cleansing include oily skin with clogged pores and non-inflamed acne. It is carried out with fingers wrapped in a sterile napkin and special devices. All instruments are sterile. It is the requirement of sterility that causes mechanical cleaning in a beauty salon.

Before mechanical cleansing, the face must be cleansed and the pores opened. Therefore, as preparatory procedures, it is necessary to remove makeup and cleanse the skin with special lotions, foam, and cleansing gel, depending on the condition of the skin and its characteristics. If the skin is too dirty, the cosmetologist applies a cleansing mask. Most often, this result is achieved by steaming the skin. However, in case of asthma, hirsutism, proximity of blood vessels, dry thin skin, steaming is contraindicated; in this case, special warming creams are used to open the pores.

The cosmetologist should take about 20 minutes, since during this time the skin has time to cool down and the pores close. During mechanical cleaning, it is important not to miss the moment when the pores begin to shrink, otherwise the procedure will become extremely painful, and the possibility of microtrauma and infection will greatly increase.

If there is a lot of inflammation on the face, then cleaning must be done in several stages until all the pores are cleaned.

After cleansing the face, procedures are carried out to disinfect the skin and tighten the pores. This is exposure to an infrared lamp, darsonvalization (exposure using electric current). Masks are also used that provide a calming and anti-inflammatory effect. A soothing massage (for example, cryomassage) is also performed.

The procedure is used not only to cleanse the face, but also to cleanse the skin of the décolleté and back. It is recommended to repeat the procedure every two months.

However, there are also contraindications for mechanical facial cleansing. These are dry skin, its sensitivity and tendency to inflammation, fragility of blood vessels, as well as diseases such as herpes and eczema, furunculosis, hypertension, bronchial asthma.


The times when it was impossible to go outside for a week after cleansing your face are long gone, but still, the quality result of the procedure also depends on proper care after it.

  • Don't touch your face unless necessary
  • Do not wash your face with very hot or very cold water.
  • Avoid overheating your skin
  • Avoid solariums, baths, saunas and swimming pools for at least two weeks.
  • Moisturize your skin well
  • Avoid direct sunlight
  • Use products with SPF factor. Be sure to follow all the specialist’s instructions and do not forget about moisturizing and nourishing the skin; Protective moisturizer SPF30 with a matting effect can help with this

Ultrasonic facial cleansing

Acne, oily seborrhea, hyperpigmentation, dermatitis, keratosis, oily skin with comedones and atonic skin are indications for ultrasonic facial cleansing. To carry it out, a special ultrasound machine is used. During ultrasonic cleansing, the face is exposed to ultrashort waves that penetrate deeply into the skin.

Ultrasonic facial cleansing does not injure the skin and is absolutely painless. At the same time, ultrasound not only deeply cleanses the skin of impurities - during ultrasonic facial cleansing, micromassage of the skin and smoothing of fine wrinkles are carried out simultaneously.

Before ultrasonic cleaning, the skin is cleansed of makeup and impurities using regular cleansers, then special products are applied to it, which, under the influence of ultrasound, cause old cells to exfoliate. During ultrasonic facial cleansing, the entire upper dead layer of skin is exfoliated, all impurities come out of the pores to the surface of the skin, which are immediately removed by a specialist. Superficial peeling of the facial skin occurs.

After ultrasonic cleaning, pores are reduced and skin oiliness is noticeably reduced. Therefore, those with dry skin need to use various moisturizing creams and masks.

Due to the fact that ultrasonic cleaning is carried out without preliminary steaming, it is suitable for skin with vascular mesh.

After ultrasonic facial cleansing, no additional procedures are required to soothe the skin. However, it is advisable to carry out ultraphonophoresis (injection of various nutritional preparations into the skin).

The procedure takes 15-20 minutes.

Ultrasonic cleaning has contraindications, such as: - face lift using gold threads; — recently undergone maxillofacial surgery; - cardiovascular diseases; - acute infections; - second half of pregnancy.

So, what is this procedure?

