Allergies during pregnancy: the effect of allergies on the fetus

What your facial skin tells you during pregnancy

Often, you can guess that a woman is expecting a baby even before the characteristic roundness appears in the abdominal area. Just look at it: very often the skin of the face changes noticeably in the early stages of pregnancy. This is due to hormonal changes occurring in the body. Such changes do not always please the expectant mother, but it is important to understand that they are completely natural.


The first thing you can notice is changes in facial skin tone during pregnancy. Often the expectant mother’s cheeks are too brightly colored. This indicates an increased load on the blood vessels, which is quite natural during pregnancy. If a woman already had freckles, they may become even more noticeable. Brown-haired and brunette women often encounter chloasma, popularly known as the mask of pregnant women. In this case, individual areas on the forehead, cheeks, chin, as well as on the back of the nose and under the lip darken. Because of this, the skin of the face acquires an uneven shade. Skin pigmentation in expectant mothers is completely natural: this is a consequence of increased levels of progesterone in the body. But don’t think that such changes will remain forever. Even if the skin of the face deteriorates during pregnancy, as a rule, after the birth of the baby, it gradually returns to its previous shade. So it is not necessary to resort to complex procedures to combat pigmentation, just be patient.


Many women expecting a baby experience swelling. They are especially noticeable on the face. Due to swelling, it becomes larger and rounder. Such changes can be expressed to varying degrees. How to determine whether swelling has appeared? To do this, gently press on the skin with your finger. If a hole has formed on it, most likely, we are talking about the presence of edema. In this case, it is important to consult with your pregnancy doctor in a timely manner. The specialist will adjust the diet and also prescribe treatment, if necessary.


At the end of the first trimester of pregnancy, many women notice that the amount of hair on their body has increased. Noticeable hairs may also appear on the face. This is due to the increase in the level of androgens, sex hormones, that occurs during this period. To remove facial hair, you can use tweezers, sugar or wax hair removal. However, during pregnancy it is not recommended to use chemicals to combat unwanted vegetation. In fact, it is not at all necessary to remove hairs that have grown on your face and body: they will disappear on their own about six months after giving birth.


Many women complain that their perfectly clean skin has deteriorated during pregnancy: pimples have appeared on it. Rashes can be associated with both an allergic reaction and hormonal disorders. When it comes to allergies, a small, clearly visible rash usually appears on the skin, which may be accompanied by itching. With hormonal changes associated with an increase in progesterone levels, the work of the sebaceous glands is activated. As a result, acne may appear on a pregnant woman's face. The occurrence of such problems is facilitated by an unbalanced diet, genetic factors, and lack of fresh air. If acne appears, you should consult a dermatologist, making sure to inform the specialist about your ongoing pregnancy. The doctor will select therapy taking into account the woman’s condition: not all components of medicinal creams, lotions and other products are approved for use during this period.


You should not think that carrying a baby will certainly lead to a deterioration in the appearance of the expectant mother. It often happens that the skin of the face during pregnancy glows with health and beauty! Hormonal changes can improve cell function and have a rejuvenating effect on the body. In addition, the expectant mother has the power to properly care for her skin to help maintain its elasticity, softness and healthy tone.


Use suitable cosmetics. During this period, it is especially important to study the composition of cosmetics. To cleanse the skin, it is recommended to use mild products without aggressive components. If rashes appear, the best option is doctor-recommended products with antiseptic ingredients. You can use cosmetics designed specifically for pregnant women.

Protect your skin from the sun. At any time of the year, it is important to apply cream with SPF factor before going outside. Exposure to ultraviolet light can increase pigmentation, which appears under the influence of hormonal changes.

Choose gentle procedures. Deep peelings and traumatic mechanical facial cleansing are not suitable for pregnant women, because during this period the skin becomes especially sensitive and the pain threshold decreases.

Watch your diet. It is recommended to include foods rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, fiber, and vitamins in the menu.

Lead a healthy lifestyle. Regular walks in the fresh air, good sleep, moderate physical activity - all this is beneficial not only for the skin, but also for the health of the pregnant child.

Dear men, loving husbands!

Remember that your pregnant wife is an “unusual” person the entire time she is carrying your child. That is why a loving husband should not allow his wife to overwork herself with housework. A pregnant woman needs to create favorable conditions so that she can safely bear and give birth to a child, i.e. so that her body can qualitatively adapt to changing conditions as the pregnancy progresses (the baby grows, develops, eats, “breathes,” etc. - conditions are constantly changing).

If a pregnant woman’s body cannot adapt normally, then she will experience various unfavorable conditions, primarily for the child. For a woman, these are also unfavorable conditions. In especially severe cases, pregnancy is sacrificed to save the woman, because... terminating a pregnancy in this condition immediately leads to recovery (conditionally to recovery), but your child will no longer be born.

Always take care of women! And especially during pregnancy!

Function of the gastrointestinal tract

There are changes in the function of the gastrointestinal tract. A number of women experience a perversion of taste sensations such as aversion to certain types of food (meat, fats), the appearance of taste whims (the desire to eat even clay, chalk), an increase in appetite, and in some cases its decrease. Due to a decrease in gastric secretion, the evacuation ability of the stomach slows down. Intestinal function in pregnant women is characterized by decreased tone and decreased intestinal motility, which determines the tendency to bloating, constipation, and hemorrhoids.


Characterized by an increase in metabolic processes.

  • Basal metabolism and oxygen consumption increase, especially in the second half of pregnancy and childbirth.
  • Changes in water-electrolyte metabolism are characterized by fluids.
  • Carbohydrate metabolism is characterized by an increase in glucose in the blood, and when the body is overloaded with carbohydrates, it appears in the urine (glucosuria). During pregnancy, latent forms of diabetes mellitus appear.
  • The content of fats and cholesterol in the blood increases, but no pathological manifestation of this condition is observed. There is increased fat deposition with a characteristic distribution in the subcutaneous tissue, mammary glands, lower abdomen, thighs, and buttocks. Fats are used to build the tissues of the body of the mother and fetus, and are also energy material.
  • During pregnancy, there is an increased need for vitamins (A, B, D, C, E, K, PP).
  • In some women, due to pregnancy, sweating increases and the discharge of liquid salts from the vagina, which are a mixture of mucus and transudate of the vasculature of the genital organs, increases.

The variety of external and internal changes in a woman’s body increases with increasing pregnancy, are characteristic only of the state of pregnancy and are aimed at creating optimal conditions for the development of the fetus and the course of labor.

That is why the norms characteristic of non-pregnant women cannot be transferred to pregnant women.

The norm of pregnancy is considered to be the average statistical indicators of functional tests characteristic of uncomplicated development of pregnancy.

Each trimester of pregnancy has its own norms. Knowledge of the norms allows you to avoid unreasonable actions that can cause a violation of the physiological balance established between the fetus and the mother’s body.

Signs of pregnancy

Pregnancy is an important and joyful event in a woman’s life.
Some people manage to conceive a child right away, others only after unsuccessful attempts and long-term infertility treatment. But as soon as it is decided to have a child, a woman impatiently waits to see two lines on a pregnancy test. And time drags on for so long! The first signs of pregnancy can tell a woman much earlier than any test that she is already pregnant. If you have any problems or doubts, please contact our clinic in St. Petersburg. We will help you not only accurately determine the presence and duration of pregnancy, but also predict possible complications of bearing a child using modern methods.

The fetoplacental system is like a new endocrine gland

After implantation of the zygote in the uterine cavity, a new endocrine gland begins to form in the woman’s body - the placenta (baby place).

The placenta has two parts: fetal and maternal, the blood circulation of which never mixes. These parts of the placenta are as close as possible, which allows for the exchange of substances between the body of the mother and the fetus, i.e., in essence, allows the child to “eat, write and breathe,” and, therefore, grow and develop.

Metabolism between the mother and fetus is the main factor for its development. The exchange is carried out due to the permeability of the placenta, which is disrupted in most acute and chronic complications during pregnancy. Violation of the integrity of parts of the placenta and deterioration of its permeability leads to fetal death and termination of pregnancy.

The death of the fetus and termination of pregnancy is also possible for another reason, when the mother’s body suddenly decides that the fetus is a foreign protein for it. But this is actually true. However, nature has provided a protective mechanism that does not allow the mother's immune system to recognize antigens of paternal origin embedded in the child.