  • The master cleanses the skin of blackheads and pimples, both with his hands and with the help of certain tools.
  • Before the procedure, the facial skin is steamed. The procedure itself lasts about 20 minutes, because it is during this period of time that the pores are open.
  • First, the master will cleanse the skin by using a special strainer (sponge) to remove all dead cells and excess fat.
  • Next, the cosmetologist proceeds directly to cleansing the pores. The most important thing is that everything is done with sterile instruments and exclusively with the help of special napkins.
  • If more than 20 minutes have passed and the face has not yet been cleaned, then another hot compress is applied. Without this compress, the procedure will be painful and ineffective.
  • After the skin cleansing process is completed, several masks are applied to the face in succession: first a disinfectant, then a vitamin one, and then a moisturizer.
  • It is worth saying that this procedure leaves behind red marks, dots and marks that will be visible for 1-2 days after the procedure, so you should not do it on the eve of an important event.
  • Also, after the procedure, you should not wash your face for 12 hours, and for the next 3 days it is better to refrain from sunbathing and using chemical cosmetics.
  • The cost of this procedure is 1000-2000 rubles.

Combined facial cleansing

To better cleanse the skin and improve its condition, cosmetologists combine various types of facial cleansing. Combined (also known as complex) cleaning is a sequence of two procedures: mechanical (manual) and hardware (most often ultrasonic). These methods enhance each other's effectiveness and minimize possible pain during the session.

Combined facial cleansing removes impurities from the skin. In this case, special devices are used, and manual action can be used as additional measures.

The surface of the facial skin is cleaned using a special device that draws the skin into itself. But the “T” zone is cleaned manually. Hardware cleaning allows you to completely remove the layer of keratinized cells, reduce the formation of age spots and redness, and eliminate swelling. Mechanical cleansing actively fights pimples, acne and fatty deposits.

Combined facial cleansing helps to cope with problems such as excessive oiliness of the skin, sebaceous plugs, acne, pimples, blackheads, unhealthy complexion, wrinkles, enlarged pores, swelling, keratosis, minor scars, stretch marks, etc.

The frequency of complex cleansing depends on the type and condition of the skin, so the required number of procedures and their frequency can only be determined by a specialist.

What are the indications and contraindications for the procedure?

Before you decide to undergo ultrasonic facial cleansing, you should visit a dermatologist, since this type of cleansing is not always suitable for a specific type of skin condition. So, the indications for prescribing cleaning are:

  • comedones;
  • acne;
  • uneven and dull complexion;
  • the presence of local inflammation and swelling;
  • enlarged pores clogged with impurities;
  • seborrhea;
  • oily skin type;
  • decreased skin turgor and elasticity.

In what cases is ultrasonic cleaning inappropriate or undesirable? Among the contraindications, doctors note:

  • exacerbation of acne;
  • the presence of benign and malignant tumors;
  • the presence of acute forms of infectious and inflammatory processes;
  • implantation of “golden threads”;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • epilepsy;
  • most diseases of the cardiovascular system: severe ischemic disease, arrhythmia, tachycardia;
  • acute thrombophlebitis;
  • facial paralysis and neuralgic pathologies.

During pregnancy, the procedure is extremely undesirable for the expectant mother.

Professional facial cleansing in Krasnodar

Each type of facial cleansing has its own indications and contraindications, taking into account which, as well as based on the type of skin and its condition, the cosmetologist will prescribe the type of cleansing, so you should not chase fashion, but rather listen to the recommendations of a specialist.

The cost of facial cleansing in our clinic is always at affordable prices, we also constantly have promotions and discounts for our patients on various cosmetic procedures. You can find out more about facial cleansing procedures by calling our toll-free number or using the feedback form.

Chemical cleaning (peeling)

This procedure is carried out not only to eliminate acne and inflammation, but also to treat uneven skin, scars and post-acne. Cleansing is achieved through the complex effects of various acids. The advantage of chemical peeling is deep cleansing and the launch of regenerative processes that promote skin renewal. Peeling can be superficial, medium and deep. The most effective results can be achieved with deep peeling. However, such cleaning has its drawbacks: it leaves behind severe redness and marks, which will take some time to heal.

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