This protective mechanism consists of certain factors that block the mother’s immune system and provide local immunological comfort. With spontaneous abortions, blocking factors in the mother's blood are reduced or absent.

The placenta produces a wide range of hormones and specific proteins that enter the mother's blood and amniotic fluid. They regulate the normal course of pregnancy and fetal development by changing the function of other endocrine glands and life support organs in general.

By the level of hormones and specific proteins of the placenta, determined in the mother’s blood, in the fetal blood or in the amniotic fluid, the condition of the fetus and the function of the placenta can be assessed, which is what obstetric endocrinology deals with. Thus, studying the endocrine function of the fetoplacental complex can significantly improve the diagnosis of the fetal condition at different stages of pregnancy.

The appearance of a new endocrine gland leads to other changes in the female body.

The appearance of a woman changes. Appears:

  • pigmentation of the skin (forehead, cheeks, chin, upper lip, white line of the abdomen, nipples and parapapillary zones), which is associated with significant stimulation of pigment formation by skin cells. The formation of pigment depends on the melanoform hormone of the adrenal gland, increased production of which occurs during pregnancy;
  • low-grade body temperature is noted , which can last up to 16-20 weeks of pregnancy and is associated with hormonal fluctuations.

From the moment the placenta begins to produce progesterone, the temperature decreases and returns to normal.

  • There is engorgement and soreness of the mammary gland due to an increase in its volume as a result of the proliferation of glandular tissue, enlargement of the nipples and protrusion of the areolar glands. In the second half of pregnancy, colostrum may be released;
  • violation of facial proportions (enlargement of the nose, lips, chin, thyroid gland, especially in the second half of pregnancy), some enlargement of the limbs;
  • stretching of the tissues of the anterior abdominal wall , mammary gland, thighs and the appearance of striae (“pregnant stripes”) in these areas (stria gravidarum). Their occurrence is associated with excessive stretching of the abdominal wall; this is more often observed in persons with a large abdominal volume (large fetus, polyhydramnios, multiple pregnancy) or with some lack of elastic fibers in the skin;
  • varicose veins worsen or appear for the first time , especially in the lower extremities;
  • The “proud posture and gait” of a pregnant woman is caused by a shift in the center of gravity of the body , increased mobility of the pelvic joints and limited mobility of the hip joints.
  • Progressive increase in body weight , which is caused both by the growth of the fetus and uterus, and by the characteristics of metabolic processes and fluid retention in tissues. The average weight gain during pregnancy is 10-12 kg, of which 5-6 kg is due to the fertilized egg (fetus, placenta, amniotic fluid), 1.5-2 kg for enlarged uterus and mammary glands, 3-3.5 kg - to directly increase a woman’s body weight.

Before childbirth (3-4 days), a pregnant woman’s body weight drops by 1.0-1.5 kg, due to the peculiarities of metabolic processes.

What are the first signs of pregnancy?

A woman may notice symptoms of pregnancy in the first days. A week after conception, the fertilized egg is implanted into the lining of the uterine wall. The process is sometimes accompanied by slight bleeding (or spotting). Scanty pinkish discharge (so-called implantation bleeding) is the first symptom of pregnancy. But most often the woman does not pay attention to them.

Cramps and aching pain in the lower abdomen also warn of pregnancy. They are determined by the tone of the uterus, which will soon become a cozy home for the child.

One of the most reliable signs of pregnancy is an increase in basal temperature. Let us remind you how to measure it. In the morning, while lying in bed, insert the thermometer into the rectum. During ovulation, the temperature usually rises to 37°C and above, and then drops. And when pregnancy occurs, it will remain elevated. Although there are exceptions, this happens with diseases of various kinds.

Women often say that they guessed they were pregnant by changes in their breasts. The bra suddenly became tight, the breasts became very sensitive, the nipple circles darkened, and droplets of liquid began to come out of the nipples.

Many expectant mothers feel drowsiness and increased fatigue from the first days.

It happens that women become sensitive to smells and experience previously unusual cravings for certain foods. Sometimes in the first days after conception, nausea appears in the morning (and not only).

You may experience only one of the above pregnancy symptoms or several. It happens that the early symptoms are minor, and you may not pay attention to them. Most of these feelings will probably stay with you until you give birth. Or maybe you won’t even guess about your situation before the delay, or, on the contrary, you will invent signs of pregnancy for yourself, hoping for a long-awaited event. However, signs of pregnancy at a later date will in any case dispel doubts.

Ultrasound and laboratory tests

Ultrasound is one of the important stages of the first screening of pregnant women, but it is not necessary to do it in the very first week after the expected conception. This research will not be informative yet. It will be needed later to track the stages of development of the baby, monitor his condition and the health of the expectant mother.

The only way to confirm conception in the early stages is a blood test for hCG. But since the production of this hormone does not begin from the first day of pregnancy, but only on the seventh or eighth, there is no need to donate blood immediately after the alleged conception. In the first week, even this analysis will not be informative.

No matter how much you would like to make sure that a happy event has already happened, this will not be possible in the first days after pregnancy. In just a week, it will be possible to confirm the guess through a laboratory blood test. For now, you just have to wait. Very soon the body will definitely answer the main question, and there will be no more doubts.

The structure of the external (and internal) genital organs changes

  • The external genitalia become swollen and hyperemic. Cyanosis of the mucous membranes of the vaginal part of the cervix, vagina and its vestibule occurs, which indicates vasodilatation and blood stasis, facilitating serous permeation of the tissues necessary for the deposition of nutrients at the site of attachment of the fertilized egg to the uterine wall.
  • The vagina expands and lengthens somewhat during pregnancy. The walls of the vagina are swollen and thickened. The discharge becomes more abundant, mucous in nature, milky white or yellowish in color with an acidic reaction. In a healthy pregnant woman, the vagina has I-II degrees of cleanliness.

The uterus changes the most during pregnancy compared to other organs.

Its size increases during pregnancy in all respects:

  • weight - from 50-100 g to 1-2 kg!!!
  • length - from 7-9 cm to 50 cm,
  • volume - 500 times, reaching 2-3,000 cm3 (liters) or more.

Accordingly, changes occur in all tissues, blood supply and innervation of the uterus:

  • The shape and position of the uterus changes during pregnancy. As the uterus grows, it emerges from the pelvis into the abdominal cavity, rising in the 9th month of pregnancy to the xiphoid process. The shape of the uterus is asymmetrical due to the bulging of the part where the placenta is attached.
  • Thin arteries and veins of the uterus turn into powerful trunks, which become corkscrew-shaped, tortuous, which allows maintaining normal blood supply during pronounced changes in the uterus during pregnancy and during contraction of its muscles during childbirth.
  • The volume of blood circulation in the uterus during pregnancy increases tens of times, providing uteroplacental blood flow, which is carried out according to the principle of blood supply to vital organs and remains relatively optimal even under various stresses (blood loss, anemia). This ensures the survival of the fetus in extreme situations.
  • The receptor system of the uterus changes: during pregnancy, the sensitivity of the uterus to stimulating factors decreases, before childbirth, the excitability of the uterus increases, some of the nervous structures are lost in order to reduce pain information from the uterus during childbirth.

With the appearance of the placenta, a pregnancy dominant arises in the cerebral cortex, which ensures clear coordination of the functions of all organs and systems in the interests of the developing fetus.

Women note a decrease in performance, increased drowsiness, or vice versa, they are irritated, they have nausea, drooling, periodic vomiting, which is classified as mild and the occurrence of which corresponds to the phase of functional changes in the nervous system.

Pregnant women have increased suggestibility and self-hypnosis, which is taken into account when conducting psychoprophylactic preparation for childbirth.

Phenomena of paresthesia, neuralgic pain, spasms of muscle groups, numbness of the fingers and other disorders may occur. Increased excitability of peripheral nerves is also manifested by increased knee reflexes.

With all this, sexual excitability decreases , and you, dear husbands, must be prepared for this. No need, under no circumstances!!! (remember about increased suggestibility and self-hypnosis) do not show your grievances that your wife is cold and inattentive to you, which means she has stopped loving you. She still loves you, she is already carrying your child and she has a dominant in her cerebral cortex - to endure pregnancy at all costs. And there is no escape from this.

  • In a pregnant woman, the functions of some analyzers change - hearing, vision, smell!!! A pregnant woman's sense of smell can become so strong that the woman will react to the lightest (hardly perceptible) odors.

Please keep in mind, dear men, when a woman feels bad, feels sick, and the world is generally in shades of grey, for some reason unhappy thoughts come into her head, which can lead to a deterioration in her condition and, as a consequence, to termination of pregnancy.

During pregnancy, changes affect other organs as well.

The adrenal glands increase in size during pregnancy due to cortical hyperplasia, and the glucocorticoid and mineralocorticoid function of the adrenal glands increases accordingly.

Strengthening the function of the adrenal cortex during pregnancy is aimed at increasing protective and adaptive mechanisms, including during childbirth.

The thyroid gland increases in volume and function increases. Goiter in pregnant women is observed, especially in areas endemic for goiter (little iodine in soil and water) and hyperthyroidism without thyrotoxicosis. Strengthening the function of the thyroid gland is associated with the influence of placental hormones on it. Clinical thyrotoxicosis does not develop due to increased binding of free hormones by plasma proteins. The protein-bound form of the hormone is subsequently utilized by the fetus and the mother’s body, since the need for it increases with the development of pregnancy, before the onset of fetal thyroid function.

The parathyroid glands (calcium metabolism) undergo hypertrophy, their functional activity increases due to the increased need for calcium, which is a plastic material for the formation of the musculoskeletal system of the fetus. If there is insufficient intake or impaired absorption, the fetus receives calcium from the tissues of the mother’s body (bones, teeth), which can manifest itself as osteoporosis, fragility and dental caries. During pregnancy, the concentration of calcium in the blood increases. The content of phosphorus compounds, iron and a number of microelements (cobalt, iodine, manganese, copper) also decreases in the blood plasma. The deficiency of these substances is due to the needs of the fetus and increased metabolic reactions, the enzyme systems of which include some of the micro- and macroelements.

Pancreas – strengthening the function of the insulin-producing apparatus. As a result, carbohydrates are absorbed very well and are deposited in the mother’s liver and in the tissues of the fetus. Women with diabetes always give birth to large children due to the utilization of excess carbohydrates by the fetus. Some pregnant women experience glucosuria (sugar in the urine), which is not pathological and manifests itself with normal or even low carbohydrate levels in the blood.

The pituitary gland in pregnant women increases in volume and is difficult to fit in the sella turcica; hyperproduction of growth hormone (GH) is observed, which, penetrating the placenta, stimulates the growth of the embryo. This hormone also affects the lactogenic function of the mammary gland, causing in some cases an enlargement of the nose, lips, and fingers.

Effect of pregnancy on liver function

The liver during pregnancy is in a state of high functional tension. However, in healthy women during the physiological course of pregnancy, the functioning of the liver is not impaired.


  1. slight increase in liver size in the absence of pronounced histological changes;
  2. there is a decrease in the antitoxic function of the liver;
  3. the level of protein in the blood serum decreases, by the time of childbirth it can reach 60 g/l;
  4. the result of changes in the composition of serum proteins is an increase in ESR;
  5. blood clotting and fibrinolysis changes. These changes help increase blood clotting ability.

Symptoms and mechanisms of development of urticaria

The appearance of the main symptoms of urticaria - blisters and redness - is associated with the mechanism of development of the disease. This is an increase in vascular permeability and acute swelling in the tissues that surround the vessels.

The mast cell plays a leading role in the development of urticaria. These are special immune cells, the granules of which contain special biologically active substances (mediators). The most studied of them is histamine. It is because of its action that the symptoms of urticaria arise - rashes, redness, swelling, itching.

A blistering rash appears suddenly on any part of the body, disappears quickly and without a trace within 24 hours, and then appears elsewhere. When you press on the center of the redness, a white spot is visible.

The itching begins at the same time as the rash. This is how histamine acts on nerve endings.

Depending on the factor that activated the release of histamine from mast cell granules, different types of urticaria are distinguished.

In children with urticaria, there may be a deterioration in their general condition: increased body temperature, disruption of the digestive system (diarrhea).

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